I’ve stopped experiencing pleasure in prostate

I’ve been doing prostate play for maybe 3 or 4 months and like 2 months ago the pleasure has went away and I don’t feel much anymore. I used to be able to get pleasure by just doing kegels but now I get nothing. I used nipple play to increase pleasure as well but now all I get is a ticklish feeling and sometimes a build up of pleasure if the aneros is positioned right but then it decreases. Orgasms are still better when aneros is inserted but I just feel nothing in my prostate now. Is there anything i can do to get the pleasure back? I can’t smoke weed either btw.


Everytime I feel something good happening or my pelvis is glowing /tingling, I’ll always reach a point where I feel like I’m about to pee.

I’ve tried resisting a few times but always without fail, the fear of peeing myself will overtake any relaxation I have and I’ll go to the bathroom. When I returned, all the sensation I’ve built up will be gone and the session is spoiled

Any idea what’s happen and what Im doing wrong

The continuing orgasms

I have been playing with my Aneros toys now for about 4 yrs. I love the feelings and the pleasure I get from them. But from the very first time I got a supper O, they have always been hands free wet orgasms. Which would end my session, because I would lose the horny feeling. But the other day I was having sex and was very high on gummies. During sex I have a major O. And then I started getting non stop mini Os one after the other. Just like I read about in the forms and blogs. My body was on fire it did not matter where I was touched another mini O would fire off. I was able to cum 4 times during out hours of sex, cumming each time and able to keep going without losing my hard on. It was incredible the mini Os were non stop, because my partner was touching my body everywhere and sucking on my nipples, my body was tingling all over. My prostate was on fire and I did not even have a toy in me. But it felt like there was the helix sync in there moving on its own. This lasted so long it was like a dream. I started to get worried because hours after the sex stopped I was still getting mini Os. Without even having my partner touch me. I was finally about to fall asleep and the minis Os stopped. But all I can say is I can’t wait to see if I can get back to that state where the mini Os are non stop. I would like to know if any one has had this happen to them after using the toys.

Thank you

I’m so thankful for this sub being everything that it is. All of you are doing such a service for this AMAZING, POWERFUL, and LIBERATING discovery of the biology inside a man’s body! It’s been a safe place for me to learn and continually grow in my own prostate journey! I sincerely want to thank you ALL, and can’t wait for more of this to cumšŸ˜‰
Go get ’em menšŸ«”

Tingling sensation

So I had another session today, and I think I experienced some mild p waves, but nothing huge. I do feel like I’m making progress.

During the waves, my nerve endings at the bottom of my feet, down my arms, in behind my ears and even in my teeth felt so charged. Like all of my skin felt like it was buzzing and tingling.

I did cum but about an hour after the session, I still have mild sensations and tingling in those areas. Like my skin is still pretty tingly and I the bottoms of my feet very sensitive.

Does it take a while for the sensations to come down? It’s been almost an hour and I’m trying to focus at work haha.

What did I just experience? is there a name for this?

My wife and I used the Aneros vice together for the first time. I felt that it was different from when we were making out because I was incredibly turned on and so hard. The pulses just seemed to hit harder. So after a while of making out and her using her own vibrator on herself and cumming, she mounted me and slowly started riding me.

This also felt different as when she moved, it didn’t really feel like the pleasure was coming from my penis but from my entire pelvis. we kissed and she moved up and down very, very slowly. many times i stopped her when I wanted to extend the pleasure. Finally I felt it building and building until the pleasure washed over me. I felt that I was orgasming a few seconds before I felt my cock pulsing inside her. only after a few seconds did i feel my cock pulsing which signaled an ejaculation. I felt intense pleasure in my body and legs and an orgasm that felt better than any i’ve had before and lasted equally long. maybe close to 30 seconds. Afterwards, it didn’t stop abruptly like an orgasm usually does but faded.

Increased arousal?

Hi šŸ‘‹ 28M. So I recently decided to stop jerking and focus solely on my prostate sessions. Iā€™ve been abstaining for about a week now and my session with my Aneros this morning felt pretty good as it was my first session since Iā€™ve been abstaining.

What happened afterwards is what surprised me. Once I decided to end the session, I slipped out my helix, stood up, and was instantly rock hard and throbbing. Not only that but my nipples were also rock hard and I was slowly leaking pre. It went on for a few hours like on and off.

Iā€™m obviously craving an O, so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s my bodyā€™s way of adjusting to a new type of play. Does anyone else feel like this after their session or randomly throughout the day? If so, is this a sign of ā€œprogressā€ or anything?

Any advice

What toys should a new person get? I bought a set of training plugs and love the feeling and want to explore more. What do u reccomend to get?

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Questions about “reverse kegels”

Can someone please explain what reverse kegels actually means? I understand squeezing and flexing my pc muscle and my anus… I just don’t know what this term is describing. Probably very much sophomoric and I should already know…

WTF happened to me?

Yesterday I had the place to myself and decided to put in a session with my Maximus. I had taken a few drops of HHC tincture earlier on, and was feeling the effects. I felt very relaxed and quite aroused. I popped in the Maximus and laid down on the bed, on my side with one leg pulled up to my chest.

Up until now I haven’t had any kind of orgasm with Aneros toys, so I can’t be sure what has happened. I can only say that I never felt this much pleasure in my life, I was literally moaning aloud which rarely happens to me.

I usually get very pleasurable feelings during my sessions, but I have never experienced a P-wave. When I relax, my breathing tends to become slower and shallower. However, having read multiple times that deep and rhythmic breathing is key, this time I made a conscious effort to keep breathing slowly and deeply. What happened next is nothing short of amazing.

As I felt the pleasurable feelings grow in my prostate, my breathing went faster and even deeper, up until the point where I was a bit concerned I was about to hyperventilate. But I decided to be curious, go with it and see what happens next. I mentally told myself that I have permission to experience this limitless pleasure.