Hi mates! I’ve been trying to reach the super O or HFDOs with the Aneros, however I am only able to reach wet orgasms with refractory periods, how can I change this? Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you all!

Super-O mindset?

I’ve been doing prostate play on and off over many years, without getting to the Super-O. Except once. I had been doing a session, initially without much success. At a certain point I dozed off, and as the toy got caught up in an involuntary contraction, something special happened. My prostate was sending waves of pleasure along my spine towards my head. That lasted a few minutes. Heavenly. Not full body shaking, just these highly pleasurable waves. This was over 10 years ago, and I’ve been unable to reproduce that sensation ever since.

Generally, I’m quite impatient (waiting in line is torture) and I have a very active and analytical mind. I’ve tried to go into hypnotic trance for a long time, using different files, but without any success. Even an IRL session with a certified hypnotist (just for helping me to relax) went nowhere. It would seem that I’m just unable to “let go”. Also, it takes a long time for me to fall asleep at night (30-60 minutes on average).

Where am I going with this? I’m wondering if I’m “doing it wrong” somehow. I’m not expecting a miracle solution, but I’d be interested if there are other people like me out there, and if they were able to “get there” somehow. What did you do to relax? Did you use a specific technique?

First Super O

Finally had my first super O last night and it was intense, and I owe it all to marijuana. I recently got into weed and it has really helped me make progress. My 3rd time pairing my sessions with weed, I started having my first HFDO’s; it was also my first time using coconut oil as lube. I was using my Helix Syn V and had it at the lowest intensity, 2nd pattern. The weed heightened the sensation and really helped me focus directly on the pleasure coming from my prostate, which led to some dry O’s. The day after this session, I felt like my prostate was craving more, which was a new feeling for me. I decided to go with it and have another session, this time without weed. Instead of chasing an orgasm, I decided to focus on staying relaxed and really focus on the feelings coming from my prostate. I felt more in touch with it than I had before using weed. I had a couple more sessions like this over the week where I would just focus on getting in touch with my prostate and identify the feelings it was giving. But then last night I decided to pair my session with weed again now that I was more in touch with my prostate. I used my Helix Syn V again with the same settings, and let it go for 40 mins to wake up my prostate while I watched a show on Hulu. After this I took some hits off my weed pen and started to focus on the feelings. Pretty soon I could feel the pleasure building and I had a dry orgasm that before it could end chained into a 2nd dry orgasm that was even stronger. Several mintues later this happened again, I had 3 dry orgasms that chained into each other and grew in intensity each time. I was in heaven, and while it was happening I was thinking that maybe these were Super O’s. But then the 3rd dry O chained into the most intense orgasm of my life. I was gripping the back of my couch with all my strength as my body convulsed uncontrollably, just lost in the pleasure that just seemed to keep growing. It lasted for what felt like minutes as I just kept convulsing, moaning, and whimpering uncontrollably. I was flaccid during the dry O’s, but at some point during the super O I got rock hard and starting cumming so hard it felt like I was peeing cum. When it all faded I just lay there breathing heavily in disbelief at what had just happened. People always say you will know without a doubt when you have a super O, and they are 100% right. After a couple minutes of recovery from my super O, I kept going and had a couple more dry orgasms that I could tell would build up into another super O if I stuck with it, but my body felt so tired so I just jacked off for 2 more regular orgasms cause I was still horny. The whole session was about 2 and half hours and I had 6 or 7 dry orgasms, 2 normal orgasms, and a super orgasm. I removed the aneros and it felt like my prostate was buzzing for a while afterwards, and my legs felt trembly and shakey for the rest of the night. It was an amazing experience unlike anything I ever imagined and I can’t wait for my next session. So happy to have made so much progress so fast.

Caffeine and prostate play?

Does anyone here have experience in whether consuming caffeine before a session increases the pleasure or chances of having a super O? I see a lot of people with anecdotes about THC, claiming it completely changed their success rate and it only makes sense that caffeine or nicotine would improve the chances as well. Afterall they are all psychoactive chemicals.

First try with the Maximus Syn

Usual prep and started with the Eupho syn and got some good P-waves then moved on to my new Maximus. I like the feeling much better than the original which always felt just a touch abrasive to me. The P-wave returned and then slowly built to a Super-O. Much better than with the original! Had to cut my session short so didn’t get a lot of time with it so can’t wait until I can give it a longer shot.

First HFDO!

Following on from previous posts about pwaves always ending in HFWO, I experienced my first definite HFDO! Thanks to all of your helpful advice received.

My main point would be that it occurred in a session 2 days after ejaculating through sex. I only usually use my aneros if I’ve not cum for about a week and feel particularly horny. So I’m the urge to squirt cum wasn’t there, and neither was any expectation of orgasm. I had some free time to myself so thought I’d have a play. I was relaxed and quite early on started experiencing pleasurable pwaves. I wasn’t thinking about cumming, just going with the flow. Then (I think) my 4th pwave didn’t subside as usual, it just kept building and building. I was literally losing my mind with the pleasure, lost the sense of where I was, what I was doing and was shaking, writhing around, grabbing bedsheets and growling! And then just a release, lying still and panting heavily wondering what has just happened. I then realised I hadn’t been thinking about my dick at all and felt no need to cum by ejaculation. After a minute or so I started another pwave, less intense this time and I ended the session.

I’ve had a couple of pleasurable sessions since, no HFDO or urge to HFWO, just pwaves which – as someone posted before, to me feel like the start of a HFDO but without the duration or intensity. I need to keep in mind not to chase and go with the flow and hopefully more HFDOs will follow 😃

Mgx Syn or Maximus Syn

Hi guys I am planning to buy another aneros toy. I already have the Helix Syn, the Progasm Jr, the Progasm and the Peridise ser.

Which of both, Maximus or Mgx would you suggest me? How do the differ in terms of feelings?

I like the feeling of fullness but I don’t really like the shape of the Progasm Jr. The standard Progasm is good but in my opinion it is too intense, the Helix is usually my go to.

The Maximus seems to be in the right size, but the shape of the Mgx and the ribbed steem are also very tempting.

Thank you very much!

P and K tab pleasure

I was having a session with the Helix Syn V and it came to me how to engage the P and K tabs.I had always thought they were a little mis-placed.Well I found something that has opened a door for me.When I thrust my hips up the K tab engages and down for the P tab.The whispers start small but thats ok.Another plus is it takes your mind off waiting for the big O.

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