Trying not jerking off for a month

Been using the aneros for years now but have almost always finished a session traditionally. Decided for September I just wouldn’t jerk off at all and would only get off through aneros or anal play. Wanted to have a good session September 1st, so started in August really.

The first session was great, but the second is what really blew my mind. Used my maximus and ended up achieving 4 super o’s throughout the night. It’s hard to describe the intensity of them, it felt like the maximus was completely in control and there was nothing I could do to prevent the orgasms building. A lot of shaking and moaning in the build up, and an unbelievable whole body sensation when it peaked. What I think helped was taking the toy out for a while after an orgasm and putting it back in later. That way I never got desensitized.

The most intense orgasm of all happened after I thought I was done for the night and was lying in bed and it started to feel like my prostate was begging for another round. Reinserted and I started building to an orgasm instantly. Couldn’t have taken longer than 5-10 minutes to reach the warm fully body flooding session of a super I.

No words of advice or anything here, just wanted to talk about it. Best session(s) I’ve ever had by a longshot

First Aneros

Just purchased my first Aneros Helix SYN Trident and can’t wait till it arrives so I can try it out. Been reading some tips on how to get the most of it, didn’t really find any useful how-to vids.

Would love to hear other’s first time with one and maybe some dos and don’ts for us first timers with Aneros.

Maximus Syn

I’m so excited that my Blue Maximus Syn Trident is on the way!! I just had a bit of a breakthrough over the weekend and this couldn’t come any sooner! Did anyone else order one?!?

As much as many of us are on the prostate super-o journey, the amount of prostate awareness isn’t where it needs to be amongst men. I’m African American and all the men in my family have had prostate cancer or some form of it. They are well and healthy now, but the lack of awareness about it may have contributed.

Please support the Prostate Awareness Initiative through the Aneros community. Your pleasure can help support the cause!

Don’t get the urge to pee feeling.

So I just got the comparisyn package since it had a sale going on for it and while the helix syn and eupho I got are very nice feeling, i noticed i don’t get the urge to pee feeling that a lot of people say you get when in contact with the prostate. A little back story though, I started my journey with the prograsm, yeah I know, not the easiest start for someone with no anal play experience. But I read that some newbies could do it. And thus I did do it. Took it very slow and lots of lube and finally got it in. Very interesting first session and then another session later I found the process of getting it out was to lengthy. Do I returned it (the site I ordered offered 30 day back returns, don’t worry, they dispose of the product)

So now that I’ve had more sessions with the prostimulator vx1 and now eupho and helix syn I found I can get things in and out a lot easier than before. Being that I did get the urge to pee with my 2 sessions with the progasm and not with the eupho and helix I’m wondering 2 things. One, I suspect that my prostate is deep and the pointed tip of the progasm just reaches deep enough towards my pelvis that it touches it. And two, should I get the progasm again despite its mobility? I used to think my prostate was deep as in further up my rectum but the eupho is longer than the syn and that doesn’t touch it. And I think the progasm and eupho go the same depth.


Be among the first to experience the Maximus Syn Trident ! Contest will be held THIS weekend only, September 1st – 3rd, with one drawing per day with the winner chosen at random at 9:00pm CST. No obligation to buy. For a chance to win 1) post a comment here describing your interest in the Maximus Syn Trident and 2) UPVOTE this thread.

All winners will be notified in this thread and by DM. ALL WINNERS MUST REPLY WITHIN 2 DAYS OF NOTICE OR ANOTHER WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN AT RANDOM. So if you enter this contest, be sure to keep an eye on this thread all weekend long. All entrants not chosen in the first drawing will be rolled over into the second drawing and so on. All prizes will shipped next week!

Good luck!


Finally Ditched my knockoff for the real deal!

I wanted to share some recent updates in my progress as maybe someone will find the info useful..

After too long using a knockoff (prostimulator vx1)… I finally got my hands on a Eupho trident and I will say it was well worth the investment!

I decide to go Eupho since a lot of users on here report that it is one of the best for those with experience. This is a bucket I thought I fell into since I’ve been using my knock off for quite some time and have had a number of both wet and dry orgasms.

As of late with the knock off, I’ve been on a streak of having HFWOs which can be frustrating. Lke most, you abstain for multiple days and look forward to the possibility of a session with many amazing dry orgasms only to have a 30min session ending in a wet orgasm.

With minimal usages, I am already very happy with the results the Eupho.

I’ve successfully had a session with a nice dry orgasm after only 2 days of abstaining and a much lower amount of THC then I would prefer to use.

What made me really happy was during the HFDO, I had no feeling that I was in danger of “spilling over” Into an ejaculation which is not the with my knockoff.

Too small?

Hey I’m an experienced anal player with big toys and such. I tried an aneros trident but I felt not too much. I think it’s because my prostate is deeper inside then most people, my partner even mentioned it when they were fingering me. Is there a toy that’s like that one only longer?

New user, struggling to get p waves

I recently purchased a progasm to experience the aneros product, I have played around with massaging but only when I am also jacking off, I have also played with pc exercises and I feel like I am halfway decent at them, whether I put the aneros in and play with contractions, I get only minimal prostate stimulation, if I move it with my hands I get much more and I can also feel it rub my prostate if I induce an orgasm with my penis, any tips on how to start getting some p-waves or really just any stimulation?