Aneros and gas

Here’s a question for all me Aneros brothers.

Been using my Aneros for a few years already’ found that you’re probably going to pass some gas in a session once in a while (all advanced users know this is true lol).

Recently got my Progasm and for some weird reason it makes me fart a lot afterwards, I haven’t had any diet changes and this doesn’t happen with any of the other models.

Anyone else got a problem like this? Or maybe a similar thing with the others models?
Weird topic but thought some of you could help haha.

Rewiring? Is this possible?

Ok, so I’m one of the extremely lucky ones in that I received P-waves on my second ever session. Think my first super-o was on the 4th session. And now, only 3 short months, I seem to be able to get at least one super with each session.

The only downside, it has been harder to achieve conventional climax via either piv or masturbation.

Until this week. I have only had hfdo. But this week I had my first hfwo.. and it was glorious.

Now, as crazy as it sounds, I seem to be able to take a fork in the road once I start an aneros session and actually steer it toward either hfdo or hfwo.

I also seem to be able to squeeze the prostate without aneros during piv and have a much easier time achieving piv wet orgasm that feels almost as strong as hfwo with aneros.

I can now also stimulate penis during regular aneros play – and can have hfdo while stimulating (but not as strong, and it never leads to stacked or super os…

Anyone else able to control like this?

How do you use your Vice 2?

I have one arriving in approximately 3 hours and I am FAR too excited. Mainly intrigued just to see what the vibrations are like and if they have any effect on me. My expectations are fairly low but I love the bigger models so I’m excited for that more than the vibrations.

I’m curious to see how other users get the best out of theirs.

I think I’m going to use the Maximus/Progasm to get myself in to a good place and then see what the Vice is like 🙂

Helix Syn V Material Issue

I recently bought the helix syn V and am in love with the vibrations even though it can be too much for me unless I’m in the right mood. But after using it a few times I noticed the tip/head is a bit loose/rubbery. It feels like there is a space between the outer coating and the core of the toy. Anyone else run into this issue?

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Problems with feeling numb after attempts at longer sessions with the MGX Trident

I’ve tried having longer anal-only sessions with the MGX Trident and throwing in some nipple play, clenching while imagining vividly and while I have the usual “get so excited you lose control of your muscles” problem, I have another one, if the toy is in long enough, I start feeling nothing and after a while, feel like I have to take the toy out.

No pleasure, a little bit of discomfort (though no pain) but relief if I take the toy out, it’s almost like the region the toy aims to rub against is fatigued and even if I relube and slide it back in, almost no sensation except a little bit of discomfort, I find that pulling the toy a little outward moves the spot the toy hits a little bit and makes it feel actively pleasurable again but that fades away very quickly and I go back to feeling nothing.

I’m not sure what to do, it’s not a lubication problem, it’s not a relaxation problem, it just feels better to stop using the toy after some time. It feels like the fatigue against my insides isn’t be tested any further.

Takes me at least a week or so before I’m in the mood of trying anal play again because I don’t like the sense of numbness and mild discomfort, it’s like having someone splash ice cold water on your while you’re edging, kills the mood and all you want to do after that is clean up.

What do I do???

Hey guys,

I got a cheap knock off, and I’m getting some wild feelings from it and I think it’s what I’m looking for… full body kind of wild feelings everywhere. But it is rough textured and it feels uncomfortable very quickly.

I can’t find an aneros at my local stores. I was looking for a MGX and my local store just reached out and said they didn’t get one of these in but have gotten the helix trident syn. In… it’s a bit bigger down at the stem than I was hoping for as I get discomfort on anything that feels like it’s trying to push back out and put pressure on the anus from the inside if that makes sense.

I guess my thought is… is it worth it to try something I’m unsure I will enjoy for 120 bucks or do I wait to get the model I think will work best?

Please give some advice?!?!?!

Thanks all

Advice for a Newbie?

Hi – I just got a aneros syn 5. I’ve gotten to the point where I can trigger involuntary contractions with subtle pc flexing. These make my cock physically tremble – but I wouldn’t say it’s insanely pleasure. I can hold the contractions for a bit if I focus.

Am I on the right track? Any tips would be great.

Intense P waves, but no HFDO

Thanks to practicing the the first few Mindgasm lessons, I now find I can start off on my p-wave journey fairly easily when relaxed and horny – ie not ejaculated for a few days. Lube up, slide in the Aneros trident helix and with some gentle contracting of pelvic floor and sphincter muscles start building pleasure resulting in long, body shaking, heavy breathing waves of pleasure. If I really allow myself to lose control, the 3rd or 4th wave is so intense that the involuntary contractions become really firm, causing a wet orgasm. It literally feels as if the cum is being squeezed out of my prostate. This is immensely satisfying, but I want to carry on fucking myself silly! I can sometimes consciously stop this by relaxing all muscles, but then lose the wave and the orgasm. I’ve posted similar before but any HFDO tips would be much appreciated 🙂

Second HFDO changed me.

A week ago I had my second ever HFDO. It was mostly in my body and was borderline impossible to explain. I just felt electrical surges coursing through my body. Toes to head and back. My ass and prostate were involved but not nearly as much as I expected. Either way I can’t wait to try again. Since then I have had some unexpected side effects.

I’m way hornier. I can’t stop touching my wife, looking at porn, thinking about sex/turn ons.

My penis is definitely less pleasurable. I have a very hard time coming through traditional masturbation. Sex is still amazing and I still love stroking it and watching porn but something’s just different.

My prostate start’s pulsing a lot easier, especially when seated. I can’t wait for my next session.

Any explanations, advice or suggestions are all welcome.

Do we have YOGIS here ?

Who use this rewiring process to fuel their tantric practice?

I mean,compared to penis orgasm, prostate leads to inward, non ejaculatory (HFDO) without refractory period. And its excitation leads to minimum stagnation of energy (whereas edging with penis leads to blueballs and stagnant energy)

On that regard, it may be a vastly superior technique than anything theorized by traditions including modern taoists ala Mantak Chia.

Could you guys share your experience?