Is it uncommon to lose all pleasure and feelings after not that long into it? At the start ( even inserting ) I get immense pleasure almost an orgasm in itself tbh. But a few mins into sessions I just lose pleasure and interest?? Where’s does it go?

Hello, I hope your day isn’t going too bad so far?

I’m not sure if my body is just not normal
But I can get a type of super o
Which from my understanding is just an orgasm that keeps building and buildings endlessly until u either can’t take it or you stop
Which is exactly what I can achieve from doing the opposite to relaxing and pounding my prostrate fast with say a njoy wand or anything

So I wanted to try going back to achieving it with an aneros hands free

But firstly when I’m inserting and even before inserting if I just massage my Butt I start moaning
And then inserting the aneros even a bit I loan and it’s almost a type of orgasm in itself

But once It’s all in and stuff for a few minutes it will feel okay and then it will just wear off
Not feeling much at all and then I get bored??

So it’s like I’m half programmed but half ain’t? Is it because I’m not used to going slow or?

Would it be possible to look into this, please? thank you sincerely for responding to me, Your kindness is appreciated. I hope this is not a hassle for you and Have a Wonderful day ahead! 🙂

Newbie Questions

I have the helix trident syn and I have been practicing with it and mindgasm. I think i am getting the hang of it. last night i was gently edging my prostate and suddenly i my heart rate jump and my whole body was vibrating. I relaxed my whole body to enjoy this wave but then i lost it. I am guess this was something near a P orgasm? Was i suppose to barely clinch to hold that feel?. Also Now during work its feels like my prostate is awake like it is just a small tickle or little vibration. If i do soft kegel exercises its feel good. is that normal or should i have finished by hand last night?

Minor Milestone with the Helix Syn

Hey guys! I have been a lurker in r/aneros and r/prostateplay for a long time. About a month ago, I finally decided to take the plunge and buy myself an aneros. After doing some research, I decided that the Helix Syn seemed like the best toy and the one that was most recommended for beginners. When I first got the helix, I was super excited and tried it several times over a couple weeks, with little (if any success). I had a totally free day today, so I decided to have some fun. I thought I’d kind of journal what happened and post it here to see if you all might have any tips or advice for me for the future. Sorry in advance for the long post.

This time, rather than blitzing through clean-up (I prefer to douche before playing in the backdoor, I know it isn’t strictly necessary, but it helps me to relax) and getting the toy in as fast as possible, I decided to take my time and try and be mindful during the cleanup process.

Do I have to douche before sessions?

Just got my first aneros and I’m eager to use it. But I want to keep everything sanitary. After having a BM is it necessary to douche or can I just go in right after? (After cleaning up the outside obviously)

Also is there a period of time cutoff after a BM, for example if I have a BM early in the morning can I have a session in the afternoon without the fear of getting fecal matter on the toy?

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Extreme Njoy Wand Super O Shaking Orgasm Due to Vigorous Prostate Massage / Ass Pounding Practice :P

Extreme Njoy Wand Super O Shaking Orgasm Due to Vigorous Prostate Massage / Ass Pounding Practice 😛

There’s 2 videos

One is a best orgasms compilation

The second is a whole 30 MINUTE!
Video of non stop njoy play
constant moans and orgasms…..
you have to sieve thru to find the peak orgasms

[Click here to watch the Njoy Super Orgasms](

Hello, I hope your day isn’t going too bad so far?

This is a reupload from basically a year ago due to tuns of people messaging saying the link kept dying.
I’ve now uploaded it to my own
Well it’s like a portfolio photographer sharing website lol so it should stay there at least

Original post was

First of all. I have shown my body to only one person prior to this. For me to display myself publicly within a group is a notion to me that is equivalent to death.
I despise the body that I have, I deem unattractive, undesirable and ugly as f.
My dick is also small short and un grithy along with being ugly so that’s great :/
I do not know how I gained the confidence to post this, so I guess you can say ur lucky 🤣
Jokin 😒

I genuinely won’t get hurt over very hard harsh words or opinions I promise you. So let me know anything!

this needs explaining otherwise your gonna think what the ffff..

Apprehensive after my first session

Straight male recently started exploring back door stuff. I just received a knockoff and spent an evening with it. I had bought more expensive stuff before and had initial regrets when using it, so I didn’t want to buy expensive things only to end up discarding it. I thought these cheap knockoffs would be a good way to test drive new types of toys and give me a better sense of what I like and disklike.

Tldr is while I loved the pleasure, it later turned into pain. I might’ve been clenching too hard and pushing too hard into me. Seems to have mostly resolved by following day, but apprehensive about trying again or buying the real deal.

With this knockoff, I definitely experienced some pleasure from it. Took a little while and was trying a bunch of different positions, angles, and muscle clenching techniques. After 30 minutes or so, I started feeling good; very nice sensations that I was searching for with anal play.

I think I have pretty well developed kegel muscles (thx to 10 yrs of erotic hypnosis hfos). But the biggest revelation for me was the feedback that the device provided. I noticed that even though I’ve reached max clenching or relaxing, the device would continue to move. When clenching, I feel the device get pulled in, and as long as I continued clenching, it continued to get more and more sucked in, applying a great deal of pressure to both my perineum and inside. this blew my mind as I realized my muscles are doing much more than what I thought I was consciously controlling. i noticed similar effects when relaxing, just continuing to move long after I thought I was fully relaxed. I found this absolutely fascinating and loved the feedback this was giving me.

I can’t anymore. ALWAYS a hands-free wet orgasm. I can do them on command. Please help.

Hello fellow Aneros enjoyers.

I have an Anerox Trident. I’ve been using it for almost two years now (~1.5 to be more precise). I’ve read and read, and read – Aneros forums, reddit, websites. In theory I know what a prostate orgasm is and most importantly that it is not an ejaculatory orgasm. However, whatever I do I ejaculate. Finally I decided to look for help. Here are my experiences. I’ll be as brief as possible. Please help.

I’ve identified two different pleasurable sensations.

One is directly in my prostate. It is always accompanied by an erection. I can clearly push my prostate with a contraction and it always hits the same spot. After a bit of stimulation I ejaculate. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes it happens quickly. I’ve tried the slightest of contractions and they still trigger ejaculations. It is extremely pleasurable. Sometimes I edge it and it’s amazing. But it’s still an ejaculatory orgasm.

The other sensation is more eerie. It’s more expansive and energetic. It is a general feeling in the whole of my pelvis. Sometimes I get it without an Aneros, when I’m usually mentally highly aroused, mostly through thoughts or fantasies and when I haven’t ejaculated for a long time.

Self Care

I’m a professional person and in my field of work there is an ethic of self care that is necessary and even mandatory. Unfortunately, life is such that time for “self care” is nearly impossible. Until . .

Aneros. My self care.

I often (more and more often) find myself locking my office door at work for 30 minutes of “self care”. Writhing uncontrollably on my office floor, gasping for breath, eye rolling back into my head as my body spasms in unrelenting ecstasy. Being used. No care in the world. My body flooding with endorphins.

My self care.


Before I tell my story, here’s some background info. I have around 2 years of focused experience with the eupho, progasm ice, njoy purewand, etc. Recently I’ve had some breakthroughs, although from day 1 I’ve found some pleasure.

Fast forward to today, I have a fairly long ride to and from work. I’ve been looking to expand my collection and close by was a shop that offered the MGX, Helix, and Maximus. I took the plunge on the MGX as the ribbed stem seemed intriguing and I was used to the movement of the eupho. At the end of my shift, the anxiousness kicked in and I had to give it a spin since I had around an hour to kill in the car.

I was not prepared for what I got myself into. Some deep breathing focusing from the pelvic floor, and suddenly within 15 minutes involuntarily contractions started increasing, by 20 minutes I was on the verge of screaming. Rolling o’s took over and by the fourth I took a drink of water. It went down the wrong pipe, and in the process of coughing what I guess would be pre-cum spurt out. That didn’t put me off though, and once I composed myself I was back in the zone after getting the rhythm of breathing back to speed. Simply rotating Kegel/Reverse Kegel’s in coordination with inhale/exhale seemed to kickstart the whole process again. By the time I parked I was in absolute bliss but dumbfounded about the entire experience.

To anyone that has the Peristol set?

EDIT: “Peristal”, not “Peristol”, I can never spell these correctly lol

There are 4 models in this set, 2 of which are the basic small/large peredise models. Do the two other sizes feel much different? Do each of the 4 models give different orgasms? Or are they all relatively similar?

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