
So I’ve been thinking a lot more on this ever since I’ve posted the other day. Why so many positive self care changes happening in my life ever since I started focusing on my prostate? Here’s my theory: Chakras.

Hear me out on this…
Could it be possible that chakras are in fact real ? If they are then we are all currently very focused on the ‘root’ chakra. (It’s allegedly located in the ass.)

According to ancient and modern texts the root chakra is the power house/ energy source that is responsible for safety, grounding and stability. They say it is the foundation of your body to flow or vibe.

“As you work to align the root chakra, you will allow energy to flow freely through your body, establishing your connection to the earth and your surroundings. You may feel an increased attachment to yourself and your home as you ground yourself—physically, mentally and emotionally.”

Everything You Need to Know About the Root Chakra

Here’s an even crazier thought. There are 6 more chakras located vertically from head to tailbone.

So what if by participating in anal / prostate play I have inadvertently stimulated a spiritual- physical thing called a chakra and that this chakra happens to deepen and strengthen my attachment to myself? Then as a result of being more connected to myself I notice things that need attention.

What is he listening to?

This is a pretty old aneros orgasm video. What is he listening to or what are we hearing?


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Best Aneros model for someone who enjoys intensity?

Ive just got an amazon gift card and figure id try out aneros. I really enjoy intensity but I’m also a total beginner and have no clue what I’m doing. Im thinking I want the Helix Syn Trident but Ive read that its small and I don’t want to get a product thats not going to be as stimulating as expected. Ive also read on this sub that the size doesnt really play a role in whether it feels good or not. What model do y’all think would be good for me?

Plenty Body Shaking Without Aneros, None With Toy In My Ass

When i contract my PC muscles without a prostate massager in my ass, i instantly get heaps of body shaking trembles without any pleasure or arousal

It’s the opposite with an aneros in my ass, where i get zero feeling, shaking or pleasure. Sometimes i might get a flurry of involuntary contractions that are temporary for like 20mins.

How should i proceed with rewiring my prostate? A-less?

I’ve been trying for years and have heaps of anal toys which i love.

Help with getting started

I’ve read up on the aneros beginners forum and listened to multiple podcasts, but I’m hoping for a little more specific feedback.

I ordered the Helix Syn V and I’ve used it 3 nights in a row so far. I’ve been mostly trying to learn to distinguish my different pelvic floor muscles and to incorporate them with using my aneros. I think I’m heading in the right direction (?) because I’ll generate precum multiple times in a session, but I can’t seem to get much further than that aside from the occasional ripple of tingling sensation throughout my body that I’ve felt before when I really had to pee but held it. I know it’s a journey, but I was hoping more experienced users could help point me in the right direction with a few things.

Do I need an erection for this work? I’ve enjoyed listening to erotica and trying perineal massage, but I’m not always hard when I do it.

Why does everyone mention binaural beats? Just because it’s relaxing? Will I not achieve the same result lying in bed?

Are the vibrating settings helpful or more for enjoyment once I’ve rewired?

Should I try blue balling myself and then focusing on the pelvic floor muscles? Or should I be totally disassociating my cock and prostate?

2 years in and finally hit the super O

After over two years of stick-to-itness the work paid off tenfold in one glorious moment.

The things that were drastically different were:

A) 2:1 thc/cbd gummies
B) hotel room
C) binaural audio (YouTube search binaural beats sexual penetration)

I gave myself a lot of time to play and get aroused listening to other dirty talk and audio things. I thought I was having super o’s but they just weren’t climactic enough. I would call them mini hfdo’s. Probably an hour of so of p waves. Then I took 5 minutes to regroup and put on those binaural sounds and I took off like a rocket!

I’ve read the posts of uncontrollable screaming. I couldn’t help but laugh my ass off later as I reflected on what I sounded like. I went full soprano doing vocal trills (I’m a vocalist, but not that kind lol).

This wasn’t dry though, it ended wet which kinda broke my heart as I so badly wanted right back in. But I was so exhausted another may have killed me…

Thanks to all of you for sharing your journeys and tips!

Best Advice

By far the best advice I’ve seen or heard so far was putting something between your knees when lying on your side.

Absolute Game Changer.

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Tips on how to enjoy the Peridise more?

I do own a Helix Syn V, Progasm and Vice 2. They’re all great and in my upper tier echelon of prostate toys. However, there’s one Aneros product on which the lightbulb has yet to switch on: the Peridise.

I added the Peridise set as a cart-topper when I bought the above. As I did my homework on my future purchase, I read nothing but glowing reviews on the Peridise and, while small, these things could pack a wallop.

Unfortunately, so far, I can’t say I felt it.

I get that the effect is subtle, has nothing to do with the prostate and involves muscles contraction. However, despite producing a bit of pre-cum leakage, I can’t really say so far these get me started as effectively as, say, any of my “mid-tier” plugs.

I tried doing several grips, patterns, and speeds of contractions. I tried the “passive” approach, just letting it there. Some sessions went for hours. I do get something should I half-ass try to push it or pull it (no pun intended), without the toy actually moving in or out, but manual play isn’t supposed to be part of the game, when it come to the Peridise.

So what can I do to enjoy these more? Any tips on how get the most out of the Peridise?


I got the Helix Syn Trident. I have been doing 2 hour session after my night shower. I will get these fluttering (best one i can think of) which seems like the beginning an orgasm but i can’t sustain it. I have been doing kegels during the day and trying to slowly tighten the sphincter while using the trident. Are there any place with a list of beginner tips?

Peridise. NYC?

Will be travelling to NYC

Anyone know of store that sells the peridise

Been hearing good things about it

Not in my local sex stores