How close am I? Or am I already there? How do I know?

Sorry for the vague title. I’ve been using different Aneros models on and off for years now. Never really worried too much about “super-O” as it always felt pretty good, and I’d basically just use it to enhance my penile orgasm.

A few months ago though, I kind of had a breakthrough where it became so much more pleasurable. I think the difference is I finally figured out how to control my muscles down there. I’ve gotten to the point where it basically moves involuntarily like it’s fucking me by itself (I’m sure there’s some subconscious control from me, but I really don’t have to “try” to do anything).

It feels amazing, don’t get me wrong. Better than it ever has, and I get these orgasmic feelings on my prostate sort of like how my penis would feel if I was really aroused and was edging. There is never a big climax though, so I’m wondering if maybe I’m misunderstanding what a “super-O” really is, or if I just need to keep working at it. Is there some big climax like there is with a penile orgasm? Or is it just sustained periods of this admittedly amazing sensation? With a penile orgasm, you kind of know when it’s over right? lol. I’m guessing it’s not quite the same with the “super-O”?

Dry O success!! And other non-related questions

A couple nights ago I had laid myself down with my progasm like I normally do, I’d showered and douched about half an hour beforehand.

My session went off to a great start when I had my aneros slip right in first go, I’ve started using coconut oil which has been surprisingly easier to clean up as opposed to my regular water-based lube.

My session was pretty uneventful for the first hour or so as I normally scroll through porn and get myself in the mood during this time, then I started to feel some light tingles and twitches around my prostate, so I decided to put my phone down. After about an hour of this the pleasure I was able to wring out of this aneros had me cursing non stop.

I had to remind myself to keep my breathing controlled cause normally at this point I’d either start touching my nipples and get distracted, or I’d have a dry o and end things there. But for some reason this first Dry O that had been building for what felt like the last 10-15 minutes surpassed any other Dry O I’d had up until that point.
I focused on my prostate and my breathing and after another few minutes of this a gentle yet heavy wave of pleasure crashed on top of my whole body and I felt so relaxed, the best part about it was the fact that it didn’t stop after a few minutes, it just kept going and going and going.

How easy is it to sit or walk around with a Progasm in?

Currently, the only Aneros product I own is a Helix Syn Trident, which is obviously very comfortable to sit with and easy to keep in, being relatively small and silicone. I’m thinking about getting a Progasm, but I’m wondering, since it’s larger and rigid, if it’s uncomfortable to wear it around or sit upright in a chair with it in. I like to have a toy in for extended periods of time, so I’d like to be able to sit and walk around with it.

In some of the pictures I’ve seen of the Progasm, there’s a tab sticking out below the arms. I’m not entirely sure which models I’m looking at that have the tab or don’t, but I would expect the ones with that tab to harder to sit up with. Can anyone with a Progasm of any model add some insight? Thanks

Should I take a break or see a Dr ? Or both ?

I have a progasm. I was using it almost every day this past week. I’ve been getting to really good places and practicing keegles daily. I haven’t achieved a full O yet but I’ll get there soon.

In almost every session I end it with a great moment of masturbation then ejaculation. I’ve enjoyed the meditation of it all and the discipline of working through it. Then ending it with some pleasure. I find it really relaxing.

Now in the last 3 days my prostate at times feels kinda sharp or stingy when I’m not using my Aneros. Like it’s cramped up and sore. Then as it feels sore I have an urge to fill it up again with my program. It’s not super painful but noticeable. I hope I’m not overworking it. I’d do this nightly for 3 hours if I could. What’s the proper frequency and duration for this activity?

Best toy while having sex?

Looking for a bigger toy that can vibrate in my ass while I stand up and won’t fall out no matter what I do.

I’ve looked into the Vice 2 and am very intrigued by the size and vibration settings, but heard it falls out if you’re not laying down. What are your recommendations? Thanks.

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Finally a toy!!!!!!

guys i finally ordered the aneros peridise, and for a lube in just gonna use the coconut oil. very excited for the toy. i just hope my parents wont get to know about it. can you guys just drop your experiences and guide for that toy. thank you

Helix syn v while sex

Any experience using syn v while sex? Is there a difference/is it feeling good? Is it safe? I’m propably going to buy one. Thank you for your answers.

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Need Help

So I’ve been using my aneros for about a year now. Wasn’t really effective for a bit, but I stick with it.

Here lately I’ve been getting better results. It’s a lot more pleasurable, and I think I’m getting p waves. I’m not sure about the involuntaries. I’m actually super happy because now I get pleasure when not using my aneros.

For example: This morning I was gaming and I get a pleasant feeling. I don’t do anything but keep breathing at a steady pace. The feeling grows and becomes a fullness in my balls. It then rises up and the pleasure spreads across my body. Then it fades away.

This happens everytime. Pleasure builds, spreads, and then fade away. I try not to chase it, I try not to change what I’m doing that brought it on. What am I doing wrong? Is there something I should do when the feelings spread?

Even right now I feel that tingle again…