Chest Tightness?

Hi all. Avid lurker here and Aneros explorer. I’ve been giving my journey some focused attention lately and have tried a few models with varying degrees of pleasure. Nothing mind blowing.

On a whim I decided to give the Peridise a try and wow it feels like I now understand what everyone is talking about. I think I prefer the slightly more indirect sensation it provides. I am now launched directly into involuntaries seconds after inserting.

After a few pretty pleasurable sessions over the last few days, today I had the familiar pelvic warmth and pressure building. At one point however, a pretty startling jolt of pressure occurred in my chest followed by a second. Almost like a dropping sensation. This melted out into my extremities giving them a strange lightness/tingling. This faded and did not return bit the pelvic pleasure continued a bit longer before I had to stop.

Any thoughts / ideas on what this was?

First HFDO?

Hello friends, here I am again. Today I am trying to understand what I’ve felt on my last session (a few hours ago).

First of all, I know that everyone has different experiences with this and nomenclature is just a way to simplify concepts that we are trying to communicate. But I really want to understand what I felt tonight, so I will try to explain.

Recently I started to felt and recognize the p-waves, feeling that pleasure and accepting that my prostate awoke and I started to rewire. Tonight I tried my vibrating prostate massager (it’s like a vice 2) in another position: with my legs more elevated than my body and watching porn. In a certain moment I started to feel some really good vibrations. I decided to (try) not pursue the feeling and continued to enjoy the moment. A few minutes later the sensations started to get really strong and good, and I closed my eyes, not focusing my attention on the porn anymore, to enjoy these sensations.

Then, I (think) felt an orgasm coming up. I remember that I was doing really strong kegels and contractions, holding up really strong and for as much time as I got. In a specific moment, I thought I was ready to orgasm. The feeling was very similar to a penile orgasm, but missing the sensation of ejaculating on the end. I had a few involuntary contractions, like when you have a penile orgasm and the dick moves up alone. When this passed, I was like “no, please, it was too good, come back”. It was like being on the edge of an abyss, just needing to make a leap of faith… and then going back. It felt incomplete, waiting for the feeling of ejaculating and this feeling never arriving.


I have aneroses large and small. Each gives a different sensation. Each good. Each MORE than good.
The larger models allow me to bear down which creates orgasmic bliss for sure. But the smaller ones, especially the Eupho Trident, gives far greater pleasure because of its movement. I realize it could be because my hole is tight, but I’m wondering if movement makes a difference for you? Gotta love my long and slender Eupho Trident. It uses me up.

Can’t feel Progasm. What’s next?

6’3” tall, slender male here. Experienced in anal play , toys etc. I do kegels regularly. Have worn my progasm for long sessions and just can’t feel it stimulating my prostate very well. Has anyone else come up short with an aneros shape in this way? Any recommendations on which model to try next?


Ruined Orgasms prior to session?

I have a big problem with HFWOs during an aneros session. It happens every single time. Has anyone experimented with whether a ruined orgasm a day or two before a session helps reduce a potential HFWO while still maintaining peak arousal?

Also open to any other advice anyone might have on preventing HFWOs.

CBD Lube + Coconut Oil?

I’m about to ride in a bit and will experiment to melt down coconut oil and add some CBD oil in it, then I will insert all the juice inside me. Hoping to full rectum relaxation and lots of pleasure.
Has anyone tried something similar?

Non-stop HFDO after using coconut oil

Back when I was using water based oil, they dried out after 20min.

Coconut oil can last around 1 hr, and it’s also the first time I could clearly feel the head of my Helix Syn rubbing my prostate.

Now I feel like im a retard for not trying it earlier.

no motivation, 3 years of trying.

I just can’t do it. I am so close to giving up all together. 3 years of nothing. Made a few waves every now and again but they are not consistent. I’ve never even had involuntaries. I’ve been consistently playing at least a few times a month for the last 3 years and it’s just so disheartening not being able to do something i’ve put this many hours into.

I’ve tried it all, read probably over 1000 posts and guides on it but I just can’t do it.

I’m not sure what it will take but I just don’t know what to do, I have experimented with so many toys and positions, breathing techniques and meditation. They have just not worked for me.

Small Victories, or Wishful Thinking?

Hello guys, I (23M) decided to get myself a Helix Syn as a graduation present. I got it in the mail yesterday. I’ve been reading about prostate orgasms and Aneros toys for several years, and I am so excited to be starting this journey!

When I got the package, I cleaned myself up, lubed up internally with some coconut oil, and popped the Aneros in. It felt great and I kept it in for several hours while I studied for finals and did some other chores. Before I went to bed, I relubed and spent some time really focusing on the feeling of it in my hole. I was listening to a nice relaxing song on repeat, and lightly contracting my PC muscles (Base flex, for you Mindgasm nerds). I kept it contracted at maybe 40% while focusing on my breathing. After maybe 30 or 45 seconds, I could feel the muscles twitching and felt kind of warm and a little dizzy all over. I held it for as long as I could before having to relax the contraction. I was able to do that one or two more times, but at that point I think I started trying too hard and couldn’t make it happen again.

So, my question is, are those “twitching” muscle feelings what you guys call “involuntaries”? And was that kind of warm/dizzy sensation a P-wave? Or am I just too hopeful for early success and misinterpreting fairly benign sensations as something more?


Wondering if anyone would like to use the chat function to discuss daily aneros progress, share journeys, habits and provide support and encouragement.

I hope this doesn’t break any community rules. I’m just looking for something a little more interactive than the regular posting area.

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