Erection moving prostate farther away?

With my aneros in while doing some PC muscles contractions when it starts to feel nice it always results in me getting an erection and once I get hard the pleasure is lost and the contractions I was doing just a moment earlier don´t seem to work anymore. Then shortly I get soft again and slowly can repeat and again the contractions start to feel nice and I get hard and so on. Each time it is the same story. I guess it is due to the fact that when erect, my prostate is moved a bit farther away.

I feel it is hindering my prograss towards P Waves and HFDO. >:-(

Any advice on how to proceed here? Someone with similar experience?

My heart was beating so fast I couldn’t sleep for an hour afterwards

So I’ve been experimenting with the Aneros for a few weeks now and it’s been interesting to say the least.

When I feel like I’m getting somewhere I start to play with my nipples and that gets my groin area feeling warm and tingly and my heart starts to beat faster. I’ve got to this stage a few times but it never really goes any further, despite me trying to relax into the feeling without changing what I’m doing. Anyway, my main issue is that last night I got to the part where my heart was pounding and it got more and more intense to the point I was worried I might have a heart attack. I’m 35 male and in relatively good shape but my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Regardless, the feelings going on downstairs felt great so I cracked on. It didn’t go any further so I took the toy out, cleaned up, and tried to go to sleep. But my heart would not stop pounding. Is this normal? And if so is the pounding heart feeling what comes before a super-O or something? I have mild hypochondria and have always worried about my heart so am just after some clarification that this is normal, and if so am I on the right track?? Any input appreciated

Who needs drugs when you can have aneros.

This is my story. Many years ago I bought my first aneros. I practiced and practiced, patiently waiting. Over the weeks, small flutters became cascades of back-arching orgasms that began nearly before I could get the aneros completely inserted. I was rewired. I was on fire.

Life happened and I put my collection away. Recently I stumbled upon this group and I began to wonder why I ever gave it up. I wondered if my body had forgotten how to respond. It hadn’t.

Today I reinserted my helix. Time stood still as wave after wave of endless pleasure washed over me again and again. I had to force myself to stop. I had forgotten how utterly pleasurable the sessions could be.

During my orgasms, I am creative. I am pensive. I am alive. Today I thought to myself, who needs to take drugs when immeasurable pleasure can come from a perfectly crafted piece of plastic.

I’m hooked once again. No turning back this time.

Tried CBD Silicon lube for first time yesterday

I don’t know if it was a placebo effect, but the orgasms I had with the cbd were the most intense, happiest and nonstop I’ve ever had.

Usually, the orgasms come in waves… there’s a bottom and top, the top is touched for a few seconds then slowly goes down until the next one. The session I had yesterday felt like the tops lasted minutes to maybe 10s of minutes. A few times, I tried to get up, but the pleasure came on so strong I instinctively put my head back and couldn’t do anything else. I was yelling so much and so long and grunting and making all kinds of interesting sounds. It was so good.

No brand in particular, just went to my local sex shop and got the first one I saw. I was using the bigger peredise model.

Try it!

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Is the MGX Trident suitable for long-duration wear and exercise?

I bought an MGX Trident after I bought two other anal toys (both buttplug styled) and both of them were sources of discomfort that didn’t seem to get better the longer I wore it. It was probably the most expensive sexual purchase I’ve made but… after a few tries and finding the exact kind of lube that works for me (using a lube injector with coconut oil and covering the toy with a water based lube), I was able to achieve my first penile-assisted orgasm (getting to the edge with penile stimulation and going over by clenching my muscles to make the toy rub against my insides).

Though I was more interested in anal-exclusive play and found limited success in that regard. I did notice that the toy is quite uncomfortable if I’m standing up and it only assumes a “neutral” (i.e. neither pleasurable nor painful) position when I’m lying down.

Though I don’t know if this is because I’m not used to the toy or because the toy isn’t intended to be used in that way. I’ve wanted to wear the toy for a whole day and maybe even ride an exercise bike while wearing the toy, as a matter of fantasy and want to make it happen.

Of all the toys I own, this one seemed the lightest (the other two are made of metal) and is the only toy that has given me anything remotely pleasurable, so this felt like the best candidate but considering that my current experiences with sitting upright and standing with the toy aren’t the best, I want to know if this is even a good idea.

What are some toys similar to the Peredise?

The aneros models that give me the most constant success are both the large and small peredise. I want to explore those styles more. What are some toys that have a similar, yet different, design?

No Self Control

So I’ll freely admit that I have very little self control. I have tried to force myself to not be able to touch my cock I.e laying on the bed next to my mrs tensing away….Weirdly enough that was when I got closest and realised that wasn’t a good idea. Haven’t been able to get close like that since.

If anyone out there would be keen to chat sometime together and they can let me follow along… I’m guessing that may not be possible given it’s all about letting go. Also keen for someone experienced to instruct me.

Let me know

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What stage is this?

I was doing a session for about an 1.5-2 hours the other day and was using the Helix Syn for around an hour, followed by the Progasm. I noticed an unusual feeling that I don’t normally get in my sessions (which normally feel good but are mostly uneventful).

I felt a sudden vibration, and a clenching that would come on and off in my abdomen. Occasionally this would coincide with the flexing of my PC muscle that I was not doing in a voluntary way.

I did not feel a release or a sudden feeling of pleasure like a normal orgasm. I just had this vibration and clenching going on, which felt good but not like a full regular orgasm.

I have been at this for a few years and never got that far before (I was using a do nothing approach).

Is this a prostate orgasm? Or what stage of the process did I get to? I am a little confused. It went on for 5 minutes or so and then I lost it and ended the session.

Any ideas?


Just a thought. I seem to have MUCH better sessions when I allow myself to be 10x more vocal than any other activity..

It limits my really big sessions to when my son is nowhere in the house cuz he’ll think someone is murdering me… lol

Next time you’re having a session and can be vocal – let er rip! Might find a pleasant surprise.

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