Where to start?

About 2 months ago, I purchased my first Aneros product. I was able to have what to this day I would still classify as a Super-O. .. since then, I have tried numerous different versions from Aneros and the last one (Eupho Syn) it my “go to”.

So here’s the deal. My wife knows i have two Aneros devices. But she never really knew I had any success at all… and I didn’t think I would be able to do a session with her around – so I didn’t really tell her.

The other day she found the Aneros in the bathroom and commented on it. I kinda “disregarded ” and said.. yeah, another failed attempt… nothing really happened.

Two days later (last night) she lubes up her finger and slips it in. INSTANT arousal. INSTANT involuntaries. Within 30 seconds I have hfdo. Except that she was able to keep her finger on the prostate no matter if I was having a power contraction or super reverse kagel… and just fukkin kept tapping ever so slightly. I think i had about 2 hours of almost non stop hfdo and by the end of it the wife was so wet she soaked completely through her panties. ..
She went to work this morning and has been telling me all day to get ready for “as long as I can take it” tonight when she gets home.
I’ve been leaking all day in anticipation.

First HFWO..Wow

I’ve been experimenting with different aneros toys for about 7 months. I always have some solid results usually, but like most I had been “peaking” and not been able to produce much other than some good feelings.

I have tried different versions, owning the programs jr, eupho, MGX, and Maximus. Recently I had been rotating between the Maximus and programs jr with ok results.

Until yesterday when I decided to use the eupho for the first time in a few months…

I started my session as I always do. Took an edible, cleaned up, and then waited about an hour to let the edible kick in.

Lubed up, inserted my eupho, and for whatever reason something felt different. I still am not sure why.

I layed on my bed on my back with a small pillow under my lower back, with another larger pillow supporting my legs up in the air.

I focused on breathing slowly. Counting in 6 seconds, exhaling 6 seconds. I tried to relax fully and tried to not contract any muscles down there.

Within 15 minutes I was feeling an extreme “fullness” and “pressure” around my prostate. This has happened before, but usually it flies away. This was constant. I tried to focus on it. I know many are against using porn, but I decided to turn on some while this was happening.

Aneros session winding down & I need guidance.

My last orgasm was Monday. I haven’t really been playing around very much with denial lately. In truth I haven’t had any discipline. I’ll scroll through Reddit or Tumblr, see something that turns me on, and just jack off straight to orgasm. But after Monday, I decided to put myself back into denial for a bit. I’m going on a road trip next week and I want to be really horny while I’m traveling. The hornier I get, the more bisexual I get, and the more open to new experiences I am. Horny travel makes for some great stories.

Late last night I ate a gummy and it kicked in full force around 2:00 a.m. I slipped in a Progasm and had a lot of fun. I had several anal orgasms and a lot of hands-free dry orgasms while I was high, but I didn’t ejaculate so I’m still crazy horny. In fact, this is the most aroused I’ve been in several months.

Right now I’m coming down from the THC but I’m still edging. I have my big biggest butt plug in, almost 2″ in diameter, and nipples are standing out a good inch inside the suckers. I keep letting myself get soft, then look at porn and stroke myself to the edge. I edge an edge and ride it for a while, then take a break until I go soft again. I’ve been doing that for the last hour and a half and I’m absolutely fucking desperate to cum. I also have half a mind to get on Grindr and find somebody to go play with. I’m really losing my brain right now. It’s taken me over 45 minutes to write this for you.

Full body shaking distracting from continuing?

Ive made some incredible progress over the last year after giving the Aneros a second chance. I really had to learn how to relax, and focus on what I’m feeling and not expect anything like a penis orgasm. Ive gotten to a point where my sessions go pretty much the same, I insert my aneros and just relax. Usually within 10-15 minutes the aneros starts moving on its own a little, and I begin to feel warmth. Sometimes this warmth is very intense, but goes away quickly. And then my body starts to move on its own, first at the hips, and then my stomach. This gains intensity rapidly, to the point my entire body begins to shake very strongly. For a split second it feels amazing, but the shaking seems to “shake away” feeling of pleasure, and I’m just left with strong movements that go away after a minute or two. It’s pretty amazing and kinda neat because I can’t really stop the shaking when it starts, but I feel like its sending me down to wrong path, and there’s a lot more pleasure to be had.
Has anyone experienced this? And if so do you have any tips on how to get past the shaking without losing the focus and intense pleasure that’s there just moments before?


Recently bought the Eupho and had some good feeling while playing with my nipples,but I’ve started to experiment,this is probably not recommended as it’s totally not hands free but I lube up just the head of my cock and only slightly rub and squeeze it and that in turn makes my ass contact and tingle the feeling is immense and it doesn’t take to long before I’m having dry orgasm’s and no control of my legs shaking the then finally a wet orgasm’s that feels like it originated from my prostate,i haven’t got the mental patience to lay for hours my mind wanders and I’m nolonger exited so this for me is what I’ll do until I can learn to transfer all the pleasure to my prostate,note that the hole time I also have a finger playing with a nipple and I’m only touching the head of my cock ever so slightly to make my but contract on its own .try it if your a beginner like me who was ready to give up,

Asleep during first HFO…

So I’ve been using Helix/Progasm a while without much joy other than occasional increases in heart rate. I read something yesterday about using the helix ‘inverted’ so I thought I’d try it! Well bugger me after trying to relax for an hour or so as I drifted off I had my first full HFO. The only other results I’ve had previously were also as I was drifting off. Clearly some part of my conscious is either blocking progress or I’m not relaxed enough. Any recommendations for relaxing? Tried breathing & meditation etc. Illegal drugs inc week are not an option for me… TIA.

Few questions to repeat orgasm and know how muscle works

I have a lot of questions about muscles.
I have been at this for a year with one huge SuperO success about 2-3 months ago with Mindgasm and aneros helix.
That day was without high expectations, with consistent breathing, with perfect tensing without tensing the whole body. I thought after that one time I was already a master and would remember how it happened.
It turns out that I bring new lessons every day, but I don’t know what I bring correct and what I don’t.

I have a problem with
1. distinguishing the PC muscle
2. the style of squeezing them
3. what is a squeeze with a power of 10, and what is an exaggeration?

1 – when squeezing the PC muscle, I should feel the squeezing of the penis and the sensation of “boiling sperm in it?”
2. i can squeeze the muscle as if on a rope with bending the body and zonally without bending the body, which way is correct?
3. don’t know if if if I squeeze at 10 I am not going off the scale, because I start to squeeze other parts of my body like buttocks and abdomen

I have the impression that in the toilet I can stop peeing in two ways, one is to feel it at the anus and avoid clenching the penis, and the other is to withhold urine with the penis itself.

Achieving HFDO?

I’m interested to hear from anyone who has managed to move away from HFWO to HFDO. A lot of posts I’ve read from those that achieve HFDO/Super Os is that they never have HFWOs.

I’m currently using the muscle ‘tug of war’ method to gain involuntary contractions which brings on body shaking, heavy breathing p waves but no sense of orgasm as such. I’m only really satisfied through squirting cum, but then I have to finish! Is there just ‘re-wiring’ needed to reach a level beyond the p waves without the urge/need to squirt?

Indirect p-stimulation

In case you missed the wiki, prostate stimulation should be done gently and it takes time to feel the sensations and orgasm. This may seem frustrating to beginners, so I’m happy to present an alternative method for gently stimulating your p-spot.

This works best if you have a small/narrow massager like the helix or eupho. You want something that flexes a bit and just rubs the p-spot. You don’t want to feel like a stuffed turkey for this method.

Use plenty of line, then insert the massager. Place a pilow under your buttocks to lift it off the bed. Lay back and relax. Bend your knees to a comfortable position if desired.

To indirectly stimulate your p-spot, you want to gently press the *soft spot* above your pubic bone. You can press a little and jiggle it like jelly, it even light push and pull. This puts a little bit of pressure on your bladder, which in turns presses your prostate against the massager. Find the pressure that works for you, but in general less pressure gives more prostate sensation and your legs will feel like jelly.

I can get an erection in less than a minute with this trick and orgasm like crazy.

Leg position

Hi all,

Are there people that have more succes with lying on your back with straight legs? I feel like I get more feeling that way. I also find it difficult to keep my legs bent. They want to fall on the bed 😁. Are there people with similar preferences?

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