WTF! WTF! WTF did I do

So first time poster. Long time no enthusiast. Well I have some questions that I wish someone could help me with.
1. Can someone explain what “p-waves” feel like?
2. How do I stop them? This is explained in the long post below.
3. What does a dry orgasm feel like and what’s the difference between them and pwaves? I had and incredible experience yesterday and not sure exactly what I was feeling?
4. What is an Aless orgasm?

I have been experimenting for years with prostate massage and never managed to have anything really happen until a few months ago. I was playing around and had my first HFWO which sent me searching for that feeling aLong story short. The other day I was reading through a bunch of post and saw a lot of post about Mindgasm and aneros. So I thought what the hell could it hurt. So down loaded the app and started listening and fallowing along. Now this is with out any device because i was at work. As I progressed through I started feeling the butterfly’s in and around my p spot and I started leaking precum like crazy. So much so I soaked through my jeans. I can’t explain the pleasure. That evening I would periodically work my pc muscle and I kept kept feeling these waves of pleasure that would resonate from my prostate through my body like a bell being struck. Which I thoroughly enjoyed. So far everything was amazing until I tried to go to bed. I could not sleep these waves of pleasure took over and I couldn’t stop them. I was leaking like a faucet again and thought what the hell did I do? Can I turn this off? Do I even want to turn it off? So I went to where I could be more discreet and figured I’d see where this would go. And let me tell you. It went. I had wave after wave of bliss fallowed my moments of peacefulness. Might I add this is all without a device. Just relaxing breathing and working the pc. After 2 hours of this I couldn’t take it anymore. The feelings were so strong I thought if I kept going I would wake up the hole house. So I finish my self off in the traditional handed approach and I exploded like never before. I can’t explain how cum there was.
What did I do to myself?

Lost Peridise

So a few weeks ago took a gummy and a half and put in the small Peridise then went into shop to work on some things for a few hours while the gummies kicked in. As happens sometimes with lots of lube had the urge to poop. Went to the bathroom, wiped and flushed. Wait…where is the Peridise? Oh crap, apparently was a bit buzzed and forgot to take it out first. Damn, need to buy another one.

Someone please tell me that I am not the only one to have done this!

Peridise arrives tomorrow! any tips?

So exited to use this toy, I love my helix. This is my second aneros toy i’m getting. I know it’s not for prostate stimuli but i can get pretty good pleasure from just focusing aless with no stimulation, so i hope this toy can work along side that.

Is there any tips or things you wish you knew before using this toy?

Using Aneros and Experiencing Sexual Awakening The Past Few Weeks

Just thought I’d share my story here. These past few weeks have been incredible and I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before with my aneros. Basically things have been very positive in my life, I’ve been working out, taking supplements, spending time in nature and simply feeling great. I’m beginning to have what I can only describe as a sexual awakening.

The story is that I hadn’t bothered with prostate play for a while but a few weeks ago I decided to take the plunge again. This means having a session every 2-3 days and no masturbating in-between for a massive build-up. The result is long, beautiful, luscious, mind melting and body contorting sessions that get longer and longer, better and better the more I keep up my routine. These sessions are better than those of the past.

It’s been an amazing ride. I’m experienced and as soon as I slip lube up my aneros (original MGX and Eupho Syn are my favs) and slip her into my relaxed hole the fluttering and the pleasure begins, no waiting around. I can now easily achieve multiple controlled HFDO’s and when it all becomes too much I let my control slip, open the floodgates and climax the session with a HFWO. I lie panting, exhausted and covered with a flood of my juices before taking a nice shower and then bed. I’m actually still not sure if I’ve ever had a Super O but I now know that it’s my destiny to get there. (My wish, that I’m beginning to achieve, is to use these sexual experiences to unlock higher states of consciousness and love. I have found the key to prostate pleasure is as much mental and spiritual as it is physical. A bit beyond the subject of this post lol)

Night Session!

Last night went to bed late because of late dinner.
Couldn’t get asleep with loaded stomach so decided to kill time with a Eupho Syn session.
Lubed up and lay on my side and upper leg bent. Relaxed with deep presleep breathing pwaves appear.

I got in the mood now…pulled out my Eupho and slide it in again but with the tip pointing to my back….this gives me a tender but firm pressure on my prostate.
Normaly i can sleep on my stomach in this set up.

But not last night…i felt my prostate had a nice interaction with Aneros.
I felt the toy pressed out while pc muscles pulled it back.
Had to turn on my side again to avoid penis contact with my matras and spoil the moment.

From that moment i felt like had to pee and precum pumped out of my glans with a tremendous orgasm.
I cleaned up but let the Eupho inside felt asleep.

Woke up this morning to an a-less dry orgasm

I’ve been having very regular sessions recently, generally every 2 days if not more. Yesterday I had a 3 hour session in the morning and a 6 hour session in the evening ending at about midnight. At 4am I woke up suddenly with a fast heart beat and that sort of tingling/buzzing feeling in my pelvis and abdomen and noticed I was getting erect. Ripped off my clothes, played with my nipples and wow. Dry orgasm. It felt so amazing to do it without a device inserted and to have a dry orgasm whilst very erect too.

I carried on deep breathing and had some more p-waves and fairly intense pleasure that I couldn’t even pin point. Had the hardest erection I’ve ever had and couldn’t resist some edging which triggered p-waves and some really nice feelings in my legs. Went to sleep soon after 🙂

I’ve been having a lot of a-less feelings outside sessions recently that seem to come on randomly but mainly when I’m tired or falling asleep. I might try actively encouraging them in future. Tip’s appreciated

Requesting A Syn Version Of The Maximus Trident

I’ve written Aneros and requested they look into a Syn version of the Maximus Trident. While I love the shape and the fact that it’s large like the Progasm, but stays in a LOT better.

Issue is, I can’t stand the uncomfortable and not very flexible tabs, and I can’t use it for more than about an hour until I simply have to remove it due to it irritating my perineum so much.

I suppose they could also keep it in the white plastic, just redesign the tabs to be more comfortable.

Helix Syn Trident vs Trident MGX

Hi! I want to buy my first prostate massager. I see that the Helix Syn is often reccomended here, but I also saw that the MGX is well reviewed too. I’m looking for the easiest one to have an orgasm with and also the one that « feels » the best, just in term of stimuli.

I’d love to know which one you’d choose, thank you.

have started my journey, maybe some clues

Hi there! Got very excited about mindful prostate play. Have been enjoying this kind of meditation for almost 2 weeks. It really gets me relaxed, wow…
A little bit of background: I’m gay, 22yo, bottom. So some feelings and cravings are not new for me 😅 I use my dildo every once in a while, and I know how ejaculatory orgasms feel this way… But I remember that I was always at some point when I was on the edge and couldn’t get over it (acceleration doesn’t help). So I get real sweat and all, a lot of precum craving for something more, so I usually need to finish it by hands. But then I found articles on anal orgasms and according to descriptions that what I was craving for all the time! So yeah then I found aneros, purchased progasm and here I am.
So far, I found the most comfortable position laying on my back, bent knees, feet flat, but over some time I just lay on my back flat. Ive started doing kegels recently, and it makes me horny af all the time, so I crave for the aneros all day haha. Today I tried mingasm, just really helped to separete out the muscles. Actually I can get some nice subtle feelings in my booty very easily during the day, I could feel what and where my prostate was and all, even before having aneros, but now its all sharpened a bit. Also, I found that my d is now very sensetive all the time (especially head) , even in a soft mode, idk if it’s OK.. Now I can get some shivers down there without aneros as well (question below). As for the session, I defenitely can feel a lot things, very subtle, sometime the d gets hard out of the blue, but then it dies out. Sometime I get some small kicks in my pelvic area (like prostate outside), and it turns into some body wave, but then dies out.
Seems like involuntaries are hard to separate out. I kinda figured how to separate sphincter and root of my d muscles. And when I contract the latter, it always starts shaking very tensely at the root of the d. And when I try to keep it there, it gets mentally hard to keep doing that, like it’s nice, but tiring. Sometimes half way letting it out I can get a feeling as if a needle pricks in a middle of sphincter and the d, and it gives some pleasant full body wave, which dies out quickly though. This is pretty much it. Can you please confirm if those are the involuntaries we’re after? Some ppl say that it must be subtle and like where the prostate and aneros meet..
Also, I found that watching any arousing stuff gets me very horny quickly, I’m kinda very sexy all day long (maybe hormones), is it better to not use any visual/audio stuff? Just focusing on feelings?
Maybe some other hints (maybe specifically for bottoms 😂)

Shorter Aneros

I have found that the Progasm feels very good and full, but it doesn’t move as much as my Trident. They both feel good in different ways, but Trident seems to usually work better and gives me more of a stroking feeling. One thing with the Trident though is I think it is also a little on the long side to hit my prostate effectively. It feels better if I pull it out just a bit, but then it has a tendency to pop out if I don’t hold it in. Any recommendation for a model that is a little shorter? Something a bit more nimble might also help, but just being shorter will probably help with that.