How to use Peredise?

How are people using the peredise set? I’m a newbie and have read that the small one is more “advanced” so mostly wear the large one during the day. It’s nice because I can get a little pleasure from it while working at my desk and feel warmed up later for a real session with a larger toy.

I’ve read that people will use this toy to “train” and strengthen their pc muscles but haven’t seen any explanation on how to do so.

Do you use your peredise for a full session? Is it more of a warm up toy? Or do you keep it in for longer parts of the day like I do?

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Help me take that next step

Hello! I’ve been working through my sessions, making incredible progress, and feel like I’m at a point where I might need some advice. I’ve been able to achieve p-waves regularly and get to where I feel like a prostate orgasm is within reach but I’m unable to get over the threshold. I can achieve a growing feeling of tingling, warmth, pleasure, arousal, involuntaries, and large muscle quaking but seem to have plateaued. It feels like “edging” but without the conclusion. Here are two quotes from the wiki I’ve been thinking about in relation to what I’m feeling and what I’m doing:

>If you feel something building don’t hammer it with a strong contraction. Instead approach it very gingerly…
>When you feel encouraging sensations, think more in terms of supporting them or bolstering them with some supportive contractions and rhythmic breathing. Once the orgasm is imminent, you may employ stronger contractions to constructive ends.

I’ll get to a point where my entire lower body is quaking; the glutes, hamstrings, and quads are going crazy and I feel the near-orgasmic pleasure building and I believe this is where, perhaps, I’m making some mistakes. At this point, I feel like any light squeezing is impossible and I can only contract tightly, entirely bridging my waist (I prefer to be on my back with my legs slightly bent and my feet flat). When I get here, it feels very much like a penile orgasm build-up (but originating from the prostate) and I think my mind it telling me to “push the orgasm to completion” in a way similar to typical masturbation; something I’m aware isn’t the recommended approach. I’d like to just let it happen and take me over but when I get to this point and focus on my breathing, a gentle approach, and the sensations, that warm, tingling, building sensation seems to just fade away.

Rookie Here

Hello, first timer here. Can I get advice on how to use this? I was recommended by the prostatitis Reddit to get one. I went to see a urologist regarding my condition and medication didn’t do a thing with my symptoms. I reached out to the urologist again and he gave me a prostate massage which helped a lot with my symptoms temporarily. I’m reaching out to see what I need to do after inserting.

Drugs are too often recommended in this sub

Hey! I have red a lot of posts here and just wanted to say that drugs are NOT necessary for achieving the super-O. Lets not get people addicted to hard core drugs to for the chance of a Super-O especially because we have so many young adults here as well.

Ordered a Progasm, have a few questions

I just ordered my second Aneros, which as the title suggests is the Progasm (which I read is a lot of people’s favourite), and I have a few questions.

1) What can I expect to be different for this massager compared to my current one, the Helix Syn Trident? I have been able to get prostate orgasms pretty consistenly with it (though I am not very good at having multiple, I have one, get hornier, then jack off)

2) How different does the plastic feel from the silicone?

3) Are the tabs that different?

4) I ordered the Progasm Ice in black, is it any different from the standard white one?


First time having multiple Super O’s – arousal is important!

I had my first Super-O about a month ago now and I’ve been able to achieve a Super O once in every two to three or more sessions I’d say. This week I’ve had a lot of free time and have been having 3-4 hour sessions every single day and it’s been amazing. So many different orgasms and feelings! I’ve been experimenting with different ways of preparing and changing things up in my sessions just to see how it is. Last nights was the best by a long way.

It’s been 10 days since I ejaculated and I can easily arouse myself to a fairly intense level. I often just dive straight in to my sessions but really took my time last night. Gave myself 90 mins to prep my body, which included pre-lubing, relaxing and reading a book until my mind was too distracted 🙂 then another 30-40 minutes of arousing and teasing myself. I touched my body, did PC/kegel exercises, teased myself with my progasm and it was great. It’s rare for me to pre-cum but I was lovely and wet and it was at that point I just *had* to start.

Laid on the floor with my legs on the bed, sort of like a Z shape. Inserted my Progasm and just relaxed… really savoured everything. The way it felt inside me, how good it felt to finally have what I was craving. Involuntaries started quickly, and then p-waves, and then my first prostate orgasm. I’d say this was within the first 15 mins. An hour or so went by that was filled with intense p-waves, a few prostate orgasms and a dry orgasm.

Next toy after Heylix Syn Trident?

I have a Helix Syn Trident and njoy wand — looking to purchase my next toy. I can buy 1 or 2 max, right now this is my short list:

Njoy plug — I do not have any butt plugs, but I think these would be good for a prep-session?
Progasm Ice — large size (fullness) and ice (less friction) might be good.
Eupho Trident — keep on hearing good things this, yet seems similar to my Helix.

I had my first prostate orgasm last week and I want to continue my journey.

Advice needed

Hi folks — I’ve owned a progasm Jr for almost a decade now but only in the past couple months been focusing on prostate play. I gotta say, it’s become somewhat frustrating. Feel like I’ve tried everything — picked up a progasm classic, helix and eupho (and even a tantus p-spot and njoy wand) but still only sporadic contractions and some minor pleasure is all I’ve been able to get out of it. I even tried the peridise, both sizes in the starter kit, and barely get any contractions from those.

Feel like I’ve tried everything I can think of — do nothing method, do nothing except light contraction/anchored tension, Mindgasm techniques, rhythmic contractions, weed, LSD, poppers, watching porn, no porn, binaural beats, audio erotica.

I’ve been playing probably 5 times a week — 2-3 hrs a session on average. I’m guessing this is probably too much. I’m just frustrated and I know I’m chasing the O but I don’t know how to fix that. Any advice?

Float tank aless edition

Had an hour in the float tank today. I took a good amount of CBD beforehand so was really chill going in. Inserted a non-syn Eupho and got into the relaxation. I’ve used devices in the tank before and they never really do anything and this time was no different. What happened after though was crazy! After the float I usually use the free 10 minutes at the oxygen bar. I got comfortable in the chair and was still really relaxed from the float. I was going to my wife’s cousin’s house afterward to repair some equipment. She’s not overly hot but I’ve always had a thing for her. I started fantasizing about her and went right into the most powerful aless I’ve ever had outside of a session! I really had to restrain myself from going full orgasm since there were people there. Damn it was good aless!

Sorry this isn’t as coherent and sexy as I want it to be. I’m still loopy from the session!

Advice needed

I’ve been trying prostate play for a couple of years now and have never really had any significant progress but it feels really good. I rectory started using an aneros prostate massager and so far things seem to be going really well. As I’ve been able to find the time to use this massager, I’ve used it and have amazing contractions and orgasms but all orgasms have resulted with penile stimulation and not hands free. I stay flaccid most of the time and my testicles retract significantly and have a good amount of pre-cum, occasionally becoming 50% erect for a short time and amazing tingling feelings throughout my body sometimes shaking uncontrollably.

Since I’ve started this play, my prostate is constantly telling me it needs attention, all day at work, particularly when sitting down, with fluttering and a warm feeling in my abdomen. I have this sensation that I’m leaking pre-cum but there actually isn’t anything there and overall it’s a great feeling but not something I’m used to, while sitting down and doing daily office work. I sometimes feel the need to grab the arm of my chair and take a deep breathe to let this sensation subside. It’s not an undesirable sensation at all, in fact I’d love to just go into a dark room and intimate a 3 hour session if I could. I also feel some slight contractions in my stomach muscles throughout the day, finding my body occasionally jerking slightly, uncontrollably. My question, is this constant feeling a good sign and normal? I really wish I could find a solid half day to take my time and work on this more for the big O. Thanks for any advice or perspective.