Trouble focusing on the bliss/floating feeling

so I’ve had a few aneros models for a few years now and was able to once and a while get hfwo with involuntary contractions but no bliss feelings. Recently within the last month I can consistently get to the bliss/floating feeling and bounce back and forth between that bliss and no bliss. My issue is I’m having a really hard time getting over that hump, whenever I get to that bliss feeling my mind just keeps running and thinks about random shit and then i lose the sensation. Anybody have any tips to get over that hump and proceed to the next step because I know I’m right on the edge of a super O but fuck I just can’t get over it lol

Syn Helix or Syn Eupho

There will be a up coming 11.11 sale for my country.

been thinking about getting one of the 2 model but not sure which to get. I have got a replacement plastic helix from years back and I would like to upgrade. I have also regretted buying the fun factory duke as it’s too large. hope to get some help or guide. I love the fun factory bootie plug

Results despite pre-existing nerve damage?

I had a spinal cord injury a while back and i have sensation, but not 100%, i have some muscle control, but not 100% (i can use a walker to stand up as exercise but i use a wheelchair) and i can get erections, ejaculate, and orgasm, but its very challenging and i can only do it maybe 1x or 2x a month and only with a specific tenga egg and porn.

I have been experimenting some with a helix syn V and i also have a njoy wand, which helps because i can’t exactly control my pc muscles. I know that the connection between my autonomic nervous system and my brain is impaired, is anyone in this community aware of information related to this issue?

Or if not, do experienced users have suggestions for experiments that could help me? Different toys or techniques that don’t require really fine motor control of pc muscles or something that gives a little more simulation?

Need help classifying this

After years of trying I finally reached a milestone but idk what that is (p-wave, minio, hfdo) – I only know for sure it definitely is not a super o. I get there by flexing my PC muscles and my thighs (legs overall) quite repeatedly and quite hard – but not too hard to avoid a hfwo. I can clearly feel the sensations coming from my prostate but they only exist as long as I keep flexing the area around where the pleasure comes from. Once I quit, it subsides within few seconds. Also it is quite tiring as I need to use up lot of energy to get here and after 1 hour of flexing my muscles are tired and it is over. Intensity wise the first time it happened it would be stronger than a penile orgasm for sure but after that I feel like the intensity subsided and it is not as pleasurable. I do get tense, breathe faster and flex other muscles when I feel the sensations coming from my prostate, it just doesn´t feel as good as I would expect. Maybe I built tolerance? Is it not good to play every day?

Anyway, the main question is how would you classify what I am experiencing and what shall I do to move it further? I am really confused and I always thought the hfdos once they start they go on their own and I wouldn´t need to keep manually flexing the muscles that feel good at that point. Starting to fear what I am experiencing are not hfdos then…

What orgasm did I experience?

I’m still fairly new to prostate play, but I’ve got a decent system going on where I’ll practice prostate play with a Helix Syn Trident for about 2 hours, then spend a third hour practicing penile dry orgasms with the Aneros still in. Today, I’ve experienced something completely new to me while masturbating in the third hour, and I’m not familiar with what orgasms are called what, so help me out.

This happens after a significant amount of buildup stimulating my penis and prostate, while I alternate between squatting and standing up (this alternation is very effective at encouraging my regular dry orgasms).

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the feeling was not dissimilar to getting a head rush after standing up quickly, except this rush was felt all over my body, and there was a strong buzzing. I struggled to balance myself, as I was standing up, too. It was, of course, intensely pleasurable, and I was satisfied after, albeit unsure of what I just felt. This orgasm started and ended in about 7 seconds.

Tried to end my session and ended up in a whole other world of pleasure

Had a nice session with my Progasm Ice this morning – about two and a half hours long with lots of nice feelings and various orgasms. I’d just had a pretty big prostate orgasm and felt fully satisfied so decided to end the session and remove the Aneros.

Laid in bed for a bit all cost when I started to become erect. First my cock and then my nipples. My cock was almost twitching with my heartbeat and became SO hard that it felt like it was straining. I had that sort of buzzing feeling in my prostate and was getting pretty horny again.

I started pinching and twisting my nipples which sent jolts of pleasure straight to my prostate. I could feel the beginnings of a dry-o and a steady stream of precum leaking out of my cock. It felt like I was ejaculating but oh so slowly. It felt absolutely delicious.

Ended up sitting down in my comfy chair and carried on teasing myself by flicking my nipples and caressing my body. Cock still straining and twitching with a steady flow of precum that was now starting to pool a little on the leather of the chair.

Eventually I could feel myself tensing up- especially my abs. My breathing was all over the place and pleasure was taking over me to the point where I couldn’t help but moan and wriggle a bit.

Why all the hate for syn and love for plastic?

I recently responded to another user that was chastised for buying a syn model, and it got me thinking. I’ve never understood the anti-syn contingent. I realize that ostensibly the plastic allows more movement, but I’ve never found that to be true. What I really don’t understand is how anyone can find the plastic models comfortable. What am I missing, and is anyone else perplexed?

Categorized as reddit

First prostate orgasm after 4 years

Been at this for 4 years now (since I was 18 or so) played with my progasm jr tonight after not nutting for a couple days. I laid down on my stomach and started up those little twitches with the progasm inside me and after about 5-10 minutes my prostate started feeling really intense, it felt really good but almost too good not sure how to describe it, like a deep massage that hurts kind of in a good way, or like if you had a bruise on your dick and we’re jerking off only inside you. After a while the intensity started slowly growing and I just kept relaxing into it and trying, and horribly failing, to regulate my breathing, and at some point my muscles kinda sucked the toy all the way inside me and that intensity reached a peak, and just like how when you have a traditional orgasm, your body almost like freezes and you can’t think about anything else even if you tried to.

Anyone who had Testosterone value tested?

Out of curiosity, anyone who had probs with prostate orgasms who had the Testosterone tested? I did recently and it was at 515ng/dl. It’s somewhere in the middle?

I somewhat had the hopes I just had a low value and that it would be the reason. Looks like I need to find some other supplements to raise hornyness?