I wasn’t heading in with any great expectations but haven’t ejaculated for about 5 days and was pretty turned on from yesterday’s Mindgasm free play. Eupho arrived yesterday and I was eager to take it for its first spin.
I found that I got the most movement from it while laying in my stomach. That position seemed to provide the most stimulation to my prostate, but I think I was distracting myself with my penis in contact with the bed and the hip gyrations. Will explore another position more next time.
Overall, it worked enough to get me aroused more than I was but no groundbreaking new heights were reached. I’m patient so not at all disappointed as I realize this is going to take some time to figure out.
For those with the Eupho, what positions do you find work best and do you actively try and contracted your pelvic muscles or just let it all just happen thoughtless?
And should I be pushing the Eupho in as far as it’ll go or just until the tabs make contact with the body?