First session, didn’t feel anything? Not contracting the right way? Help!

Hello! After years of general curiosity, and self locking in chastity awakening an interest in bottoming for the first time, I finally ordered a Helix SYN! I finally got the privacy and the time and went for it!

However, even after reading every single line of the Wiki and setting up an “ideal” session yesterday, it felt like…. nothing. I tried for over an hour of deep breaths, repositioning, contractions (at least I think I was doing contractions properly?), and it didn’t feel like anything. I know this is a long journey of “rewiring” and progress is slow, but I’d don’t expect to feel NOTHING!

Help! How long did it take you to feel anything at all, let alone pleasure? How do you know if you’re tensing/contracting the right muscles?

Just trying not to get too discouraged or frustrated!

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Daily wear

New here. Helix syn trident 2 days old.
Whole experience is incredible. First few sessions were great, some dry orgasms without super o yet, but I am confident it will come.
So decide to try wearing it around while doing other things. No issues with walking or light activity. A few squeezes while standing feels amazing. Anyone with longer wear experience or issues? I feel like as long as well lubed there should not be an issue.

Where can I buy Aneros in Canada?

I am looking forward to buying my first Aneros but I can’t find the Helix on or Priape. Maybe out of stock as it seems to be a popular toy. Buying directly from the aneros site comes with steep shipping costs and possibly duty fees.

First HFWO! Wow!

To start…I’m 26 and a couple weeks ago I made the decision that I want to rewire myself and orgasm only from anal or prostate play. I’ve never just “stopped” jerking off but now I was up for the challenge.

Over the last couple weeks I have been extremely horny. More than ever before. I started experimenting with nipple play and having what some call “aless” sessions. Those sessions resulted in amazing feelings and leaking a decent amount of precum.

So I’ve been away with friends the last two weeks and had little to no privacy the entire time. Deff nowhere near enough privacy to do any sort of play with my toys.

I’ve been so excited to get home and finally experiment.

I got home today, took my clothes off and immediately got rock hard from the anticipation of what was to come.

I was deep breathing and applying lube when I started to leak precum. I had this strong feeling of pleasure in my pelvis.

I started off with my aneros helix and some nipple play. I had some amazing sensations and mini dry orgasms. Finally I decided that it was time to switch so I took out the helix and slid in the progasm.

I started clenching and breathing deeper. The feelings started to grow and I started shaking. The more I was shaking, the better the pleasure was.

Do you guys have a specific model that you always use during your session?

Currently I have the SGX, MGX Trident, Progasm Jr and Helix Trident. Out of all the 3, the Helix Trident gives me the most pleasure. I also tend to get super-O from this model.

The SGX and MGX just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t really feel anything and I find the movement quite intense for my liking. The Progasm Jr fills me up real good but the due to the size, the movement feels restricted. The Helix trident on the other hand… oof it just goes as soon as the contractions begin.

Do you guys have a specific models that you use all the time?

Finally some progress

So been going at it for nearly a year now with barely any success. Started with a helix then a knock off njoy wand. Could never get involuntaries and got bored too easy so went for a manual toy. Today I thought Id try the helix again and gave the do nothing a good go and after about 15 minutes I started spasming everywhere and getting mad involuntaries then many waves of pleasure. What now? I assume I rinse and repeat and it’ll get better?

my journey + looking for someone for aneros sessions

So long story “short”: I’ve known aneros for 3 years now, bought my helix syn trident in 2019 and it’s one of the best sex toys I’ve ever bought. So here’s how it went

may 2019:
I buy my helix syn trident online after reading about prostate orgasm and full body orgasm. I try it, don’t feel much, but it’s still pleasurable, a feeling of “warmth” in my ass, but I always end up sleeping. So i use it very rarely and usually masturbate with the aneros in.

november 2019:
seeing videos of guy fucking themselves with dildos, I buy one and have huge 100% hands free orgasms and sensations I never ever experienced before.

may 2021: the past year and a half I literally never used my aneros, and occasionally rode my dildo. It is by far wayy more pleasurable but also requires a lot of time, lube and it can be pretty tiring! so bc I’m lazy I often just wanked.

I was taking my finals at college (4 days with exams from 8 am to 4 pm) and needed something to relax a bit. At this point I had almost totally forgotten about aneros, I thought that dildos were way better. But searching for old stuff in my bedroom I find my helix syn trident and decide to give it a try.

A glimpse into the abyss?

Let me start by saying last night was my best session so far. I’m not sure if it was my uninterrupted night at home, my new shower gel, my newly found audio to listen to, my 4 days of abstinence, or my freshly minted Brazilian but I was hot to trot last night. Showered, relaxed and crawled into bed. Watched one porn clip which really got me going. Headphones on, lights out and within minutes my involuntary contractions were pumping me. Deep breathing and focusing on not clenching kept the waves going and then whack! the hfdo’s started. Rolled through about 6-10 of those and was starting to notice some weird sensations, like someone was sitting on my chest and then involuntary clenching of my eyes! I started to notice that the eye thing was possibly linked to the audio, which was super weird, like I was being controlled by the music. Whole session lasted about an hour and I was done. Magical night (and morning actually, I backed it up again this morning).

I get what people say about super o’s now. I think I caught a glimpse of it last night. Hopefully I can build on it next time (aka tonight!) this is the audio I was listening to.

Helix Trident Classic.

No drugs.

Resistance half-way in

I have the Aneros Helix Syn and I can get it maybe halfway inside me with lube but at that point it starts to hit some kind of resistance and it’s uncomfortable to push it further. It’s plenty enjoyable just halfway in but I’d prefer to be reaching my prostate.

Has anybody else experienced this? Does anybody know what it might be?

First post. Recent progress.

My first post here but I wanted to share my recent experiences. I was introduced to Aneros through a hookup probably 7 years ago and have collected new models and new sensations along the way.

I can think back to 2-3 times where I felt I was truly getting strong enough pleasure waves that I was nearing what I’d imagine dry orgasms are like. That ringing in your ears, full body tingle, and dancing of the massager. Unfortunately, this happens very rarely. I’m still trying to determine what my block is, but I know it’s likely to be needing to give in to the feeling a little more.

I usually take vacations as an opportunity to easily abstain from orgasm for extended periods. This last week, I returned from a 5 day trip and decided to go all in on finding my peak again. I locked up in chastity in case of a lack of self control, and have done Aneros sessions each night. Last night was where things really got interesting.

I decided to lay down after work and relax, so I popped in my Helix Syn and was able to get some really dull, warm feelings in my lower body. Sadly I had to end the session early, but would pick it up when I went to bed. I took the massager out and almost immediately my prostate was thrumming like crazy. I was helping my roomate hang a frame and several times began feeling like I was getting near another dry O. I had never experienced aless pleasure waves, so I was really struggling to contain my composure. I fought off these waves for close to 2 hours before they finally subsided but I couldn’t help be excited to get to bed to continue.