Even veteran Aneros users need the Aneros!

Hi guys,

It is hard to believe that nearly a month has flown by without having an Aneros session! The worldwide COVID-19 has taken most of us by surprise, especially those of us who live in Europe and the USA. However, there were warning signs of this pandemic gathering strength first in China, then much of East Asia, then in Italy, Iran, etc. Many of us had our routines upended as a result. Many of us lost our jobs, or were furloughed or laid off. So as a result, the Aneros for me slipped into a sort of oblivion. However, as I indicated in my most recent blog posts, I had not forgotten the benefits of the Aneros in my life as a veteran Aneros user. Many nights elapsed during which I used the delights of nipple diddling to shut out from my mind the very bad news of the coronavirus and the utmost needs to take precautions of social distancing.

This morning in the 7 o’clock hour I used MGX classic and then Aneros Syn classic for about thirty minutes. I used the Kegels in a natural way as I used both these two models. The session revved up my Aless which is still going strong at I type this blog entry at 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon. I hope to take my Aless to bed tonight and for some fun. I wish you all a Happy Easter or Passover this weekend, or whatever religious celebration, or just a secular enjoyment of life, which the Aneros gives us men and those special in our life! Take care!

The nipple diddling : a powerful tool for self-discovery and pleasure!

Hi guys,

I got in the middle of the night because I wanted to shut the windows of my apartments to mere slits. A local meteorologist had just said that another cold front was about to blow through.

This blog post is going to be brief. During this time of pandemic, I need my nightly diddling sessions more than ever to ramp up my pleasure and to ward off despair about the blast of bad news on the coronavirus.

I want to share with you all the two basic diddling strokes which cause within me nightly pleasure and bliss. The first basic stroke pattern is basic and forth stroking across my nipples. It feels so good. The second basic stroke pattern is circular stroking of my fingers on my nipples. These two basic stroke patterns are reflected in or on my prostate. Also I can bring myself in no time to height of genital pleasure, even to sweet dalliance of the PONR!

It is when I reach the PONR that I can sustain the pleasure through the Kegels. This is what I intend to do when I return to bed in a few minutes. Take care!

The intimate connection between the nipples, penis, and prostate

Hi guys,

As an advanced Aneros user, I have come to value the intimate connection that one’s nipples have with one’s penis and prostate. Through sexual excitation and stimulation, a guy’s nipples become erect much in the same way that his penis become erect and rearing for sexual activity. A guy can explore the various textures of pleasure through exploring his erect nipples through diddling. The human penis, both circumcised and intact, is a marvel in its anatomy which a guy can explore through touch and manipulation. Most boys through masturbation have developed this to a high art from a young age. Of course, this goes on further when he has his first orgasms and ejaculations of semen in his adolescence. Through coitus or fucking this tactile experience is thrust into higher orbits of sublime and powerful pleasure.

It is truly wonderful when a guy explores his glans, its rim or crown, and the sulcus that area underneath his glans which extends an inch or so beyond down his cock shaft. Then a guy has a frenulum (if intact) or frenulear area (if circumcised) which produces exquisite pleasure. This is reflect in his erect nipples. The top of each of his erect nipples resembles a glans penis and the area of his erect nipple stalk resembles the sulcus of his flared glans penis. Just think or meditate on this analogy when you are diddling your nipples in various ways.

External prostate massage and the cock root

Hi guys,

Earlier tonight I saw a highly erotic diagram of prostate massage and stimulation by what appears to the Classic Helix. It made me downright horny just by looking at it. This diagram, actually a GIF, was a prostate massaged and stimulated by a Classic Helix Aneros, posted by @SOwithoutAneros.

Seeing anatomic diagram of the Aneros in action focuses our minds on what the Aneros does for us men health wise and erotically. Such a diagram focuses our attention on organs that serve both an evacuation for waste products and an erotic, sexual function.

The Aneros awakens erotic consciousness down there. Not only is the prostate awakened but also the root of a guy’s cock. When this happens, just using the Aneros is a highly erotic and sexual event. Guys from reports on the Aneros Forums and Blogs that an Aneros practice or regimen has reenergized their sexual function. Guys have reported that the Aneros has given them firmer and more vibrant erections and longer staying power in sexual performance. Not only that, the Aneros has given many guys powerful and sweet Aless. My prostate awakened in just three weeks of use in June 2012. A couple weeks later, I began having chairgasms in early July 2012. Shortly afterward, I began getting powerful Aless. That was when I began including the Classic Maximus and in September 2012 both Classic Progasm and Progasm ICE in my sessions.

My SO edging exercise and practice

Hi guys,

For the few weeks, I have been meaning to post a blog entry detailing my SO edging exercise and practice.

Before I get to the body of this post, one of the most important dictums of Aneros directions for us is Penis Not for guys beginning their Aneros journey. An Aneros beginner has to learn and master the ropes of using the Aneros. He also has to experience the awakening of his prostate through using the Aneros. It is essential that he leaves his penis out of the equation. Once his prostate awakens, he experience his Alessness, the sweetness of Aless outside of his Aneros sessions. He experiences P-waves and such experiences as chairgasms, walkinggasms, or orgasms that come unawares upon him in bed at night. Thus he truly has embarked on his Aneros journey.

For me, the sweetness that has comes from my nearly eight Aneros journey was prepared many years ago by more intense jockstrap and athletic cup fetish happened during my pubescence and adolescence when jocks and cups were mandatory for athletics in the 1950’s and 60’s. Wearing a jockstrap or a jock/cup combo to bed often focuses my attention open my “man area” (using MLB great, Mark Littell, inventor of the Nutty Buddy athletic cup). Doing this has been over the years so powerful, so sweet, so sexual!!! -:)

Even experienced Aneros users enjoy doing the Kegels!

Hi guys,

Last night I had an exceptional erotic diddling session which lasted off and on the whole night until it was time to rise and get ready for the day.

Through my nipple diddling I caused one SO after another in a series of SO’s which made me so good right now at the composition of this blog entry!

The first few SO’s caused me to rise just after midnight, go to my bathroom where I pissed mightily. Then I dressed my cock in cellophane before donning my trusty BIKE banana cup and jock. I rode my jock and cup in bed for an hour or so in bed before returning to my bathroom where I replaced my jock and cup for a pair of Jockey pouch briefs.

Then I returned to bed to diddle some more where I enjoyed more series of SO’s until 5 a.m. As I said in my most recent blog entry yesterday, my SO edging practice is sustained by the Kegel Exercises. Even experienced Aneros users who enjoy SO’s and MMO’s also enjoy doing the Kegel Exercises.

I end this portion of my blog entry by presenting my Kegel Exercise regimen which I composed in mid Augst 2016 which propelled me to my SO and MMO breakthroughs a month later in mid September 2016:





A cure for erectile dysfunction, at least for me!

Hi guys,

Early this morning, Sunday at 2 a.m., we switched over to daylight savings time. This year the transition from standard time to daylight savings time was not too traumatic for me. I stay home from church and viewed morning service online. However, I am dressed for bed and will be heading there in a few minutes.

I am in the tenth year of my Aneros journey which began in early June 2012 with Aneros Syn. June 2012 to mid September 2016, my Aneros journey was hard work. I had a resolute schedule of Aneros sessions three to four times a week, Sundays off. My prostate began to awaken three weeks into my Aneros journey. A couple weeks later in July 2012, I began to have powerful, sweet Aless which I enjoyed immensely. I believe in November 2013, I added to my collection of Aneros tools Tempo which added power to my sessions. On July 4, 2014, I experienced a mild Super-O.

However, I had to wait until mid September 2016 before I experienced my Super-O and MMO breakthroughs. Since then my Aneros sessions have been effortless. Diddling my nipples and wearing my jocks and cups became very special.

Tonight I decided to wear a BIKE jockstrap to bed. Wearing a jockstrap magnifies the power and sweetness of nipple diddling and the Kegels.

Such a beautiful experience to achieve in my sexual life at nearly 40 – PART 1

2020.01.16 / PART 1:
I’d like to pay a tribute to Aneros and Helix Syn Trident and all here who write so much interesting testimonials and reviews. This smartly designed and soft thing added something tremendous to my already fulfilled sexual life, having a loving wife and 3 kids. It happened in just a few days and I still hardly can’t believe it is possible!
When I have read for the first time about P-spot and big “O” a few days ago, I knew it was something for me.
I have tried prostate massage by hand first. Prostate massage alone and by hand turned to be a total failure. I guess this is because of two much anal stimulation and because I didn’t feel comfortable at all, doing it alone.
Then I tried Kegel exercices in bed at night while everybody was sleeping. I did feel pleasure coming the first time with perineum contraction, doing this first in my bed.
Then I found the Helix Syn Trident on internet and ordered it immediately, after reading Aneros web site and blogs, I went on trying Kegels exercises, feeling pleasure, but not more. But the will to go further was growing incredibly fast, I was really waiting for it!
When it was delivered to my office, packed as a present, my boss was out for some reason, and I had nothing special to do… I could’nt resist to try at this moment! I went to a safe place, put a large amount of lubricant and inserted it softly. I put my clothes back over it and went back to my desk.
There, sitting towards my computer, I focused on my sensations and felt nothing, looking for a position that wouldn’t hurt on the chair. Then I started de Kegel exercises: Contraction of perineum, holding, releasing, waiting spasms, contracting slightly, and so on… Slightly I felt the Helix Syn Trident working, I felt growing pleasure, and I felt waves of pleasure, each time bigger in time and intensity. As I was alone, I started some other positions but each position change would stop the waves immediately. I also realized touching the Helix Syn, was doing the same. I didn’t touch my penis at all, according all I had read about it. I finally lied on the back, knees up and feet on the floor, and it was the best position. I let it go and started to shake, feeling strong muscle contractions everywhere. I didn’t see the time flowing but it was good! Jesus! It was already time to go home. I brought the thing home in a safe place because I had no time to play.
The following night I was once again awake in my bed, and for some reason I tried de Kegel exercises. Without the Helix Syn. I was surprised to feel the waves coming back again without it, but I stopped it before shaking not to awake my wife.
The next day I was working. At one moment I began to think about my experience of the day before and it started again without the Helix Syn, becoming stronger, this time I felt an orgasm happen. When it happened I had the feeling of an energy flow going through me upwards, was it just my imagination working?
The following day, I tried the Helix Syn early in the morning but I had not enough time to have an orgasm this time because I had to go. I was kind of frustrated. But the waves came back in the car on my way to my job without the Helix! I suppose this is not quite a good idea for security. I have had orgasms the all day long with hours of pause in between: in the evening I was so exhausted and feeling hurt at the perineum and others muscles, so I decided to make a break to rest.
But from time to time I can’t resist to let it happen again. While cooking, in my bed, and it keeps coming back better.
This weekend I will give it another try at home with the Helix Syn because I think I can get more if my body has rested. I can’t really explain how it happened, I guess this is all a question of confidence, relaxing and muscular training too. Sometimes orgasm is not coming at once but if I just let waves happen again and again it finally comes. Now I have to explain and explore this with my wife. I have to normalize the practice, keeping it for intimate places! I have still a lot to learn about it. I see now this prostate stimulator as a surf and as a key to pleasure… Many many thanks to all from my ocean of pleasure, surfing on this wonderful wave! feeling happy! Cheers!

Diddling while wearing my jockstrap last night : Powerful meditation on my prostate, cock and Glans!

Hi guys,

Many of you who know me on Aneros.com are aware that I have a powerful jock and athletic cup fetish which enhances my diddling sessions in bed at night and my Aneros sessions. This fetish goes back to my adolescence when I along with other boys were directed by our gym teacher in 7th grade. It was a mandatory part of our gym uniform. I appreciate very much the elastic support a jockstrap offers my genitals and how it prevents fatigue in athletic activities. But there is a very powerful aspect of jocks and cups for the intimate support and protection they have offered me over the years. I thank my dad and my gym coaches for their good examples of wearing such items which produced this sexual awakening in me and this powerful fetish. Wearing jockstraps and cups also has been a natural American activity for athletics and even everyday wear since at least the 1940’s and continues to this day here in the USA. Just writing all this makes me extremely horny.

I began my Aneros journey on early Sunday evening, June 3, 2012 with Helix Syn. Three weeks later I began to experience P-waves. In early July 2012, I began to use Maximus. That was when powerful Aless set in.

After my major Super-O and MMO breakthroughs in mid September 2016, my Aneros sessions became effortless and nipples began to awaken big time. Diddling sessions at night became a source of pleasure for me.

Ah the pleasure of Anerosing in the standing position!

Hi guys,

This morning just now I had my now usual session with MGX Classic and Helix Syn Classic in the standing position in my bathroom. The standing position enables me to have direct contact with my prostate and my Aneros devices. Also through direct contact, my sessions last now usually 30 minutes. The session was highly pleasurable, and post-session, the pleasure carries over into my Aless as though the Aneros is still inserted and working way. The Aneros Forum and Aneros chat seem to be having technical difficulties since Saturday. Here’s hoping that I can post this blog entry.

Update @7 p.m. nearly twelve hours later. Oh, how I enjoy using the Aneros these days! I enjoy how MGX and Helix Syn directly massage my prostate. I use Kegels of various strengths, but there is no need to have Kegels that over the top. Otherwise I would injure myself while having Aneros sessions in the standing position. My Kegels are more natural now. They certainly prime the pump of sexual pleasure. What I so enjoy about Aless these days is that it is sweet and powerful. I can tap into my Aless just about any hour of the day, but especially at night when I diddle my nipples using soft, deft strokes back and forth my nipples, or using circular stroking on my fleshy aureoles. It is so sweet and powerful. I look forward to my diddling dalliance tonight. Take care.