“Male Chastity: Relaxed”

I decided to have a ‘quick’ session with the Helix Trident. I had not ridden it in a while. I am only in Day 3 of SR so my expectations were not too high. As soon as I started, I began to feel the nice P-waves and an almost immediate erection. I was wearing my SafeTGard “chastity cup” with the XO ProCup (instead of the Cage Cup). I did not feel any Dry-Os this time around but that was okay. I still expelled some prostate fluid (not precum because it was not slippery and sticky). The Helix Trident (due to the combination of P-tab and K-tab) allows for a nice, easy and quick “in-out” motion caused by the two tabs. It doesn’t take too much anal or PC contractions (kegels) to get the flow going.

An “Experiment” In Male Chastity
I don’t know what prompted this but as soon as this session was over, I decided to replace the “chastity cup” (which I wore during the session) with a traditional jockstrap (athletic supporter) for the rest of the night and see what develops. I didn’t want to ejaculate so in my mind, this substitution was okay. I couldn’t predict the outcome. I selected a Bike swim/run jock (which is not too restrictive and has a nice soft knit pouch), put it on under my PJs and went back to bed.
An hour or two later, I awoke with a NPT (night-time erection) that belied my Day 3 SR condition. I could not believe the stimulation now acting on my penis and especially the frenulum. Saying that I felt close to the PONR was a gross understatement. What I felt was a combination of a near-wet dream feeling and literally being in a (female) penetrative state of sex. Literally! In other words, f*****g awesome! No exaggeration here; I was completely paralyzed in the feeling of sexual intercourse and felt that with only a few more “strokes” I would be ejaculating! But it’s only Day 3! So much for this “altered” male chastity state!

A major Aneros discovery this morning! May 10 session

Recent happenings:

What I wrote on Saturday April 28.

“I am now in day 22 of my second SR challenge. A couple days ago in the early hours of Thursday morning. I may have experienced a wet dream. The most wonderful thing about semen retention. which could be part of the discipline of chastity or even sexual continence, is for experienced Anerosers that it increases most delicious sensations in a guy’s anal tract, even his seminal tract.

“That is what I felt early Thursday morning. I felt like I was going shoot cum! I was certainly in the vicinity of the PONR summit on the mount of sexual arousal. It felt so good! In fact, that is what I feel in a most luminous, electric Aless right now, a good five hours when this morning’s session concluded. However, getting back to Thursday, I don’t think I had an ejaculatory orgasm in my wet dream because I would have discovered a copious pool of semen.

“For this morning’s session, I used in sequence the following Aneros tools: Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, Maximus and Progasm Classic. I think the session lasted at least one hour, perhaps more. It was definitely a good session because that is when I feel when I had a really good fuck session!”

It is really good to masturbate once in a while now! What happened morning at sunrise on May 2.

MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic are so awesome! Session for Friday April 20

Hi guys,

I believe that my Aneros sessions are a type of weight training. Many years ago during my long career at a university in my neighborhood I used to work out several times a week at its field house. First I spend an hour or so doing weight training, then run several laps on the race track in the gym, and then end swimming in the Olympic size pool located adjacent to the men’s showers and locker room. I am glad that I did this type of athletic activity. It boosted my work life at the university. It always uplifting to see all sorts of men doing their routines and then in the nude in the showers and locker room, ages 18 into their old age.

I learned very early from the gym athletic trainers and from fellow athletes that weight training is most effective if you space days off from weight training sessions. The same is true with Aneros sessions. Think of your prostate and anal tract as muscles. They need days off to rest from the rigor Aneros weight training that occurs in sessions. My working outs at the university field house always made me good both physically and emotionally. This happens when those “feel good” endorphins that a good gym work out releases in your body and your psyche. The seem is true from my Aneros sessions I have now. Not only are endorphins released but there is the electric pleasure of Alessness for hours after a session.

“Never-Ending Helix Pleasure//Tease & Cum”

This session happened two nights ago; a very busy day yesterday prevented me from blogging this until now..


I was in Day 10 of SR and wore my Mueller “chastity cup” overnight. I awoke about 2 AM (I believe) with a huge erection; I knew I wanted a session with the Helix Trident. Prep was easy and before long, I started the session.

Right from the start, the Helix-T took command of my prostate. It was not a “bully” but rather was in charge of taking me where I wanted to be and very quickly. I began lightly moaning almost right away and believe me when I tell you that I was moaning the ENTIRE session! I couldn’t say for sure if they were p-waves or min-o’s but the pleasure that was generated from the Helix-T was unbelievable!

The design of the Helix-Trident insures that kegels are not “wasted” — the “in/out” motion cause by the combination of P- and K-tabs insures that the prostate is continuously stimulated. I enjoyed every minute of this session! I took a peek inside the “cup” and—yes—it was wet with prostate fluid. This was a profitable, prostate-milking session!


Aneros, revisited

It has been awhile since I’ve had the opportunity to play with my Progasm. Last time I had it in, I felt as though I’d made good progress towards getting closer to P-waves and a Super O. Due to time restraints and the inability to be alone, I’ve had very little time to experiment. Since reading some of the blogs, however; I have found one thing that really has made a difference: nipple stimulation. All I can say is WOW! My left nipple definitely leads right to my prostate! While using the Progasm, I did have a few moments of feeling something different, and while I was most relaxed in breathing, ambience and relaxing jazz music, those moments that did come left all too soon. I began to think that perhaps the Progasm was too long to be stimulating my prostate. I would always have a non-stop stream of pre-cum and in most cases some prostatic fluid, but it just felt like it wasn’t doing what it should. So after some research, I settled on the Helix Trident. Last friday, I had the afternoon to myself, so went through my usual ritual of flushing my rectum out, filling it with some lube (Sessions is the best!) and then got down to trying out the Helix. In short, I did feel like it was hitting my prostate in all the right places. Being used to the Progasm, the Helix slid in nice and easy; I didn’t even really feel it there until I started contractions with my anal sphincter and Kegels. As usual, pre-cum oozed out almost non-stop, and this time more prostate fluid leaked out as well. With constant nipple stimulation, I got a pretty good and hard erection, and decided to switch to the Progasm Black Ice. Wow, the feeling was different, and it did feel like it overshot the prostate. So after 15 minutes or so with the Ice, I switched back to the Helix. I also decided to lay on my stomach, and thrust my pelvis and flaccid cock into the towel on the bed. About five minutes of doing this, I began to clench my anal sphincter, and could feel the Helix move in and out, rubbing on my prostate. The more I clenched, the better it felt, and although my cock was completely limp, I could feel as if I was building towards an orgasm. Uncertain as to whether or not this would be my first Super-O (which it felt like it would be!), I kept clenching tightly until I could feel my prostate grow, and before I knew it, my fourteen day load of hot semen exploded out of my flaccid cock onto the towel and my belly. The orgasm was amazing, but I really was hoping I would not have ejaculated. I can’t wait to find time to continue my Helix journey. I’d certainly welcome any suggestions, so feel free to respond to my blog. Thanks!

MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE give me stupendous Aless! Session for Monday April 16

Hi guys,

Because of matters I had to attend to over the weekend, I was not able to have an Aneros session this past Saturday or Sunday yesterday. But I was really horned for one. I believe that proficient Aneros users reach a point in their Aneros journey that their well-exercised anal musculature and prostate hunger for the Aneros. It could be called Aneros hunger or horniness. Of course, many proficient Anerosers try to limit their sessions to two or three times a week. Aneros hunger or horniness interacts well with one’s Aless, especially on those days away from the Aneros. That has been my experience over the years, especially when I began to experience Super-O’s and MMO’s on regular basis in my sessions and in my Aless beginning in mid September 2016 when I achieved a major breakthrow. See below:


This morning I arose in the 5 o’clock hour feeling horned for a session. I had worn my Nutty Buddy Mongo Cup to bed last night and slept well. I went out and returned with a Brookie and coffee from our 7 Eleven. My Aneros tools of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE had already been prepped and were rearing to go. I also donned a BIKE jockstraps-Nutty Buddy Mongo Cup for the session.

I took my time with each of my Aneros models. MGX hugs my prostate and thus accentuates the force of my Kegels. I also Kegeled a great deal with Maximus and was richly rewarded with tons of pleasure. The same thing with Progasm ICE. I believe this morning’s session lasted about 1.25 hours.

Nutty Buddy Cup all the way III-IV : Aneros sessions for Thursday April 12 and Friday 13

Hi guys,

Last night Wednesday I wore my Nutty Buddy Mongo Cup to bed and slept soundly until 3 a.m. this when I got the Internet and attended to other matters until 5 a.m. when I went back to bed. The Nutty Buddy felt real good, but I had a brief cat nap. I ended up getting up for sure to shave and dress with my athletic cup underneath my jeans to get some breakfast from 7 Eleven. After returning home with coffee and a Brookie, I had breakfast and proceeded to have an Aneros session.

My session only lasted an hour with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. This morning I took my time with my Aneros tools and communed with them. My jock-cup combo consisted of two men’s large BIKE jockstraps and my Nutty Buddy Mongo Cup in the pouch of the outer jockstrap. This jock-cup combo is ideal for sleeping in bed at night during which I Kegel and diddle myself off and on throughout the night. It makes for powerful and sweet foreplay. This jock-cup combo also enhances greatly my Aneros sessions.

What impressed me most about this morning’s session was the periods of communion I had with each of my Aneros tools. Each tool seemed it was surrounded by an electric field of pleasurable P-waves. Kegeling intensified these extremely sweet P-waves. Also I activate the massage action of each tool through calm breathing and periodic Kegels. All this seemed so natural that I could have kept it for hours.

“Prostate Edging and A Male Fertility Clinic…”

This unusual fantasy was quite spontaneous and pleasurable. Here are the details….

I slept in my SafeTGard “chastity cup” with the Cage Cup overnight. I am in Day 5 of SR and awoke about 4 AM with a hard cock and “edging” close to the PONR as I have done before while wearing this particular cup (it is smaller than the other cups and my erect cock gets some additional stimulation with gentle movement—a nice feeling! I feel like I am going to ejaculate but don’t). I am due for a prostate stim session and decided rather quickly on the Helix Trident; why this model I didn’t know at the time but now it became very clear that this massager would be ideal for this session.

I lubed-up and began. Almost immediately, I began to get what I would call “rapid-fire” auto-contractions. I could not stop them nor control them. (Thanks to the HT for this movement). And from the start, I began to lightly moan. This moaning actually continued for most of this session.

I Was Contemplating An Aneros Session…..Then Realized I Already Was Having An (Aless) Session!

I am still alone in the house. Up at about 4 AM and relaxing and chilling. I was contemplating an Aneros session. I did have to ejaculate yesterday at Day 11 of SR. I was getting the dreaded “blue-balls” feeling again and didn’t want it to escalate into full-blown agony.

Anyway, back to the “session”, I went to lie-down and noticed a slight feeling coming from my prostate. I started doing some very light PC kegels (in and out, but mostly in) and began to get a “clamping” feeling when I did and “held” the “in” kegel. The pace of the kegels seemed to increase automatically and I convulsed on the bed several times, like I do when having a good Aneros session. OMG! I believe I was experiencing some Dry-Os and/or Mini-Os! The amazing thing about this is that I was doing just very SLIGHT kegels and no hard anal contractions at all! If only slight PC contractions are necessary for these sensations, then I could do these very often! I don’t have to wait for a “chairgasm”! I should be able to perform these delicate but stimulating “Aless” sessions in bed sans a massager! I must continue to practice!


“An Incredible Aless Session!”

[Thanks to @BigGlansDC for his inspiration on the combination of Aless kegels and “diddling” (nipple stim)].

I just experienced the most intense Aless session I can remember. Here is how it happened….

I was up about 4 AM this morning, still wearing my Mueller “chastity cup” (a banana style cup) and I wanted to lie-down and listen to some relaxing tracks. I found one on YouTube which seemed intriguing: “Fifty shades of trip hop – instrumental music mix 2017” so I went to lie-down and started listening.

Well, it wasn’t too long into this amazing collection of musical tracks that I began to concentrate on my prostate: I began in my mind to “visualize” it, to “target” it with my eyes; going around and around it and focusing on nothing else.


The music carried me deeper and deeper into this erotic session. Now I seldom perform any kind of nipple stim on myself during sessions, but something made me reach up and begin to caress my flaccid nipples. And before long, when they both achieved an erect, aroused state, something else happened…..I gave myself a penile erection within the hard banana cup! (I had been flaccid since I started this “session”). The nipple stim quickly escalated into a full-body massage and arousal which involved my pecs, hairy underarms and shoulders.


Things progressed rather quickly from this point on…..I continued to perform the “diddling” of my erect, sensitive nipples and began to simultaneously perform kegels. And at some point, I began to fall-into a most erotic fantasy (one that was quite unexpected).