MGX – will just doing nothing really work?

I picked up an Aneros MGX last year and have tried it a handful of times.

So far I’ve managed to get some pleasure from it but not the elusive pgasm – whether dry or otherwise.

I’ve tried manually moving it using the kundilini handle even though I heard it’s not recommended. I’ve tried contracting and relaxing my anal sphincter.

I’ve tried various positions and various kinds of thrusting.

Someone that I picked up on /r/prostateplay however sounded very promising.

Someone commented that you can do literally nothing – as in just lie there – and the natural peristalsis of your anal muscles will sort of manually push the toy in and out therefore stimulating your prostate.

Obviously you have to be in the right frame of mine. But… If the more vigorous methods of stimulation have thus far failed me does doing nothing other than lying there with it in hold any potential for success?

Wearing habits?

New to using the Aneros. I have the MGX Trident. Curious to know when you wear your devices? All day, all night, first thing in the morning before heading out, in the evening at home. How long do you typically wear it?

Best K-lube:water ratio for mgx (not syn)?

I shoot 3ml coconut oil in my ass first. However, I found out my K-lube mixture is absorbed faster than expected when I apply it to my MGX. (Approximately less than an hour)

I think my ratio could be the reason why. I didn’t measure it tho😅

What’s your recommending ratio? I have a magnetic stirring plate so all lumps are dissolved effortlessly.

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Which one is your favorite?

Hey everyone, I’m looking to buy another aneros toy and I was just wondering what everyone’s favorite toy is. I currently have the MGX trident and the Progasm. I’m having trouble getting these to work for me. The MGX is just all together to small, I don’t get many sensations with it at all. And the progasm is nice, gives me some pleasant feelings, but nothing more than that. So I was hoping that the lovely people of readitt could give some insight on potentially better toys, and maybe how you specifically use them. When I use my progasm I try the do nothing method, which usually leads to some twitching, but then it quickly fades. Then I’ll try doing some light kegals, and the feeling disappears all together. Anything, tips or toy recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

MGX goes in too deep. Any solutions?

Sorry to repost from r/prostateplay. Let me do so to get more info from different redditors.

I have used MGX for three years but have never achieved p orgasm though it feels great sometimes. I recently noticed that my MGX goes in too deep so the tip goes past the sweet spot.
I’m using some tissue around p tab to stop it at the right spot, but my prostate feels a little bit weird uncomfortably probably because of the different angle stimulation and my perineum feels sore at the end due to the tissue.

Are there any suggested solutions for this problem?
Or could you suggest some other toys that is smaller than MGX?
I’m a fan of gentle stimulation so progasm series and any thrusting/vibrating toys might not be an option…

Internal muscle weakness

I’ve owned Aneros devices for 5 years, playing on and off but never getting much out of it. Until last week. I had not been able to find my MGX for a long time but re-discovered it during a move. Found some time to give it a shot and while it always felt good, I never got any p-waves or into the feedback loop. This time was different, within about 2 minutes I was feeling the p-waves and my limp penis was twitching, after about 5 minutes my penis started hardening as I started getting some bigger waves but I was having trouble holding the contraction level to keep it going. I could adjust and find that level again for the next 10 minutes and then nothing. If I completely relaxed for a couple minutes I could get back to twitching but nothing like what I was getting at the beginning. Is this just because my sphincter isn’t strong enough to keep up the contraction at the level I need? Any suggestions to keep it going?

Finding the Trident MGX much better than the Helix Syn. Based on that which model would you recommend I try next?

Hi everyone!

I just want to say this community has been an awesome place to learn about aneros.

I recently bought a Helix Syn V (I don’t use the vibrations as I’m working on muscle training and rewiring) and I’ve been getting some pleasant feelings but I got the Trident MGX as part of a promotional thing at a shop and never got around to using it. I tried it on a whim and had amazing experiences, I’m new to aneros but I was able to achieve 2 HFWOs.

I understand each model is designed for different stimulation and that people’s prostates can be situated a bit differently. The idea of choosing my eventual next model is a bit intimidating. Given that the Trident MGX has been better for me which model do you recommend?


restarting the journey

Hi. I’ve been looking at this forum for a few weeks now. A bit about myself. I long time ago I discovered the aneros. I bought an original model. The MGX looks like what I got. I enjoyed it on and off but never really committed to the journey. I forgot about it and it ended up in the bottom of a drawer. I just started using it again. Of course I had to go to the website and see what developments have been made since I purchased mine. I am curious about a few things

1. Would a smaller aneros be better? Mine fits me pretty well but sometimes it seems like it gives too much pressure. Also when I pull it out slightly it seems like that is “the spot”. Since I want to enjoy hands free I don’t always want to be adjusting.

2. Does the Kundalini tab add to the experience? Mine has the curly tail/handle.

3. When you were new to the journey like me how spaced out did you keep your sessions? I don’t want to over do it. So far I’ve had one session a week.

I like the look of the eupho trident and was thinking about getting one. Or maybe I should just be patient and work with what I have. Anyway thanks for this forum. I have learned quite a lot from it.

Close to orgasm?

I think I get right on the edge of have a P-gasm but it never happens. Usually, I lay on my side with my feet resting on the bed not on each other. I have my head relaxed facing my laptop watching porn. The best way is light and slow contractions for me. I start to feel sensitive, and it feels so good just relaxing there. I am usually semi hard. I am leaking precum at this point. Then get a super hard erection and starts twitching like crazy. My heart starts to race, and I am having involuntary contractions. Nothing else ever happens. My heart rate eventually drops back. My erection and all the contractions go back to normal. I then do this again and again with in every 10-15 minutes. Nothing happens though. I mean nothing that fills explosive like an orgasm.

I read on aneros forums some people claim the same issues but other guys are saying THAT is the orgasm. And they just get better over time.

Have I really reached an orgasm and just need to continue to get the best feeling? What am I doing wrong? I try not to chase it but idk what to do. Just keep going and just enjoy it for what it is? I never tried to abstain from regular masturbation. Maybe I’ll try that. I am also worried maybe my muscles are not strong enough to orgasm or something.

How to clean white models?

I have an MGX Trident, and I wash it thoroughly before and after each use, but there’s a brown stain that developed that I can’t for the life of me get rid of.
Is there any to remove it without damaging the toy?