It finally happened but not in the way I was expecting

Long post – sorry…

As the title says I FINALLY hit my first Super O and it wasn’t at all how I thought it would go. I’ve been playing for several years now with varying degrees of success – some sessions are great, some I experience nothing. Still, I kept at it and when I LEAST expected it it finally happened.

I wrapped work up early yesterday and decided to have a session. After a quick 10 – 15 minute meditation to clear my head I popped in my helix syn trident – no porn – just some ambient music to give me something to focus on and zone out.

I’ve noticed that no matter how much I try to not “chase” in the past I always end up chasing and trying too hard to make something happen. Also, I realized I keep expecting it to feel like a traditional, penile orgasm and so I’m probably searching for something that just isn’t going to happen. This week I decided my focus would be entirely on FEELING and LISTENING and being okay with whatever happens while also ignoring any pleasurable feelings that may involve my penis and focusing as much as possible on my prostate.

Nothing actually came of my session other than some light p waves and honestly I was okay with that. However, it finally dawned one me – I’ve been feeling these p waves all along but was failing to recognize / let them build before because as soon as they’d happen I’d clamp down and scare them away, basically. Anyway, I showered up and went along with my day.

Help on progressing [Question]

Hi so I would consider myself an intermediate aneros user, been using mine on and off for about 2 years while including the use of porn in my sessions. Today I decide to go without porn to feel out the vibes and I experienced what I hope was my first P Wave, if felt as if the aneros was going in and out on its own causing pleasure every time it moved, all while my legs were shaking and I felt tingles all over my face and body. This was my first time experiencing this but have not been able to recreate it. Later on in my session I tried but just got an erection and got the usual feelings of my prostate swelling against the aneros and forcefully pressing against it (this usually leads to a HFWO which I don’t want). Does anyone have any advice on how I can recreate and grow from that experience? Thank you.

TL;DR: Had my first P Wave, couldn’t recreate it where do I go from here.

Totally lost

I started out so well. Read the wiki, forums, this reddit and just about everything possible. Practiced regularly. Had some early results (different feelings anyway).

Now I’m just totally confused about it all.

I posted early in my journey that we needed a clear definition of terms to avoid confusion and allow people to identify what they’re experiencing. I feel we need it now more than ever.

I haven’t experienced anything out of body so I’m assuming I haven’t had a super o.

I have no idea what a p-wave is. Nor mini o, hfdo, or any other term you want to mention.

I love my toys. Love anal play. I think I’m just going to chuck the dictionary out and ride!

Peace out and happy new year to all!

Good session

Had a decent session a bit ago and it was one of the most successful I’ve had without THC. I changed up the lube for some variety and went with unrefined Shea butter and coconut oil. I have been recently using K lube and the switch back to the oils was a nice sensation. Inserted the Eupho Syn Trident and got some immediate good feeling by focusing on my recently acquired ability to get pleasure without a device. Just the right amount of contraction and the little P-waves start. What really amped up the session though is that I forgot that the landscaper was visiting today. The Eupho was deeply involved when I heard him working through the back yard. The blinds in my room have gaps so there was a chance that he could see me naked and stretched out. The thought of getting caught was a major turn on and I got some really good Mini-Os. Overall a decent session!

Any porn addicts here?

Prefacing this by saying I do not judge those who use porn in anyway. I’m a recovering porn addict of 20 years. Never got to the point where I had PIED or escalation to seriously taboo or illegal content but definite impact to my ability to become aroused outside the bedroom (i.e. by myself). I’ve been pornfree for nearly 6 months and before my last relapse in June I was porn free for 2 months. So 2022 has been a good recovery year and the one that I think will serve as the foundation for long term permanent porn abstinence.

Anyway, I’ve been using the aneros off and on for the past four years. I can count on one hand the number of times I feel like I’ve gotten even remotely close to a super on and two of those times has been in the last month. So I have a renewed interest in practicing this but obviously so many years of penile-focused ejaculatory orgasms to porn has made it very difficult to tap into innate arousal and experience a lot of success. My routine is usually to put my device in and do nothing for about 20 min other than deep breath and focus on lowering heart rate. I’ll then do some light contractions and try and differentiate between my different muscle groups. Lately I’ve been trying not to rely on any mental fantasy but it’s usually required to get me started with some involuntaries. At that point I’ll stop fantasizing and try and focus only on sensation and let my body do the rest. This is where I’ve had the most success and experience what I think are p-waves. But eventually I lose control of my breathing or try and maintain the right level of muscle contractions and lose everything. Eventually my involuntaries start to feel kind of one-dimensional I.e. I feel them only in one muscle group, usually my rectum and it will take me a awhile to get back to where I was.

Heart rate and stress peaks on Garmin device during Aneros Trident session

I just had the most amazing sessions with my Aneros Trident inserted, while leaning back in my office chair in my home office. I used my nipples to raise the tempo and it was heaven.

The vibes were strongest I have had to date – not sure if p-waves, o or super – but they were fantastic.

My resting heart rate is normally around 50 bpm, according to my Garmin fitness device but it was up around 100 (max 105) while I was having fun – for about 15mins.

I could not scream – like I wanted – as my wife was downstairs. However, I was shaking like a leaf and could hear the device moving. It was like having a prolonged orgasmic experience.

I dribbled quite a lot of pre-cum and the stress monitor on my Garmin showed the highest it has been in weeks with a peak of nearly 100 versus a weekly average of 27 over the last year.

I stopped to write this and then tried to see if I could repeat the fun and sure enough <5mins later my heart rate peaked again at 108 bpm and I was shuddering like mad. I am not sure if I will be able to wipe the smile off my face.

Would love to hear if others have monitored progress with a fitness device and what the results were.

Newbies lack of arousal and “not working” posts.

I found this a few months back and was sold so I’m a newbie myself, I see quite of few posts talking about (what should one do) (it isn’t working) (what’s the best positions) etc… so, of course this is for newbies like myself that have seen some sucess, and not for the experienced booty connoisseurs on here whom I blame for getting me into this in the first place lol

Guys we are all different, the name of the game is exploring and finding what works for you. That’s the beauty of this whole experience, getting to the destination without the journey defeats the purpose, read others experience, discover your own body, try different methods and most importantly don’t get frustrated, enjoy it. Some people likes the big stuff, others like myself could never take it and rather have the little toys. Positioning is very much subjective, try it all and see how your body responds. By no means I say this as the voice of reason lol I was on the same boat at first and thought this was all a dud for the first couple days myself. I’ll share a compressed version of my experience thus far.

Help me understand what is happening?

Still a beginner here, have a question but please bear with me laying down some facts first that I feel are contributing factors.

Usually I would insert my helix syn trident for my sessions with a condom and some lube. Sometimes I would need to do some contractions for awhile, while other times, I can just let the toy slide on its own and create some tingling in my prostate. I would keep playing and exploring the sensations but at some point I would start to feel a tingle. That tingle would lead into what feels like the calm before the storm where I feel nothing for 2-3 seconds before it rapidly increase in intensity quickly with 2-3 waves of pleasure and then followed by the overwhelming urge to ejaculate.

As I am way too fucking turned on when it happens, it would lead into a raging boner that would eventually kill any kind of build up that was happening before. I feel the erection actually misdirected or redirected my attention from my prostate to my rod.

At this point, it feels like I have switched train tracks, where before I was getting high on prostate pleasure and now I am 110% erect but am at the base 0% of what feels like the start of a cliche masturbation session. I would try to attempt to go back to exploring my prostate sensations but would ultimately become impossible as I would somehow, mysteriously lose my ability to get horny afterwards.

Another good day

Today another great session with Aneros. Slowly understanding my body more it’s been a beautiful journey so far. I have tried different positions with success but today I was on my back normally legs bent. Today put feet up on sofa, this must push my prostate on to Aneros and was so nice stronger feelings. I tried deep breathing and I will say my small p waves turn in to 3 strong wet orgasms. I never had 3 wet ones in a row before. This was good I am left like I need more.