Aless – Sitting vs On Back

I’m practicing Aless. Any experiences of sitting vs being on your back? For some reason, it feels natural when I cross my legs sitting to just get sensations. But when I’m on my back struggle a little bit. I’m sitting on a stool and crossing my legs, just flexing the PC (I think) is giving me sensations.

However, in the past, my stronger orgasms came from being on my back. I feel like it’s because it’s easier to relax lying down than sitting. Not sure if I’m doing something different?

Newbie’s first P-orgasm

I am not going to go into detail about the experience other than it is this out body warm humming that swallows your body and i had to cut it short because it was getting late. But I have a couple insights for anyone just beginning and getting a little jealous of these super O posts(I know i am).
1.Do nothing is better than over doing it with PC contractions
2. porn is distracting during a session. Watch/read erotica/porn before and try to take some mental snapshots for later.
3. Focus on breathing! and just simply notice pleasurable feeling.

Also i think that if you can string session together without getting sore helps because “dud” session is no longer a dud but are awakening up session and then you doing kegels during the down time period.

also also something i haven’t read so far about or maybe i missed it in the aneros forums but holy cannoli my abs are sore from all the spasming. I had to cut it short because of the later hour, but i was laying in my bead and i was still having spasms an hour later.

Actively Voluntarily Pounding The Prostate using The PC Muscle

in about two days, I will get the house to myself for one week. The last time was one year ago. I remember for two days I am using the aneros helix trident and pc muscle actively pounding my prostate. In one day I could have 8 hours in three session. So two days is 16 hours of prostate pounding. At the end of the day two, I could feel that my prostate stimulated so much that a little nudge would get me a little bit of pleasure feeling. At the last 30 minutes of the season, I feel calm orgasmic happy feeling, maybe this is what people called calm seas orgasm.

Anybody got experiences on this?

I am getting there…

It‘s been some wild 2 -3 weeks and today is probably the most intense and craziest day so far…

I‘m a single 49 y/o straight male who is used to watching porn and wanking off, almost on a daily basis.

It even went so far that I‘ve developed a temporary ED, simply because of numbing my natural senses and overloading my mind and body with way too many stimuli.

My porn kinks got stronger and more bizarre and I literally spent more time searching for the hottest flics than enjoying my wanks.

Last month I‘ve made a decision to get rid of all the old blocking and harmful behavior and to kind of „restart“ myself in several ways.

I‘ve always been open to anal play, prostate play and other stuff but all the dildos that I have bought over the years just did not do it for me and probably only have supported my fantasy as I wanted to get pegged by my gf – if I had one lol.

Well, somehow I stumbled across this subreddit and found „Mindgasm“ which definitely was a huge eye-opener. Right from the beginning I could „roll“ my PC muscles and leaked a lot. On the third day, I had the first longer P-waves – still veeeery low level of course.

Then I read about the Aneros and ordered Progasm, Progasm Jr. and the Helix Syn because I‘ve been horny as hell and wanted way too much, way too fast. A huuuuuge mistake!

A new journey

Sorry if this is a long post but I wanted to share my experience and would welcome any advice…

I’ve been an Aneros user for about 10 years, and have tried the Helix, Helix Trident, MGX, Progasm, Eupho Trident and now have a Maximus.

I’d had occasional pleasant feelings but nothing close to some of the experiences described in this forum. I didn’t bother trying for several years but then read through some of the details and tips provided in this forum recently and decided to try again. Some of the key changes that I’ve tried over the last few weeks..

1. Remove any expectation of an orgasm and just enjoy any good feelings
2. Breathing deeply when you inhale and exhale and using your whole body to do it
3. Big contractions aren’t good – either do nothing or do very gentle contractions
4. Use lots of lube (I’ve been trying boy butter recently and it feels much better and I don’t dry up as quickly).
5. Doing pelvic floor exercises through the day

I’ve had a lot more pleasurable feelings since doing this but last night was quite something else – although I didn’t have what would be described as a Pgasm or Super-O.

My wife and I went to bed and I was feeling a bit horny. She fell asleep so I decided to put the Maximus in and just have a light session and see what happened.

New user, struggling to get p waves

I recently purchased a progasm to experience the aneros product, I have played around with massaging but only when I am also jacking off, I have also played with pc exercises and I feel like I am halfway decent at them, whether I put the aneros in and play with contractions, I get only minimal prostate stimulation, if I move it with my hands I get much more and I can also feel it rub my prostate if I induce an orgasm with my penis, any tips on how to start getting some p-waves or really just any stimulation?

Advice for a Newbie?

Hi – I just got a aneros syn 5. I’ve gotten to the point where I can trigger involuntary contractions with subtle pc flexing. These make my cock physically tremble – but I wouldn’t say it’s insanely pleasure. I can hold the contractions for a bit if I focus.

Am I on the right track? Any tips would be great.

My experiences after 10 years of aneros

Aneros user of about 10 years. Warning: long post ahead. Unfortunately no TL:DR. Tips and tricks section after the wall of text 🙂

While penis-centered sexuality as I learnt it as a teenager is more of a mechanical approach the joy your prostatate can give you requires a more holistic process. For me set and setting are important. Nowadays I rarely have time to use my aneros (job,kids,friends, sports … ) but when the opportunity arises the foreplay / preperation is an important part of the experience.

Throughout the day (s before) I do some PC muscle squeezes which already activate my prostate because it knows whats to come. I like to take a bath or a nice hot shower, do some hair removal around my penis, the balls and the perineum/anus (Sugaring ftw!) so everything is smooth and hairless, give myself a pedicure (soft feet feel amazing 😉 and eventually put on a jockstrap (it feels sexy and keeps the penis out of the way while the anus is accessible) and douche just for the ease of mind. Ill then go about some chores, gardenwork, go for a walk or do some yoga, sometimes with a buttplug in, sometimes without – all in the sexy anticipation of whats to come.

Follow up to my first post about using a knockoff (just ordered MGX and helix)

I made a post a few days ago about how I was apprehensive following my first session with a knockoff, mainly due to pain that set in after about an hour.

I gave it another go yesterday and decided to take it much easier. For the first hour or so, I didn’t do anything. Then I started gently contracting for the next couple of hours. I never got quite the pleasure that I got the first time I tried it, but I was glad that there was no pain. I finished just enjoying the movement and went to bed after the 3 hour session.

But what blew my mind was this morning. I was woken up about an hour before my alarm went off by the hardest morning wood I’ve had in years. I just laid there enjoying the feeling, and started contracting my PC muscles and imagining the sensations that I had felt a few hours earlier before sleep. This led to some incredibly pleasureable sensations, even better than with the device inside the night before. I did this for probably half an hour while my erection remained rock hard and dripping everywhere. Felt close to orgasm just clenching and focusing on the sensations down there. I didn’t want this to end, so I just got up, changed my underwear, and went about my day.

Just ordered both helix and mgx. Can’t wait to try these. Think I need to change my underwear again.

Please can you link me the best wikis and website to find techniques and infos on how to use an Aneros and achieve Pgasm ? There’s too many info and I’m lost …

There’s so many infos that I I’m a bit lost and I wish to know wich info and techniques are the most “effective” I know there isn’t one way to use an Aneros and to get a pgasm and that everyone is different but if there’s a good source to learn different techniques I would like to consult them

Some say to use kegel and contract PC muscles to make the aneros move, others say to do nothing… I’m lost