Aless a day following the breakthrough & Saturday midday session: Wow!

Hi guys,

My Aless in the hours following my breakthroughs in achieving Super-O’s and MMO’s with Maximus and Progasm Classic continued strong with many peaks and valleys of intense, erotic sweetness. What impressed me most is that my Aless was transformed. It is now effortless and seems to float. There is greater elasticity from my perineum through my manhole and the musculature surrounding my prostate which vibrates and pulsates with pleasure! I think also that my PC is especially elastic, yet strong. There are also surges of sheer pleasure that come out of nowhere. I can summon these surges of pleasure through Kegels, strong and subtle, or just by thinking about anything relating to my sessions, Aless, Super-O’s, MMO’s, or my various Aneros tools.

I slept well last night and finally rose for the day’s activities at 5:30 a.m. After bathing, shaving, and dressing, I set in my chair before my PC when it happened. I was “attacked” by a series of intense chairgasms! I had to go with them and just enjoy them.

I had to run a couple errands in the heart of Georgetown from 8:45 to 10:00 a.m. It has gotten humid again. I sweated during my long walk back to the apartment. However, I noticed on my way back home that there are “electrical energy” of a sexual energy in my legs and feet! Amazing.

Right now I am sitting bare-chested wearing an old pair of BIKE coaches shorts. I just how my caressing activates Aless, even intensifies it. It is so free and natural.

First Aless Orgasm

According to the Glossary on the Wiki site, ALESS means Aneros Less. or without an Aneros.

Last night I went to bed and I didn’t insert my favourite Progasm toy. For those who are following my progress, I have been sleeping with my Progasm inserted and last week I awoke in the middle of the night and had my first MMO experience.

Well, last night I awoke at about 4am and felt the warm P waves building, I lay there enjoying the experience while they increased and increased in intensity and then into a nice mini dry orgasm. My hard started to pound, my breathing became deep and heavy and it felt like I had cum, but there was nothing more than a dribble of pre-cum. It was shortly followed by another one. They didn’t last very long, probably 30 seconds, but it was very pleasant.

What amazed me was there was no Aneros inside me. And it all happened relatively involuntary. I say relatively, because I now can recognise the little sensations to focus my mind on and they do build when you focus on them.

It is like my body has learnt how to do it now and has taken over – I am just a passenger going along for the ride.

Two great sessions, Sept. 13 & 15, 2016

Hi guys,

The splendid, late summer weather with its cool breezes, low humidity, and brilliant sunshine made me pleasantly tired last night. So I went to bed promptly at 10 p.m., my usual bedtime, and didn’t have my session as planned. I laid out my Aneros tools for the session: MGX and Helix Classic.

I slept reasonably well last night. With summer heatwaves exiting, lower autumn temps will arrive in the coming days, along with the low humidity. But we do have one hot day forecast for tomorrow Wednesday with high humidity before we go back to refreshing weather Thursday and Friday.

So this morning right after getting coffee and pastry from 7 Eleven, I proceeded to this morning’s session with the following order of Aneros models: MGX, Helix Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.

This morning I decided to let these models work for themselves according to my body’s desires. The do-nothing-approach does have its advantages for the experienced Aneros user. So I inserted the MGX which opened my session. Automatic anal contractions kicked drawing the MGX fully into my anal canal to fellowship fully with my prostate. I began on my right side and then switched on my back with my butt on the pillow. The MGX massaged away of its own accord which produced paroxysms of Aneros sweetness which I endeavored to enter into fully.

The same thing happened with Helix Classic with its more direct, aggressive action.

Energizer Bunnies Maximus and Progasm Classic: Super-O’s and MMO’s!

Hi guys,

Early this morning I believe I had a session in which I achieving some major breakthroughs! Achieving Super-O’s and MMO’s with Maximus and Progasm Classic! And also being able to replicate all this in Aless!

As I said in my previous blog entry, yesterday’s weather was blah with overcast skies with a touch of autumn in the air. I cold front passed through around midnight Thursday which cleared the record setting heat and humidity of the day before. Yesterday we had a day that we hadn’t seen since mid May! I had felt unwell. Finally I had to take a couple naps and then have an early bedtime last night.

However, I woke up around midnight and then listened to my radio for a couple hours. Finally I got up at 2 a.m., dressed, and intended to do translation work till dawn. Instead Aneros horniness hit me as I remembered my encounter with Progasm early yesterday morning.

So I had an 1.5 hour session with Maximus and Program Classic. I have gotten to the point that both these models insert easily in their unique ways, and so I was in business. Maximus is just as long as Progasm but more slender. Maximus penetrates deeply and so is intensely satisfying. But in this session, I discovered a knack with the various Aneros models. Let them work for you according to the needs of your body as activated by your psyche. It is said that the human brain is “the” sex organ. So this morning I rode Maximus in a new, refreshing way which produced waves of pleasure that felt like Super-O’s and MMO’s!


For the last two weeks, I have been away from my Aneros toys but I practiced Kegels and edging every day.  I was looking forward to reunite with my Helix Syn and Progasm Ice.  Last night, after my wife went upstairs to bed, I lubed up the P-Ice and laid down for a much anticipated session.

The session was not a great one but provided me with some good feeling which it always does.  I was looking for more so after an hour or so in my session, I went for a good Super-T.  The last time I ejaculated was on Aug 13 so I expected a deluge of cum but I was surprised to see a minimal amount of semen come out.  Maybe my numerous edging sessions are having an effect of reducing my semen output.  At the end of the day, it’s not about what you eject but how good you feel.

It will take a while to get back in the grove of things.

Sweet, pulsating Aless = Sweet, pulsating prostate?

Hi guys,

For a real long time, like the last one or two years, whenever I have strong, profound Aless, it is pulsating Aless. It is very sweet, yet powerful Aless. This happens when I focus my attention upon the seat of my manhood.

Now the seat of my manhood, I believe, is centered in my prostate. My Aneros sessions have indicated and verified that one dynamic truth. Yes, I have a penis and a pair of testicles, but the seat of my manhood which I just described is hidden.

I discovered my penis for sure as a boy at age five. That is when I discovered the pleasure laden in my glans. I learned that if I stimulated my glans lightly the pleasure would be suffused through my penis. I learned then that if I had played with myself “down there” that I would produce erections. Also, at age five, I began remember seeing my dad naked. That happened most in the summertime when he would dash through the house buck naked after dinner to my parents bedroom to donned his Little League Baseball umpire uniform for games he would officiate. Little did I know in those years that he wore an athletic supporter!

In those impressionable years, I thought my dad was the most handsome man naked. He was tall and slender in his early forties. His penis was a much larger version than mine. I discovered then that I had inherited his bulbous, mushroom GLANS! I learned years later that we both were circumcised!

MMO or SUPER-O – Either way, I reached a new plateau

It’s been a while since I posted my updates,

Since buying my Progasm a month ago, I have hardly put the thing down. It feels amazing and my progress towards Super O were well on their way. About every week I was reaching a new Milestone – involuntary contractions, pushing the Aneros into my prostate, Involuntary movements of the Aneros the next week, deep pleasure the next week, and so on.

Although last week something changed, I was using my Progasm on Saturday night and into Sunday morning. Although enjoyable, I still had not reached the Super O. I got up for a shower. I decided to masturbate whilst in the shower. I still had the Progasm inside me, it felt good whilst standing in the warn shower. Suddenly I look at my penis and I was ejectulating! It was weird as there was no sensation, no enjoyment, I was cumming and lots of it. I thought it was the involuntary result of all the Prostate massage I had been doing, although I was surprised by the lack of sensation.

During the week that followed, I lost all interest in trying to achieve my Super O, I tried inserting the Progasm as usual, but nothing really happened. It was like my body did not care for the continued search for the elusive prostate orgasm. It felt boring having the Progasm inside me – nothing, I was worried because I had been making huge progress, then this happens. I thought all the “re-wiring” had come undone, all my efforts were wasted – .perhaps I had short-circuited something.

Shaking All Over

I’m sure most Aneros users have seen some form of video on the Internet – the ones where during use of an Aneros product the user is thrashing around like a fish that has jumped out of a pond. A couple of times I have filmed part of my session using my iPhone and was surprised to find looking back how still I was during an orgasm. In my mind I am moving around and shaking, but my body is doing something different….until now.
The opportunity arose to be alone on Sunday morning – the wife and kids were out and I had about an hour before I needed to be out so I made sure it wasn’t wasted. The Progasm came out, was lubed up and I was ready to go. A couple of good strong orgasms were had, but this time there felt that there was more shaking – but then along came the next one – easliy the most powerful I’ve had but then the shaking and moving and thrashing began. I had no control over my body and was actually shocked at the violence of what was occurring. The bed was shaking and moving so much that I’m sure I am going to have to tighten some of the nuts and bolts up if this continues.
I had a couple more similar experiences in the session – but what I did come to realise is that all the shaking and moving was actually prolonging the orgasms – they were now lasting at least of couple of minutes if not longer.
Every time I use the Progasm there is a different experience – Where next??

Making use of Knowledge

Continuing the progress of the past weeks….As I have mentioned before the school holidays are somewhat hampering the opportunities to have Aneros sessions so to fill the time I have been emersing myself in the blogs, forums and Wiki that are available here. Going back to read blogs from the start of someone else’s journey, you can learn so much. There is a wealth of knowledge and information available on this website and so much to learn in terms of technique and feelings etc.
I have been fortunate that I did find the super-o fairly early one (in my third session) but since then, they are definitely changing, increasing in intestity and length as well as bringing even more new feelings.
It was two weeks between sessions, and when the opportunities have arisen, they have been in the morning. One advantage of the school holidays is that on occasion I can get a lie-in after the wife has gone to work. Even though I have had a two week gap in using my Progasm, my prostrate is alive and receptive as ever, especially as I have put to use some of the knowledge that I have gained.
One ambition is to try and achieve a super-t by means of a hands free ejeculaion. By reading info on both blogs and the Wiki, I’m kind of getting there. I’ve not achieved yet, but it’s fun trying !

Building the Anticipation

For various reasons I have not been able to update my blog over the past couple of weeks – and so much progress has been made. I’ll have to break it down into smaller entries.
At the moment I find that a planned session feels so much better and relaxing. Having that feeling inside of you knowing that a session will happen that evening helps to mentally prepare for what is to come. The anticipation builds inside of you, waiting for the moment you can begin.
With the wife away for 2 nights, I knew that I had to take full advantage. Once the time had come for my session, I could hardly make it up the stairs quick enough and get undressed before reacquainting myself with my Progasm. Immediately the familiar feelings return and the first orgasm arrives in less than 10 minutes. From that point onwards the next 2 hours were orgasm filled – I can’t say how many but it was an incredible ride.
The following night was more of the same – by using different methods of contraction and relaxation, I could almost orgasm at will. Every session seems to bring something different – whether it the length of the orgasms, the intestity or the ability to have MMO there is always something to be gained for the next session.