20 years in the making super o

As the title says, I’ve been on this journey for close to or over 20 years now off and on with a number of different aneros models until I found my fit. I couldn’t have done this without the recent legalization of recreational weed in my state either. I got high as per usual and started feeling some nice a less waves and contractions. I inserted my progasm and it was off to the races. I’m getting turned on just writing this reminiscing about what unfolded. I got a couple of the usual p waves and involuntary contractions just laying still and doing nothing but what sent me over the edge this time was gently rocking my hips back and forth. This would put just the gentlest amount of pressure on my toy and almost nudge it closer into place. The first couple shocks of pleasure caught me by surprise and had me clenching uncontrollably to the point where I had to hold my progasm in place with my hand as it was about to pop out. I relaxed for a minute or two and then it hit me like a freight train. My muscles from my toes to my chest all seemed to clench and flex like I was having a seizure as the waves of pleasure came crashing into my prostate. I couldn’t control my hips from shaking as if they were possessed. It wasn’t the traditional sense of pleasure I’ve come to expect from penile orgasms either but something different and equally pleasurable and much more longer lasting. This was very well worth all this time and effort I’ve put in. I can’t wait to try again tonight! I’m almost 90% certain this was a super o, what do you guys think?

Which should I pick

I am new to prostate play, but I also enjoy the fullness feeling of larger toys I hear that the helix syn is the best for beginners but I also want something larger like the progasm but I hear that’s for more intermediate people what should I as a complete newbie who finds pleasure and fullness should I pick?

Prostate orgasms VS hfwo. What’s the difference?

There’s a big difference between HFWO from physical prostate stimulation and dry super O. I am able to HFWO using toys and I’m also on my aneros journey with some great progress with relaxing and mindfulness. I’ve achieved strong p waves but no super o… yet.

Is it possible to achieve a non ejaculatory prostate orgasm from prostate play? And is it short lived or can it last over an extended period like a super o?

Would appreciate some advice…

It finally happened but not in the way I was expecting

Long post – sorry…

As the title says I FINALLY hit my first Super O and it wasn’t at all how I thought it would go. I’ve been playing for several years now with varying degrees of success – some sessions are great, some I experience nothing. Still, I kept at it and when I LEAST expected it it finally happened.

I wrapped work up early yesterday and decided to have a session. After a quick 10 – 15 minute meditation to clear my head I popped in my helix syn trident – no porn – just some ambient music to give me something to focus on and zone out.

I’ve noticed that no matter how much I try to not “chase” in the past I always end up chasing and trying too hard to make something happen. Also, I realized I keep expecting it to feel like a traditional, penile orgasm and so I’m probably searching for something that just isn’t going to happen. This week I decided my focus would be entirely on FEELING and LISTENING and being okay with whatever happens while also ignoring any pleasurable feelings that may involve my penis and focusing as much as possible on my prostate.

Nothing actually came of my session other than some light p waves and honestly I was okay with that. However, it finally dawned one me – I’ve been feeling these p waves all along but was failing to recognize / let them build before because as soon as they’d happen I’d clamp down and scare them away, basically. Anyway, I showered up and went along with my day.

What’s likely going on here?

I’ve been at this for a few months now and am pleased with my progression, overall. I have had decent success with reaching pleasurable states with and without an Aneros, thanks to Mindgasm and A-Less techniques people have posted. I have had a few HFWO with the Njoy wand, but I am finding I hit a low/medium pleasure plateau with my Eupho and Progasm Jr.

I definitely feel wave after wave of pleasurable sensations that have a mild sense of “release satisfaction” but they are not as intense as a penile orgasm or anywhere close to the intensity of the HFWO’s I’ve had (which are penile orgasms x10). In all my Aneros sessions, the good feelings rise quickly and I enjoy them, but the seem to peak and the wave after wave of 30 second “mini O’s” end up hitting a plateau where the intensity doesn’t seem to progress. Typical sessions are around 1 to 1.5hrs in length.

Is there anything I can try doing to elevate the Dry O journey to propel myself beyond this plateau? I never get close to the intense feelings that build into the Njoy HFWO’s with an Aneros. Is this likely technique related or do I need to try another model that targets my prostate better? Thoughts?

Lube shooter?

Beginner at prostate play, I can fit my MGX in pretty easily. Do I still need to use a lube shooter to lube myself inside, if I can fit it pretty easily?

If yes, what is the benefit? Last time I lubed with a syringe, it took a while to get all that out.

Success story

After approximately 3 years of trying, albeit rather inconsistently, I finally reached what I think was a hands-free orgasm.

It took about 90 minutes of wearing the aneros along with watching some porn and teasing my nipples. A warm, incredibly relaxing feeling overcame my body. A bit later a small stream of squirt came out. At first I thought I was peeing so stopped the stream. Once I realized it wasn’t, I relaxed further and a huge stream of squirt started almost as if I was peeing. I was soaking wet but the feeling was incredible.

My question is: what’s the difference between when your prostate play causes squirt vs cum? Is there a way to cause one versus the other or is it just all individual anatomy?

progress with doing nothing method

Hello everyone.

In my first post I was writing about my frustration. I keep on trying and don‘t want the frustration to win. Thanks to all the recommendations and experiences, I probably would have given up already without reddit and other forums.

I‘ve made some progress in my last sessions. I feel like doing nothing works best for me atm. Just feeling, relaxing, no squeezing, no porn , (only listening to mindgasm in the beginning for relax and then to some erotic stuff), breathing and touching my nipples , belly and thighs (of course not the penis)
Last night I had a nice session, my body started trembling, I felt a nice pressure on my prostate, moving my hips.. but somehow my body was like “exhausted“ at some point if that makes sense. Maybe I was trying too hard or I was simply tired ? I cannot do a session during the day unfortunately. I think it‘s so difficult to stay “patient“ when things start to feel good .. what can I do when the tremblings start for example? Just keep on breathing, enjoying without wanting more?

A little concern of mine is that I don‘t live alone. i have seen videos of people screaming and moaning uncontrollably, I would literally wake up the whole house (i live in the city, have neighbors also 😅) i don‘t want them to call the ambulance haha
A question to the super o experts: how loud are you? Do you live alone? What about neighbors?

Next toy recommendations?

I currently have a Helix Trident (white plastic one) and a Progasm Ice. I’ve been thinking of buying another Aneros for some time now but unsure what to go for.

Eupho: I see lots of raging reviews on this people giving it a lot of praise.

Vice: Not sure if this one is good or not. I’ve seen some people complain about it staying in.

Maximus: I’ve not seen many reviews on this one, anyone recommend it?

Peridise/Tempo: I know this isn’t a prostate massager but I’ve seen people give it praise for inducing pleasurable contractions.

Of course if there’s any I’ve not listed feel free to mention and give a reason on why you would recommend!