I ordered my Progasm Classic about two weeks ago.
For the first week I just kind of fumbled around with it. Even though the feeling of having it inside me was pleasurable it was frustrating to read the blogs about others experiences and not figure it out.
At the end of the first week – for some reason – I finally had an orgasm. I’m not sure exactly what I was doing differently. I think that I just put it in whenever I had a stretch of time and figured out out it felt until…..BAM!
Once I came I was able to have several sessions where I came. But then I had two sessions that were much like week 1 – which was immensely frustrating. I think I was just trying too hard.
After that – I just started listening to my prostate (LOL). I didn’t bother to try to cum unless I could feel my prostate was tensing up in anticipation.
Right now I’m in week three, and I seem to have figured this out (I hope).
I’m having intense multiple orgasm sessions several times a day. It takes me less than five minutes from when I insert the progasm to when I am cumming. I am basically like a kid who ate all of his Halloween candy in one sitting at this point. There are times when I can just have a ten-minute session and be satisfied, and there are times when I want to devote an hour our so just to intense cumming.
Tag: Prostate
From the Start
As this is the first entry in my blog it makes perfect sense to start at the beginning.
As a teenager I discovered the delights of anal play, I’m straight but knew there was a world of pleasures to be discovered by probing my ass.
Things started with carrots, courgettes, basically anything I could shove up there that would fit, Vaseline was my lube of choice. Many horny teen sessions were had experimenting whilst searching for pleasure.
Into my twenties and girls had arrived on the scene, although in private a collection of toys were spicing things up, I’ve always had a kinky side to me so I love to experiment, pushing the limits searching for the next sexual high.
Fast forward a couple of decades and I’m married, my wife is gorgeous, loving and fun but I still have a hidden world of self pleasuring, she kind-of knows what I get up to, as long as she’s satisfied and I look after her, she knows its my ‘private time’ and is happy to go along with it.
My first Aneros arrived on the scene in 2015 when after much researching, reading blogs, forums and reviews I ordered the Helix Syn.
When it arrived I couldn’t believe anything so small could lead to the mysterious ‘Super-O’ I had read so much about.
I knew from the first few sessions this toy was different, in the early sessions my cock would feel bigger and harder the ever before, sessions would always end with Super-T. Occasionally I’d experience sensations beyond my normal range, tightening of my abs, shaking and pleasurable wave-like sensations.
Finally a ‘Super -O
Originally posted on the ‘General Discussion’ section of the Forum.
I finally had a Super O!
And what helped me to get to this point after trying for a mere six years? The beautifully and delightfully formed Eupho Syn Trident, interestingly this is the model I use the least, that is up until today.
This is how it happened:
After cleaning up, a douche and shower, I made sure the room was nice and warm, I lay on the bed, I find being on my back the most effective position for me. I lubed up my ass internally with KY jelly and coated the Eupho with Vaseline then inserted it, then twenty minutes of breathing exercises and mild contractions, whilst watching some solo girl and lesbian erotica.
Within ten minutes or so I could feel the familiar sensations of dull but pleasurable ache spreading through my groin and buttocks, a bit of diddling my nipples and I could feel the arousal starting to build.
(Sensitive nipples from using Aneros has been a revelation to me.)
fast forward an hour and by now I’m experiencing wave after wave of pleasure, my whole body is quivering and the aneros is deliciously and cheekily teasing my prostate, during these waves of pleasure I’m concentrating on my breathing whilst totally ignoring my dick (this is so important).
First Ride of The Helix Syn Trident
Originally posted on the ‘General Discussion’ part of the Forum:
I’ve been feeling a bit down recently, due to lockdown and being confined to home. What better way to cheer myself up than with a couple of new Aneros’s to bring some cheer into my life?
I ordered the Helix & Eupho Trident Syn’s.
The original Helix Syn is my favourite followed in close second by the Eupho Syn so I was intrigued to see if there really was a noticeable difference in the trident versions.
First to arrive was the Helix, the Eupho is due to arrive today (I’ll let you know how I get on this that).
It’s been talked about on other posts about your prostate ‘calling you’ I also experience this, it’s like a dull throb tempting me, inviting me for a session, It’s the sign of good things to come.
After a shower, douche and lubing up I settled onto the bed, on my back with my feet flat on the mattress, a couple of pillows under my back & butt. I then relaxed and concentrated on my breathing, deep inhale through the nose and hold for eight, slow exhale through the mouth again for eight seconds, and repeat, after fifteen minuets of this I inserted the Helix, I should say I’m also viewing some soft core erotica (mainly solo videos of Erica Fontes, she’s well worth a Google, if your that way inclined!).
Epic Sessions
Originally Posted on the ‘General Discussion’ part of the Forum:
Like many of you out there I’m on lockdown, lots of time on my hands with not a huge amount to do, the result of this ‘bonus-time’ lots of honing my Aneros skills.
In my previous posts I’ve mentioned I’d recently added two new models to my repertoire, the Eupho Syn Trident and Helix Syn Trident. My thoughts on the HST can be found on my previous posts, I said I’d get back to you on how I was getting on with the EST.
I’ve had four or five session with it to date and the initial signs are extremely positive, yesterday’s session was particularly memorable!
Started off with a douche, shower and fifteen minutes of relaxation breathing exercises. Internal pre-lube of my ass with KY and then a coating of Vaseline and inserted the EST, then do nothing, and I mean nothing. I can feel a gentle nudging of the devise on my prostate but only the mildest of pressure. I start to watch some erotica to get me in the mood and to take my mind away from any distracting thoughts.
I’m doing nothing, no squeezing, no pushing, NOTHING!
Fast forward 30-40 minuets and I’m experiencing single and unexpected spasms, instantly followed by what I can only describe as an electric shock, this radiates up my body all the way to the top of my head, they become stronger and more frequent. The area around my pelvis starts glowing (not literally!) from deep within a warmth is building, my legs and lower torso are gently quivering. It’s a wonderful sensation.
Hello MGX Syn Triden
After the great rides I’ve been having recently with the EST & HST I invested in the new MGX Syn Trident, being a fan of the MGX Trident i thought the smooth soft-feel silicone would be an improvement, and I was right!
It arrived last week and I did something I’ve not done before (after all everyday is a learning day), I had four back-to-back sessions spread over four days, all resulting in multiple Super-O’s.
For me the MGX just seems to just hit ‘the spot’, like the HST & EST once inserted I can hardly feel them, this model though rests sweetly on my prostate, gently nuzzling it. The results have been quite literally mind blowing, never before have I experienced such sustained and powerful sensations whilst being taken to such wonderful places, it almost spiritual.
Once I’m relaxed and as things start to warm up I can feel what I can only describe as a fizzing sensation in my prostate, this grows and radiates up from my perineum up and over my cock, as if caused by the tightening of a strap, the sensation keeps intensifying resulting in a warm glow around my groin. I contract my PC muscle whist at the same time pushing out with the muscles in my anus, the MGX feels like its locked-on to my prostate and not long afterwards the now familiar sensations of a Super-O build, quivers, shakes and jolts of energy control my body, my whole body contracts and goes rigid, then the delicious part, waves of joy and pleasure wash over me, I’m being transported to the deep recesses of my mind, random but horny thoughts enter my mind merged with kaleidoscope type images of vivid swirling colours. I try to hold this feeling for as long as possible whilst at the same time savouring the ride, seeking out the unknown destination.
Progasm ICE as an exercise tool : Part III
Hi guys,
This morning at 6:30 a.m. I had an another session with Progasm ICE that appear to be a continuation of my previous sessions recently with this Aneros tool. But this morning my ride with Progasm ICE was both settling in and explorations of the massage action of this amazing tool upon my anal musculature and my prostate.
Over my decade of working with this Aneros, my journey had several distinct phases. The initial phase was getting used to anal play and the action of my various Aneros tools. That lasted from June to September 2012. The second phase lasted a good five years from September 2012 to September 2016. At times my sessions seemed laborious. There were times during these long years that my sessions were enjoyable. However most often after sessions I would come away with powerful and Aless that would continue into the evening.
In mid August 2016, on a lazy summer morning, I had a stroke of inspiration while riding a city bus. I began Kegeling during my bus ride. The Kegels radiated sheer pleasure throughout my body. My appointment that morning didn’t come to pass, so I returned home mid morning where I composed my regimen of Kegel Exercises to rev up the pleasure during my Aneros sessions. That regimen led me to my Aneros breakthroughs a month later in mid September 2016 with Super-O’s and MMO’s.
Amazing session with MGX trident
I had intended to write this after I wake up tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait. Earlier today I started thinking about my MGX trident for no apparent reason. I thought perhaps my body was trying to tell me something. I decided to go to bed early and have a session.
I didn’t expect much to happen, since I was tired before I started. And the last few sessions I’ve had have been mediocre. I thought I would give it a try. I had this vague feeling that I needed it.
I inserted it and tried to relax and clear my mind. The “do nothing” method seems to work well for me. I make a conscious effort to give up voluntary control and let my body take over. I played with my nipples as usual. I had some interesting sensations but nothing spectacular.
I felt especially tuned in to my body. I had these feelings about how I needed to position my body to get the best results, and my intuition seemed to be very accurate. Shifting my body slightly had a huge effect.
Tonight I experienced so many different orgasms and sensations. As usual, I learned a lot. There were times when it felt like my prostate was being almost punched. I felt my muscles contract in a way that I’ve never felt. They were contracting so fast that I couldn’t feel the individual contractions. It was like a hummingbird beating its wings.
The orgasms came on so easily, and I rode the waves effortlessly. A few times I felt orgasms encompass my whole body. It was intensely pleasurable but also peaceful at the same time. I could feel my prostate getting warm and swollen. I had this feeling like my body was rising upward. I know it might sound crazy, but there were some moments when I thought I could see a white light. I don’t know where it was coming from.
I got interesting results by concentrating on the movement of the MGX. I focused on how it was moving and the feeling of it moving. I concentrated on those little ribs stroking my anus. I focused on the perineum tab pressing down. Focusing on different parts of the experience causes different sensations.
I usually have to wait about a week between sessions, and it’s only been about two days since my last one. That’s one reason I was so surprised that I got such good results. However I followed my intuition, and it didn’t fail me.
Calm Waters
Last night, I had a fantastic session with my Classic Eupho Syn! I experienced, for the first time, the state of ‘calm waters’ often referenced in the forum. On occasion, I get to that point but it’s usually in Aless session; this was a first with a massager inserted.
I would welcome that sensation anytime!
Next session is planned for tonight and my prostate is whispering one of two massagers, my Classic Helix Syn or my old reliable Classic Maximus.
Just ordered the Progasm Classic
I just ordered the Progasm Classic. I am a newbie to all of this but super-excited. From reading the blogs I can tell that this all takes a bit of practice but hopefully I will pick it up quickly.
I just got the Progasm Classic in the mail today. Initial impressions – it was smaller and harder than what I expected. I set about to testing it out. Inserting it was not difficult. I felt a small amount of prostate pressure but not much. I fumbled around to find the optimum positions for me – going from lying straight back on the bed to standing next to it and being bent over the bed. I tied moved the devise around using my kegal and sphincter muscles but wasn’t getting that “building” sensation. I googled some websites to watch how it was done but I didn’t see anything that really showed me how to do it.
I laid back down again and just experimented using my muscles again. I really don’t want to touch my cock as I saw some do in the videos as I am going for a total prostate experience. I started getting into some sort of rhythm but I can tell that my muscles aren’t really disciplined enough yet to move this thing the way that it needs to stroke me. Anyways – seeing the blog I realized beforehand that this isn’t something that you get right off the bat.