My first super-o

I’ve had my progasm for a couple years now but just recently had the house to myself and decided to get high and try it and I finally got it figured out.

I got myself cleaned and lube while I waited for the high to hit. I laid on my back in bed and popped the progasm in. I was excited and started edging but I was determined to cum from the aneros. I stopped edging and started listening to some GoneWildAudio until the high hit. After an hour of listening, I was getting some sensation that I would classify as p-waves but realized I was chasing the orgasm.

I was able to calm myself down and focus on my breathing and after another 30 minutes I could really feel it building up. After some trial and error, I was able to ride that feeling until I started convulsing and moaning uncontrollably. This was stronger than any orgasm I’ve ever had several times over, all while I was completely soft. After what felt like minutes the orgasm finally subsided and I realized, at some point I started holding my breath. I gasped and was still caught somewhere between super-o and p-wave. I shut my eyes, regained my focus and it happened again! Just as intense as the first and lasted at least as long. The pleasure coming from my prostate was unbelieveable.

Are super Os only mental? An experience I had.

Today I had a session with the aneros, and just letting my body choose the pace and what muscles. After a while I felt a buildup and a rolling warmth over my body. Then the physical pleasure mostly subsided and it became purely mental. It was almost psychedelic, I could not move my body, and it felt like my limbs were changing sizes and like I was floating. The mental pleasure felt like a grandiose ball/thing, but something I could observe and feel from the outside. It also kept growing and at a certain point I became anxious of it so I slowly got out of this trance.

Are super-Os only mental only physical? Was this a super O? It was very satisfying although I couldn’t really comprehend or properly feel it in the moment.

Trouble focusing on the bliss/floating feeling

so I’ve had a few aneros models for a few years now and was able to once and a while get hfwo with involuntary contractions but no bliss feelings. Recently within the last month I can consistently get to the bliss/floating feeling and bounce back and forth between that bliss and no bliss. My issue is I’m having a really hard time getting over that hump, whenever I get to that bliss feeling my mind just keeps running and thinks about random shit and then i lose the sensation. Anybody have any tips to get over that hump and proceed to the next step because I know I’m right on the edge of a super O but fuck I just can’t get over it lol

Need help classifying this

After years of trying I finally reached a milestone but idk what that is (p-wave, minio, hfdo) – I only know for sure it definitely is not a super o. I get there by flexing my PC muscles and my thighs (legs overall) quite repeatedly and quite hard – but not too hard to avoid a hfwo. I can clearly feel the sensations coming from my prostate but they only exist as long as I keep flexing the area around where the pleasure comes from. Once I quit, it subsides within few seconds. Also it is quite tiring as I need to use up lot of energy to get here and after 1 hour of flexing my muscles are tired and it is over. Intensity wise the first time it happened it would be stronger than a penile orgasm for sure but after that I feel like the intensity subsided and it is not as pleasurable. I do get tense, breathe faster and flex other muscles when I feel the sensations coming from my prostate, it just doesn´t feel as good as I would expect. Maybe I built tolerance? Is it not good to play every day?

Anyway, the main question is how would you classify what I am experiencing and what shall I do to move it further? I am really confused and I always thought the hfdos once they start they go on their own and I wouldn´t need to keep manually flexing the muscles that feel good at that point. Starting to fear what I am experiencing are not hfdos then…

First time with any sort of prostate play, and I had p-waves for nearly 2 hours!

I’m in my late 30’s and I have had a sexual awakening of sorts. After a leg injury I’ve become a big time yoga practitioner and ended up really strengthening my PC muscles (unknowingly). Over time I noticed how much this helped with edging and through practice I have been able to have non enjaculatory orgasms. Totally changed my life and how I viewed sex as a man. Also worth noting I meditate on a regular basis and do breathing exercises daily.

I had heard a lot about prostate play and the “super O”. After going back and forth for a long time, I finally caved and purchased an Aneros Helix Trident to try out. What the hell, right?

So I started my session not knowing what the heck I was doing. I had a lot of problems getting the Aneros in, but after some breathing exercises and a lot of hits off the weed pen, I had that “welp I guess I got something up my butt” moment. It took me about 20 minutes of just trying stuff out to see if I could get any sort of pleasure from the experience.

Then I started to look at some porn on my phone, and that’s when the wheels got turning in my body. I took a bunch more hits, and then I started to get in the zone, like I do with edging with my penis. Eventually I got my legs moving and experienced some full on pleasure waves. Gentles soft moans, experimenting with moving my PC muscles, and really getting into it mentally.

What is the most aggressive Aneros / butt plug?

I tried a Trident MGX because it was on sale on a third party site and was disappointed. It basically just feels like a normal butt plug and I get no prostate stimulation out of it unless I maneuver it externally and with a heavy hand.

Not having much money to churn through toys, what’s something aggressive I can get? I’m not super after “super orgasm”, just something very pleasurable and near-overwhelming.

P spot question

I’ve started to feel some pleasant sensation from my pelvic region to my belly button after some weed and deep diaphragm breathing. Is this my prostate or something else? Just wanna know of I’m on the right track.

I also wasn’t using the contractions I was just relaxing completly still, felt my breath almost massage my prostate. Whenever I’d use the contractions I’d lose the feeling and get nothing else. Should I try to do the contractions or is it possible to super O while completely still?

Eupho got me to the next level

Long time lurker, first time poster. Created this throwaway account just to share this. Been exploring prostrate pleasure with aneros for 4-5 years. I have tried the helix syn v, helix syn, and progasm each with good amounts of success, a few p waves here and there, but no true orgasms. I recently bought the eupho after reading quite a few positive accounts of it on here. It seems the consensus was that the smaller, more pinpoint contact it makes with the prostate, and the greater freedom of movement, almost teases the orgasm out of you. Holy shit was that the case for me.

I used my new eupho once or twice last week to try it out. Nothing mind blowing but Towards the end of my last season with it I experienced some really pleasurable sensations. Sadly I had to wrap it up and get some sleep. All week I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity to use it again. After that I had not cum for a few days this week and was really horny last night ended up having some pretty hot sex with my wife. I woke up this morning still extremely horny and had an aching coming from my p-spot.

After my wife left to go shopping I had the house to myself. I popped a weed gummy and scrolled through some NSFW subs on Reddit while playing with my nipples through my t shirt. As the high started to hit my prostrate started buzzing, practically begging for it, as my nipples brought it to life.

WTF happened to me?

Yesterday I had the place to myself and decided to put in a session with my Maximus. I had taken a few drops of HHC tincture earlier on, and was feeling the effects. I felt very relaxed and quite aroused. I popped in the Maximus and laid down on the bed, on my side with one leg pulled up to my chest.

Up until now I haven’t had any kind of orgasm with Aneros toys, so I can’t be sure what has happened. I can only say that I never felt this much pleasure in my life, I was literally moaning aloud which rarely happens to me.

I usually get very pleasurable feelings during my sessions, but I have never experienced a P-wave. When I relax, my breathing tends to become slower and shallower. However, having read multiple times that deep and rhythmic breathing is key, this time I made a conscious effort to keep breathing slowly and deeply. What happened next is nothing short of amazing.

As I felt the pleasurable feelings grow in my prostate, my breathing went faster and even deeper, up until the point where I was a bit concerned I was about to hyperventilate. But I decided to be curious, go with it and see what happens next. I mentally told myself that I have permission to experience this limitless pleasure.

I think I had my first Super-O.. it was intense – and the tricks that helped me

Let’s talk about the orgasm (Super-O), how I achieved it, my “tricks” and my questions:

Disclaimer: Everything has actually been done *without* an aneros as I’m out of home, just pure muscles. No touching and zero other drugs involved. An aneros might have intensified the experience.

I have never experienced anything comparably in my life before. This orgasm lasted for about 5 minutes and my entire body was shaking, every muscle in my entire body felt stimulated. I felt lightweight.

The shaking, my body felt so stimulated that I couldn’t move at all. I tried it but all the sensations were too intense. My mouth was wide open as I couldn’t realize what is happening right now (and I’d have moaned to death if this flat wasn’t shared).

Very interestingly, my dick became rock hard and pumped up like never before. This is probably what the aneros wiki describes as “engorgement”. The muscular flexing across the entire body intensified the penile feeling and a few drops came out. But compared to the rest of the body, it only played a minor role.

When I then released my PC muscle, another wave of feelings I can’t described flew over my body. It just felt glorious.

**How I achieved it:**

I mostly laid on my back, legs angled comfortably. I aroused myself by looking at hot pictures. I think videos are too distracting and if I want to be aroused, pictures are way more effective. While doing so, I switched between contracting my PC muscle and sphincter muscle. Contracting both at once, switching up.