Peridise Sessions

I have been having some intense sessions with the smaller Peridise model. I know this device does not massage the prostate but it delivers some amazing sensations and seems to help intensify sessions with my other devices ( MGX especially and Progasm). Has anyone with the Peridise model ventured into Super O territory while using it and has this device helped you intensify sessions with other aneros models?

A very detailed description of what it feels like and how I got there

Hello folks,

I’ve been using Aneros for about 6 years, but it wasn’t until two years ago that I finally got the hang of it.


The amount of pleasure it gives is insane. It’s completely outside the realm of normal experiences. It’s hard to quantify. It feels like it’s always increasing. It’s like my brain has a “current pleasure” and a “change in pleasure” readout, and both of them are maxed out.

If I try to remember how good it was, it’s like it doesn’t fit in memory. It’s like I have to take my past self’s word for it. And then, the next time I do it, I’m like, “Holy shit, that’s right! I had forgotten how good this was! Holy crap, this is amazing!”

When it first starts, it feels like a very weak inkling of an orgasm-like sensation. It has those deeply-satisfying, spine-tingling, heart-fluttering qualities, but not nearly as intense. Maybe on par with a good back massage. But then… it gets better… and better… and better… and it just doesn’t stop getting better. Ever. It doesn’t make sense. It feels like an illusion, like the motion aftereffect, or the [Shepard Tone]( Soon you lose track. It’s like watching one of those [scale of the universe]( videos. You can maintain your bearings for a little while, but pretty soon, you’ve zoomed out so many times that you’ve lost all frame of reference. The pleasure might be 10x better than an orgasm, or 100x, who knows, it’s hard to say.

Newbie’s first P-orgasm

I am not going to go into detail about the experience other than it is this out body warm humming that swallows your body and i had to cut it short because it was getting late. But I have a couple insights for anyone just beginning and getting a little jealous of these super O posts(I know i am).
1.Do nothing is better than over doing it with PC contractions
2. porn is distracting during a session. Watch/read erotica/porn before and try to take some mental snapshots for later.
3. Focus on breathing! and just simply notice pleasurable feeling.

Also i think that if you can string session together without getting sore helps because “dud” session is no longer a dud but are awakening up session and then you doing kegels during the down time period.

also also something i haven’t read so far about or maybe i missed it in the aneros forums but holy cannoli my abs are sore from all the spasming. I had to cut it short because of the later hour, but i was laying in my bead and i was still having spasms an hour later.

Friday Night

I’ve been fully rewired for some time now. I’m lucky enough that I can now have nipple orgasms, dry prostate orgasms, super o’s, all of it.

Tonight I have the house to myself for some relaxation and fun. My wife knows and participates in my adventures, but with her out of town I feel like I can just let loose of all my stress and melt into a nice long session.

Tonight will be my 3rd session over the past 3 days and I’m opting for some THC to really get in the groove.

Thoughts from others that fancy some THC to enhance their sessions?

I have D9 homemade edibles as well as flower. I have considered about 10mg of edibles an hour before play time. Then smoking some flower to level up the high a little as the session unfolds. I’ve never combined edibles with smoking so figured I’d see if anyone here has experience doing so and could offer tips to keep the high just right, without getting too high.

I had a smoke session yesterday and found a very mellow happy place in my mind and body. I had dozens of HFDO’s, pwaves that would go on for 10 mins or so, and 3 Super O’s that were so incredibly intense and long.

Aneros Session, My Dick Went Into Super Hard Mode

When doing aneros session, while massaging the prostate with aneros, my dick becomes super hard. It feels like blood keep pumping into my dick making it larger and harder. Sadly it didn’t last long, after reaching its super hard peak, it slowly went limping. But after a couple of minutes, the cycle starts again, super hard – limp – super hard – limp.

To those of you that have experiencing Super O. Is this super hard and limp cycle normal?

And, when the Super O happen, is the dick state limp or super hard? or maybe could occur to both?

An amazing 4 days

I’ve had my MGX Syn Trident since early August and have been having 1 or two sessions per week for a little over an hour just exploring and trying some of the tips I’ve read online. I couldn’t get any prostate Os but I liked keeping the Aneros in while doing my regular masturbation. Those sessions felt really nice but I knew I was missing something.

I thought I was getting the rewiring going even with the traditional masturbation with an Aneros inside but this past Friday, I decided to really focus and make a concerted effort to try a session free of penis touching. I took two gummies and as I was pre-gaming with some porn, I could feel this warm tightness in my pelvic area that I’ve never felt before. Them all of a sudden this wave of pleasure came over me and everything stopped. My breathing halted. My body couldn’t move. I focused solely on what I was feeling and BOOM there was this explosion of pleasure that came over me. I had felt an orgasm before but this was different. I could feel it emanating from my pelvic region but I could also feel it all over my body. I thought I ejaculated in my pants but I was totally dry. I knew it wasn’t a Super-O but it was definitely my first P-wave. If this is what a P-wave feels like, I can’t wait for a Super-O.

Feel like I’m at a bit of an impasse with this thing

So I’ve had a Helix Syn V for about a year now, I’ve not really used it consistently the whole time, but when I did I used it for a few sessions, had some mild tingles but then left it.

Recently however, I bought a magic wand rechargeable and have basically swapped to having all of my penile orgasms with it. Basically, I now hold the wand to the glans and flex my pelvic floor to cum. It’s definitely an improvement, I find myself having better orgasms with it and often find myself orgasming with or without porn (I sometimes cum whilst browsing for a video), which I think is a general improvement in comparison to how I used to be, spending half an hour browsing all kinds of porn until I found something I either liked or was close enough for me to cum to.

I recently found the Helix and thought “aw yeah let’s give it a go”.

There’s a noticeable difference in the strength of the sensations now I’ve sorta ‘reprogrammed’ to the idea of vibrations and contractions being linked to orgasms and not friction and movement. I find myself more able to have p waves and if I focus on the feeling I can often get to the point of precum leakage, I’ve even had a few dry orgasms with it but haven’t really felt anything I’d consider mind blowing or life altering, but I can feel the potential.


Hi, 37M here, struggling with Aneros for two years now (I have eupho, helix and progasm).

I have managed to learn to have a lot of intense P-waves that start as soon as I put an aneros in, and I had what I think that were a few prostate orgasms, but reading other people descriptions I suppose that they were in the range of the less intense ones. Obviously, I have never experienced a super O nor anything that resembles it.

Having a well toned pelvic floor, and having achieved what I think that its a good control of it, I have a few questions now that I’m an advanced but not succesful user:

1. Does anybody here feel dizzy when using Aneros? Is not a very heavy feeling, but I always feel a little dizzy when using it.
2. I don’t know why, but I usually don’t feel anything in the pelvis when having pleasure. The P-waves start in my stomach and go to my head.
3. I don’t usually get hard and, when I get hard, it seems to be problematic for me because I lose the feelings, I suppose that it’s because Aneros moves from its place or something like that.
4. In this thread lot of people say that a good way to know that u’re in place I seeing precum. I usually feel pleasure, but i don’t see precum very often. Should I try to target with my Aneros to the spot that produces it?
5. Heavy closing your eyes and looking upwards make a boost in your p-waves? In my case it does, but it’s like they are “bad p-waves”. They make me tense and the next one is less intense than before. I usually can’t control it at some point.

Shift your focus!


For quite some time now I try to reach that elusive Super-O. I felt some pleasure here and there and had some p-waves but nothing earth shattering so far. Today I was kinda frustrated about another dud session, when I read the following quote in the aneros forum: “Pleasure is where attention is”. This made me think: I always felt the pleasure generated by the aneros in the general penis area. Maybe this was because my center of attention was very much penile focused? Penile pleasure waves are easily induced, so why not try to induce pleasure waves from the prostate? I mean, it’s a prostate massager after all, right?

So I had another aneros session with the intend to actually shift my focus from my penis to the spot, where the aneros makes contact with the prostate. At first nothing much happened. The penis sent some pleasure waves as always, but I tried to ignore them. I tried to even feel the tiniest sensations in my butt. After some time I felt some warmth at the spot where the aneros makes contact. Then, all of the sudden, holy fucking cow!!!, this sensation changed. It suddenly became pleasureable and pleasure was groing very deep inside of me. And not only that. It felt like a very substantial type of pleasure that felt like it could grow into a Super-O very easily. Compared to the pleasure induced by penile attention, which only feels like you are on the brink of a normal boring orgasm but dies down very easily, this one felt warm and fuzzy and lovely and like it could spread across your whole body. When I have p-waves in my penis, they die down easily when I get an errection, but the prostate centered p-waves weren’t affected by my errection at all (which, by the way, emerged much more rarely with the mentioned prostate pleasure than with the penile pleasure).