Amazing session with Eupho Syn

Last night I had my best session so far. Been on this journey a good few years but only been having success recently (I have to admit to using “special” cookies to get me to this success). I’ve really felt like I’ve been getting closer and closer to climaxing where I’ve felt the waves of pleasure build and then die away, build them die away…
I’ve had most success with Helix Syn V, my WeVibe Vector+, Eupho (white plastic) and Tempo. I got a Eupho Syn about 6 months back and used it once without much happening and then neglected it. Last night I thought I’d give it a go (someone else on here was singing it’s praises) and my session ended up being the best I’ve had yet. I’m still a little vague as to what a super O feels like and people have said you will definitely know when you’ve had one. All I can say is my body was really spasming in the most incredible way and I just felt the most wonderful pleasure all over (but definitely centred in my ass/prostate area). Once again it sometimes feels like there is a climax that is about to happen but doesn’t quite – it builds and peaks and then slips away again before building again. But I’ve read that it’s not like the same release as a penile orgasm anyway. I didn’t ejaculate but just really enjoyed those peaks which seemed to really linger for quite a while. All I can say is it was amazing whatever it was and I hope for more like that!

How close am I? Or am I already there? How do I know?

Sorry for the vague title. I’ve been using different Aneros models on and off for years now. Never really worried too much about “super-O” as it always felt pretty good, and I’d basically just use it to enhance my penile orgasm.

A few months ago though, I kind of had a breakthrough where it became so much more pleasurable. I think the difference is I finally figured out how to control my muscles down there. I’ve gotten to the point where it basically moves involuntarily like it’s fucking me by itself (I’m sure there’s some subconscious control from me, but I really don’t have to “try” to do anything).

It feels amazing, don’t get me wrong. Better than it ever has, and I get these orgasmic feelings on my prostate sort of like how my penis would feel if I was really aroused and was edging. There is never a big climax though, so I’m wondering if maybe I’m misunderstanding what a “super-O” really is, or if I just need to keep working at it. Is there some big climax like there is with a penile orgasm? Or is it just sustained periods of this admittedly amazing sensation? With a penile orgasm, you kind of know when it’s over right? lol. I’m guessing it’s not quite the same with the “super-O”?

Dry O success!! And other non-related questions

A couple nights ago I had laid myself down with my progasm like I normally do, I’d showered and douched about half an hour beforehand.

My session went off to a great start when I had my aneros slip right in first go, I’ve started using coconut oil which has been surprisingly easier to clean up as opposed to my regular water-based lube.

My session was pretty uneventful for the first hour or so as I normally scroll through porn and get myself in the mood during this time, then I started to feel some light tingles and twitches around my prostate, so I decided to put my phone down. After about an hour of this the pleasure I was able to wring out of this aneros had me cursing non stop.

I had to remind myself to keep my breathing controlled cause normally at this point I’d either start touching my nipples and get distracted, or I’d have a dry o and end things there. But for some reason this first Dry O that had been building for what felt like the last 10-15 minutes surpassed any other Dry O I’d had up until that point.
I focused on my prostate and my breathing and after another few minutes of this a gentle yet heavy wave of pleasure crashed on top of my whole body and I felt so relaxed, the best part about it was the fact that it didn’t stop after a few minutes, it just kept going and going and going.

Super-o through penetration?

Just wanna know if any of you is a able to reach a super-o when getting penetrated. Even though bottoming became even more satisfying for me since I rewired myself it still isn’t on the same level as if I play with my progasm.
Any tips on how to improve that or is it just impossible to reach a similar intensity through anal penetration?

My heart was beating so fast I couldn’t sleep for an hour afterwards

So I’ve been experimenting with the Aneros for a few weeks now and it’s been interesting to say the least.

When I feel like I’m getting somewhere I start to play with my nipples and that gets my groin area feeling warm and tingly and my heart starts to beat faster. I’ve got to this stage a few times but it never really goes any further, despite me trying to relax into the feeling without changing what I’m doing. Anyway, my main issue is that last night I got to the part where my heart was pounding and it got more and more intense to the point I was worried I might have a heart attack. I’m 35 male and in relatively good shape but my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Regardless, the feelings going on downstairs felt great so I cracked on. It didn’t go any further so I took the toy out, cleaned up, and tried to go to sleep. But my heart would not stop pounding. Is this normal? And if so is the pounding heart feeling what comes before a super-O or something? I have mild hypochondria and have always worried about my heart so am just after some clarification that this is normal, and if so am I on the right track?? Any input appreciated

Where to start?

About 2 months ago, I purchased my first Aneros product. I was able to have what to this day I would still classify as a Super-O. .. since then, I have tried numerous different versions from Aneros and the last one (Eupho Syn) it my “go to”.

So here’s the deal. My wife knows i have two Aneros devices. But she never really knew I had any success at all… and I didn’t think I would be able to do a session with her around – so I didn’t really tell her.

The other day she found the Aneros in the bathroom and commented on it. I kinda “disregarded ” and said.. yeah, another failed attempt… nothing really happened.

Two days later (last night) she lubes up her finger and slips it in. INSTANT arousal. INSTANT involuntaries. Within 30 seconds I have hfdo. Except that she was able to keep her finger on the prostate no matter if I was having a power contraction or super reverse kagel… and just fukkin kept tapping ever so slightly. I think i had about 2 hours of almost non stop hfdo and by the end of it the wife was so wet she soaked completely through her panties. ..
She went to work this morning and has been telling me all day to get ready for “as long as I can take it” tonight when she gets home.
I’ve been leaking all day in anticipation.

Few questions to repeat orgasm and know how muscle works

I have a lot of questions about muscles.
I have been at this for a year with one huge SuperO success about 2-3 months ago with Mindgasm and aneros helix.
That day was without high expectations, with consistent breathing, with perfect tensing without tensing the whole body. I thought after that one time I was already a master and would remember how it happened.
It turns out that I bring new lessons every day, but I don’t know what I bring correct and what I don’t.

I have a problem with
1. distinguishing the PC muscle
2. the style of squeezing them
3. what is a squeeze with a power of 10, and what is an exaggeration?

1 – when squeezing the PC muscle, I should feel the squeezing of the penis and the sensation of “boiling sperm in it?”
2. i can squeeze the muscle as if on a rope with bending the body and zonally without bending the body, which way is correct?
3. don’t know if if if I squeeze at 10 I am not going off the scale, because I start to squeeze other parts of my body like buttocks and abdomen

I have the impression that in the toilet I can stop peeing in two ways, one is to feel it at the anus and avoid clenching the penis, and the other is to withhold urine with the penis itself.

Achieving HFDO?

I’m interested to hear from anyone who has managed to move away from HFWO to HFDO. A lot of posts I’ve read from those that achieve HFDO/Super Os is that they never have HFWOs.

I’m currently using the muscle ‘tug of war’ method to gain involuntary contractions which brings on body shaking, heavy breathing p waves but no sense of orgasm as such. I’m only really satisfied through squirting cum, but then I have to finish! Is there just ‘re-wiring’ needed to reach a level beyond the p waves without the urge/need to squirt?

Crying while using the Aneros

In many of my sessions I can start having multiple orgasms, and they feel amazing and better than regular ones, but a certain point I hit a really strange wall where I want to cry and just let go. I have no problem with crying, but seems that no matter how much I try to let go and let it happen, my mind just won’t let me. I’ve had Super O’s before, but this new thing has really put a damper on that.

Has anyone else had this problem?