Session 7

I had a nice long session Sunday afternoon. Actually, even before my session I had some very enjoyable chats in the chat room, including one with a guy who was having a nice A-less session. He was kind enough to share what he was experiencing with me, and reading his descriptions created a sort of echo of the sensations in me. I wasn’t able to perpetuate them, but it was still enjoyable. I really enjoy hearing/reading about others’ Aneros/A-less experiences. I think it helps me learn. The human mind is very good at synthesizing little bits of information into something new and wonderful, and I hope the stories and experiences others relate to me will help me reach new and exciting places on this journey.

After some other interesting chatting, and lunch, I decided to start my session. My husband was out of town, so I had plenty of time to enjoy myself and experiment in different ways, and no deadline. One of the challenges I’ve had with my sessions is feeling like there’s an imaginary egg timer ticking away in my head. Is it time to get ready for work? Is my husband going to be home soon? I usually set an actual timer to make sure I don’t go too long, so I should be able to just relax and enjoy the ride while it lasts. But something in my head won’t just let go. I chatted with several people who said they have the same challenge, so at least I know I’m not alone.

Session 6

I had another session. It wasn’t so much a session as a marathon, or maybe two sessions on either end of “retaining.” I dunno, define it how you like.

I got my Progasm Red Ice and Eupho Trident in the mail. I tried both, as well as using the Helix Trident, during this session. I like all three! I’m still very inexperienced, but they are all very different.

I started Thursday evening with the Eupho Trident. I figured I’d go small to large. I lubed up and inserted it and laid on a towel on the floor. I was on the floor this time instead of the bed because someone I chatted with recommended it. Being on a firm surface gives more control. I am not certain I noticed a difference, but I’m not sure I didn’t either, and I agree with the theory.

The Eupho went in nice and easy, of course. It’s quite narrow. I have fingers fatter than that thing. I laid on my back and relaxed and tried to focus on what I was feeling. I mostly just breathed deeply and concentrated, but I also played with flexing different muscles in different ways to see how it moved. It’s a very agile little device. I think I’m going to very much enjoy learning how to make the most of it. As for this first session, I had low expectations because nearly everyone I have talked to has said it’s a device for experienced users, but I still managed to feel some pleasurable sensations with it. I am getting a little better and feeling where the device is and what it’s doing.

Session 5

I just realized that my last blog post never went through. Usually I write my posts in some other editor because sometimes web forms screw up. Like this time…. when I chose not to take precautions…. Go figure.

So I’ll be brief and try to recapture most of what I tried to say before but much less verbosely than usual because I’m tired and don’t remember everything I said anyway.

So…. Session 5, two days ago, Monday morning. Not a great one. I thought it could be, but it fizzled. I started out pretty aroused, but stress I’ve been experiencing crept in and spoiled it. So I didn’t get much out of the session sensation-wise. But I still learned things and it was relaxing until the end, when I blew it. More on that shortly.

Lesson #1 from this session: having a routine/ritual is helpful. This is something I had read in the wiki and/or forum posts, but someone in the chat reminded me of it by sharing their routine with me. I took a leaf out of his book and imitated some aspects of it. I took a long hot shower. I warmed up with kegels. I did some stretching. All through this I kept my mind on what I was about to do, trying to generate and maintain an erotic mood. And it worked. I will try to keep that up, create a routine that works for me to get me ready for a session.

“Two Great Sessions Even At SR Day 3!”

I am only at SR Day 3 but took a chance at not one but two sessions today. One, early morning and the other about mid-day. Here is what happened in each…..

Session #1
I wore my Safe-T-Gard strap with Mueller cup overnight. This first session was with the HIH 950, one of my favorites. I lubed-up generously with Slippery Stuff Gel and got started. Almost from the beginning, I had a strong sense that I was going to ejaculate. I had a lot of fluid (possibly precum?) and distinctly felt that if I continued this session longer, I would have a HFWO. But I stopped-short of that. Instead, I decided to retreat to my comfortable sofa and put on some nice tracks. I selected one on YouTube and when I awoke, I was listening to “Music for the Soul @Enigmatic Mix” and it was incredibly stimulating! Before I knew it, it was about 2-1/2 hours later than when I started! Several times during the “session” I developed a strong erection within the Mueller cup and again, it honestly felt like I would ejaculate.

New mindset for Session #1: Instead of the usual “male chastity cup” I developed a new mindset. My urologist wants to prep me for a procedure and I am to wear a jockstrap/cup for two nights prior to my procedure. This morning ended the second night. I don’t know what this “prep” was supposed to do but it worked!

Session 3

I had my second Aneros session this morning. Let me preface my recounting of it with a few admissions of guilt:
– It was a very long session. I went against the advice of more experienced users who recommended sticking closer to 30 minutes. All told, I had my Aneros in for 3.5 hours.
– It was not actually my second time using the Aneros. I slipped it in one other time between this session and the first as a way of increasing arousal during sex with my spouse. But I don’t really count that as a “session” because I wasn’t focused on the specific sensations the Aneros may have been generating. I wasn’t practicing Aneros.
– Which leads to my third and final confession: After having done that, I was advised by someone to keep Aneros sessions and sex with someone else (or masturbation) separate until I had more experience. I think this advice makes sense and I will follow it in the future, but I didn’t follow it this morning.

They say confession is good for the soul. I don’t know about that, really, but I do know that I want this blog to be as truthful and accurate as possible. Maybe others will learn from my experiences. I hope that I will also learn, both by putting the experiences into words, which forces me to think more deeply about them, and by looking back at the mistakes and successes I have along the way. So yes, at the risk of shame and public recrimination, I will freely admit when I do something that may be unwise or counterproductive.

First Session

I got a chance to try out my Helix Trident. Here are some of my thoughts from this first experience.

My first impression upon unboxing my Helix Trident was that it was a LOT smaller than I was expecting. I bought the Helix because it was described as having a “Larger head size for more direct pressure on the prostate.” I was expecting something, well, larger. I guess I had no real frame of reference. I admit to being skeptical that I’d really feel much of anything from something so seemingly diminutive. It’s certainly the smallest thing that I’ve inserted in my rear for pleasure other than my finger in a very long time.

I wasn’t sure which lube to use. I know that’s a common question and the answer varies greatly from person to person. For anal sex and for other toys, I really like the water-based variety of Boy Butter. It is a cream or lotion consistency, which I find makes application much easier. It dissolves easily in water, so cleanup is not a problem, but it also doesn’t dissipate, evaporate, or absorb into my skin as quickly as other lubes I have used. However, it also isn’t quite as slick as liquid lubes I’ve used. I find this is a good thing for other anal toys and for anal sex, where some amount of friction (the “right” amount) is actually desirable, but perhaps not for the Aneros, where free mobility is key. So I opted for Shibari silicone lube, which I prefer for my Fleshlight. It’s slicker and runnier than the Boy Butter and is probably a better fit for use with the Aneros. I may in the future try some of both, by first pre-lubing my rectum with Shibari and coating the Aneros with the Boy Butter, just for grins.

Some History

I first heard of the fabled hands-free orgasm about 10 years ago while chatting on IRC. An eccentric guy I chatted with occasionally claimed that he could have orgasms while receiving anal sex from his partner without any stimulation to his penis, and then afterward could come again while fucking his boyfriend. He took this magical ability for granted, seeming very surprised that I could not accomplish the same feat.

I tried to get him to explain how it worked, but the best he could manage was a vague description of “pushing” somehow while being penetrated. I honestly wasn’t sure he wasn’t just making things up. It seemed too good to be true. Everyone knows that guys can only come once and that they have to wait out the refactory period before they can have another orgasm, right? And climaxing without touching your cock is a fantasy acted out in porn but seldom found in the real world, isn’t it?

That’s what I thought anyway at the time. I dismissed his stories as unrealistic after being unable to get even close to what he described. But I never forgot those stories or the subtle hunger I had to experience those things.

My First Aneros Purchase

After a lot of deliberation, I have purchased a Helix Trident. It arrives today, and I’m excited to try it! Unfortunately, it’s probably going to arrive after I leave for a brief vacation, so I won’t get to try it out until I get back.

This is my first Aneros toy and I have to say that while I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to experience the legendary Super-O’s I’ve seen described on the forums, I am also fairly skeptical. A lot of the stories I have read have a “too good to be true” or “big fish story” quality to them. But I’m ready to find out for myself, understanding that it could be a long time before I have those kinds of results. But it should be an enjoyable experience anyway, even if I never reach the hands-free Super-O nirvana of legend.

“Anatomical Delights Of A Male”

No sessions for a couple of days now. I am in a new Day 3 of SR and just relaxing and enjoying my maleness. While in bed this morning, wearing my Mueller “chastity cup” I began to dwell (like a meditation) on a few things. They all seemed to have something in common: the male anatomy. So here is the essence of that story…..


Male Anatomy 101
Of course, we all have a penis, two testicles, a scrotum and a prostate. Males are very sensual creatures; we are sexually stimulated mainly by touch or sight. Whether we touch our own cocks or have that pleasure performed by someone (or something) else, we derive extreme orgasmic satisfaction from our erections and ejaculations. Need I say any more?

But there are other things unique to our male anatomy that can give us great sexual pleasure. Among them are prostate stimulation and perineal stimulation.

Am I two timing my Aneros devices?

Well I couldn’t resist another “flirtation” as per my previous blog. Almost identical results, although not quite as much fluid produced. What I began to think about and what prompted this follow up is that an Aneros session for me tends to follow the same ritual. It will take place at the end of the day as I settle down for the night when the house is quiet. Once settled down with my chosen device I lie and relax and concentrate on the sensations as they come and go. But with these last two experiences I have been distracted whilst busy showering etc, but still the stimulation was building without the need to focus, concentrate or relax. Although the results were not as strong as with my Progasm Jr or Eupho Trident it was still enough to leave me buzzing for hours afterwards. I came out of the shower feeling totally energised and ready for the day, a nice hot shower alone is invigorating in itself as I am sure you will agree, but the added buzz that followed that short time of pleasure was fabulous. Makes me think my prostate is a bit of a slut and doesn’t care who he sleeps with or when.