Getting more and more into the "do-nothing" technique

Hi guys,

Since last Thursday, I have been having sessions daily. I had one earlier this morning. It began just before dawn and concluded about 8 a.m. It felt so sweet and sexual. Normally I do not have sessions on Sunday because I go to church on Sunday mornings. However, today the church I attend is having a kickoff service geared to the neighborhood mostly. So I stayed home today.

Once again I am typing this in sweet Aless bliss. Most of my Aneros sessions are fairly successful. But fortunately for a long time, I have not had any sessions that were absolute duds. Now, invariably after sessions, I fall into sweet Aless bliss. This morning I am celebrating by wearing my favorite jock and cup. The jockstrap and athletic cup caresses my genitals so firmly, yet comfortably. The jock and cup is an ideal combination to do Kegels in. My resultant Aless is accentuated many fold. :-]

The "do-nothing" technique is recommended by experienced Aneros practitioners. All you do is insert an Aneros, just lie still and comfortably, and let us pleasurable feels develop naturally. In fact, I believe that the "do-nothing" technique work hand-in-hand. I found that the "do-nothing" technique accentuates a great deal the sexual energy and pleasure I experience in sessions. Hence I can focus even more upon each of my Aneros tools when enveloped by this cloud of sexual energy. I believe that I have embarked upon a new, exciting phase in my Aneros journey.

However for me to enter into the "do-nothing" technique with greater confidence, my ass had to be educated, so to speak. I had to learn how to use each of my Aneros tools through the Kegel Exercises and anal contractions to facilitate this vital education! Now, all I have to do is relax and enter into the "do-nothing" naturally. Gentle breathing now fuels the motion of my Aneros tools, without having to do anal contractions.

I thank Aneros user, G-Force, in Aneros chat on Friday in encouraging me do the "do-nothing" technique.

Take care.
