Does anyone have experience doing this? pros/cons of this? If you could provide a picture of what it looks like after you cut the handle off, that would be amazing. I just want to know what I'm doing before I make any mistakes. Thanks, fellow aneros users!
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Never done it. I could see clipping off the little curly tail at the back of it. It does make sitting with the Aneros less comfortable than the Jr. I’d want to make sure I left enough that the base won’t slip in, but not so much that it chafes my ass.
I did it with an MGX a few years ago. I cut it fairly close to the main shaft and smoothed it out with a Dremel sanding drum/wet sand paper. No problems with it after all this time.
Could you post a picture? click the image gallery Toys then the 4th picture all the way to the right. I can’t copy and paste an image link, sorry.