Transition between plateau and super-O?


so I have been using a few of the aneros toys over the past years and couldn't get anywhere. Lately, after reading a few posts here on reddit, I could get a bit further and it's really beginning to feel awesome. My main issue was that I was clenching a bit too much with my PC and sphincter muscles. That meant that the automatic contractions where too strong and this didn't help. I just had to fine tune my grip to a bit less, just where the muscles would move the toy just a bit but not more.

So, last days I had a couple of good sessions where I got those big nice waves of pleasure all over my body but I'm pretty sure there is more to it.

I would like to know from you guys what kind of transition you observe over your body and muscles when you get into the “super-O” phase. I think I'm at the plateau just before and then my body starts to shake all around and the toy is banging so hard that I loose the sensation.

Should I relax my muscles a bit more so that I don't get that shaking at all, or should I keep the same grip?

What are your experiences?


TLDR: What change in muscle patterns and strenght do you observe between plateau before super-O and during super-O
