Tuesday morning session, Tuesday October 18 : Savoring the Aneros and Aless!

Hi guys,

I had an hour’s session with both Maximus and Progasm Classic shortly after sunrise at around 7:30. I so value my Aneros sessions now that I had that I had that landmark session on Friday September 16 over a month ago when I experienced my first genuine Super-O’s and MMO’s and absolutely sweet Aless afterward.

Here in the USA the noxious election season of the presidential contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has a grating and jarring affect on most Americans, myself included. It has even upset my daily routine. Last Saturday it was so cold here that I didn’t attempt a session. Management has not turned on the heat on our building yet. But this past Sunday the weather pattern changed with winds coming from the south, so I had a Sunday night session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE which was an OK session, but really nothing special. Monday yesterday I woke up and fell into a funk. The funk and perhaps depression yesterday was the result of the noxious political discourse of late, but surges of Aless did break through yesterday.

This morning I could have continued the funk, but my body craved a session. I awoke with a low-grade Aless which I revved up by caressing and stimulating my nipples. I am now a sixty-seven year old confirmed bachelor. I am so grateful that the Aneros has taught me so much about my body and how I can turn it on through stimulating my erogenous zones. Loving and caring sexual couples, both heterosexual and same-sex, can teach each other about the erotic nature of life. That includes one’s own body, whether alone or in communion with another. This goes far beyond mere genital stimulation, whether it be masturbation or sexual intercourse.

So I brought out Maximus and Progasm Classic and were struck by their erotic shape, mirroring somewhat the male penis! Now having an Aneros session is one of the most natural activities in the world, like making love, both with a partner or with oneself through masturbation! Maximus went to work immediately once I inserted him. I was struck this morning that he massaged my anal canal and prostate in ways there were amazing. I just laid back with my butt on the pill and let him do his work! I get horny when I think about it now a good six hours later! Same thing with Progasm Classic! I love the manly bruiser traction and thickness of Progasm Classic! With both Maximus and Progasm Classic, all I do is submit to their ministrations. They are truly my Energizer Bunnies if I allow them. They just keep going and going!

P.S. at 6:16 pm. From morning until this evening, I’ve had delicious Aless! Tonight I plan to explore my Aless actively! Also tomorrow morning, I hope to have a session with Helix Classic, MGX!

Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/tuesday-morning-session-tuesday-october-18-savoring-the-aneros-and-aless/