Aless on my mind, and wow! An amazing Sunday afternoon session! October 24

Hi guys,

I didn’t go to church Sunday morning, but stayed home for some much needed R&R which included an Aneros session and active connection with my Aless described below in this blog post.

Yes, indeed Aless was on mind this morning. Those of you who have read my Aneros blog know of my intense jockstrap and athletic cup fetish. I nurtured my Aless by wearing a jock and cup underneath my jeans from 7:30 a.m. until 1:15 p.m. when I had a session. Most athletic cups these days are contoured and roomy to hold your junk comfortably. The bottom edge of most cups reach under a guy’s scrotum and rest on his perineum. Naturally as a guy engages in athletic activity, his cup will invariably will caress his perineum where his sweet spot is located. Hence rather early in my Aneros journey, if not some months before, I have found a jock and cup ideal for performing the Kegel Exercises. It provides the stimulation not for the fervor of my Kegels, but also revves up my Aless.

What does Aless means to me? I have cherished my Aless, those times outside of Aneros sessions, very much, for the last two or three years, but especially now since achieving my goal achieving first genuine Super-O’s and MMO’s on Friday morning September 16. Aless is the electric buzz of energy emanating from my alive prostate and anal musculature. It is so wonderful to engage with my Aless with the Kegels and relaxed breathing. When I do that, my Aless revves up. Aless gives rise to exciting memories of past sessions, hence they are times of rehearsal both in my mind and body. However my Aless is always there, even at times it may be in background during times of fulfilling the daily affairs of life. But I can rev it up in a moment’s notice.

Today was really special because I could engage with my Aless frequently from early morning till my session this afternoon. The jock and contoured cup made it all feel so much better as I performed isolated Kegels or sets of Kegels. Hence Aless with isolated Kegels or sets of Kegels is a form of masturbatory edging for some hours of sustained foreplay as it was for sure earlier today.

After a light lunch, I had a session at 1:15 p.m. which must have lasted 1.5 hours with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. I used these three models in a leisurely, yet concentrated fashion during which they worked of their own accord. During today’s session, I masturbated my penis gently and reveled how my cock strokes intensified so what massage action of these three favorite models. I am sure that I experienced Super-O’s and MMO’s during the session because I felt wobbly as I got up to go to the bathroom to change models. Nowadays in my sessions, I like to direct my attention to the part or section of my anal canal and prostate each Aneros model is massage. Such attention or focus fuels the eroticism of my sessions.

After the session, I had intense Aless which continued right up to my bedtime. Take care.
