Wednesday and Thursday sessions, November 2-3 : A “developing” Super-T! Oh yeah!!!

Hi guys,

These days I have a hankering for daily Aneros sessions, at least Monday to Saturday, if I wish. But even I have an occasional short session late on Sunday afternoons after church as a great way to end the Sabbath! 🙂

Wednesday, November 2:

Yesterday morning, I had another session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE which lasted about an hour and was enjoyable. Now I allow my Aneros models to work for me! Hence I am amazed that every session is unique and has something special for me. Once again I experienced many chairgasms yesterday, either as isolated events or as a series of chairgasms.

Thursday, November 3:

This morning I listened to NPR Morning Edition on my walkman radio for about 45 minutes. My threshold for the news these days is low these days because of the toxic political environment here in the USA which is apt to upset me. Brief news headlines suffice, really!

At 5:45 a.m. I bathed and shaved intending to dress for the day, but instead opted for a session. Once again I readied my trusty MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE tools.

Once again I enjoyed riding MGX and Maximus which filled me with pleasure. However, with Maximus, something new happened as I began masturbating my penis with Maximus inserted. In no time, I got a full-fledged erection with Maximus. So I decided to jack my cock, or rather beat my meat. Maximus massaged my anal canal and prostate like never before. It seemed that I felt the P-tab of Maximus exercise real direct pressure on my perineum which excited me very much. Ejaculation of my semen happened quickly about five to seven minutes. When I finished and withdrew Maximus, I felt the moist, viscosity of cum on my belly. It was still dark in my apartment when the session ended at 6:30 a.m. I really wanted to continue then with Progasm ICE, but it was not necessary.

In retrospect, since I never married and remained single over the years. I have always enjoyed masturbation since adolescence. But with my last job, my libido plummeted. Now I masturbate once or twice a month. In a sense, my Aneros sessions have taken the place of my frequent masturbation sessions. However, this morning I believed I achieved my first Super-T without difficulty or one which I label as “developing.” I must have ejaculated much cum this morning, because my testicles feel emptied and hang loosely tonight. Also since this morning, I have exulted in the occurrence of chairgasms of various types and the buzz of Aless! Oh yeah! Take care!
