An Addiction or Not?

@BigGlansDC, in his blog hit the nail squarely on the head about being addicted or not to Aneros. For me, I am addicted, hooked, obsessed or whatever other adjective you want to use.  I wake up in the middle of the night, usually with an erection and I tend to forgo sleep to just turn the occasion into a mini Aless session.  I spend my day, while working on whatever I’m working on, doing Kegels or performing Aless sessions and that’s every day.  Three or four night a week, I engage in a full scale 2 hour Aneros session plus the occasional bate/edge practices.  What’s missing for a pure addiction? I see it as a desireable addiction, not one that is bad for me.

No sense in denying it, what started as an exercise to improve my health below the belt has evolved into full time exercises to improve my mind, my mood and my sex.  It works!  I’m not at the Super-O stage and yet, I would not go back one step.

The bottom line for me is that Aneros has filled a huge void I had in my sex life.  Blame it on male testosterone or male species of the human kind but what I discovered with the Aneros experiences has  been nothing short of pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.  My only regret is far beyond my control; not having discovered it before age 61.  I plan to make up for it and I look forward to growing older, much older with an active sex life without refractory periods and energy drain.

Life is wonderful!
