Oh my! This may be the best “session” yet. Let me explain how it happened……
I am in Day 9 of semen retention (again!) and am waking up these days with an intense erection. I feel that I could be heading for a wet dream any night now and keep a towel in place under my tight boxers. With just a little bit of stimulation, I feel that I could easily jack myself off this morning. But I really don’t want the release “solo” now — I would prefer it with my wife. So I am up about 4 AM and decide to lie down and chill. I select (on YouTube): “Erotic Lounge Bar Sexy Chill Out and Relax Session 2013”. Now, this may have been a “duplicate” track I have heard before, but in this case, it was perfect! Let me elaborate further…..
As I lie down, I begin to stroke and caress my scrotum and the underside of my penis through my boxers. It feels good! But then something deep inside began to “whisper” to me: “Keep my hands off”! “Don’t cum now”! clear as a bell. And, with that, started a chain-reaction of events that culminated in a series of Super-O’s! Here is what I remember…..
As I am listening to this erotic track, I consciously decide not to use my hands at all. Therefore, there will be NO chance of an “accidental” ejaculation this morning. I am falling-into the music more and more and, apparently, falling-into the meditation more deeply as well (more on that later). Somehow, I find myself dwelling on feeling a tiny “whisper” from my groin (my prostate) and start to rotate my hips ever so slightly. I am grinding lightly (perhaps into a lover) and somehow start to do some deep “belly breathing” at the same time. I am starting to perform some kegels and starting to “hold” the contractions. I am beginning to get lost in this meditation. With every breath, I am getting a stronger feeling in my groin and I am beginning to get hard again.
Then, around the same time, I feel a stronger “whisper” coming from my prostate. It is an unmistakable feeling and it continued to intensify. And as I continue this technique, I began to feel like I could be headed towards a Super-O! I begin to feel an intensity in my prostate that I have not felt in a while. It was beginning to get very intense and I could not stop it. I began to shake and convulse on the sofa.
Now, you may not believe this but let me explain…….I felt no fewer than THREE Super-O’s in succession! But the most amazing thing about this meditation “session” was the length! When I began to experience the Super-O’s I was about a half-hour into the music. But when I sat down and began to compose this blog, the YouTube selection was already into another track!
I LOST A FULL HOUR since the original track was an hour-and-a-half long!……What happened? Where did the time go??? My only explanation at this point is that I had some sort of OOB experience while in the Super-O “trance”. I don’t know how else to explain it. The feelings emanating from my prostate and my entire pelvis echoed an intensity in my Aless that I don’t believe I have ever felt before to this extent! It was wild! And to think that it all began with the notion of “no hands”!
PS I am fully awake now and feeling very refreshed. As I began to dwell on this amazing session, I feel that my “hands-off” approach is a good one. It seemed to transfer the arousal from my HANDS to my BRAIN. And that in itself became very stimulating!
PS This seems to be a good technique for coping with the intense erections particularly when practicing semen retention. It is not intuitive to “do-nothing” but ultimately, it is very powerful and rewarding! This “denial of masturbation” technique is new to me. I have seen videos of guys tied-up and being masturbated to a frenzy. They are screaming for release. The restraints and the frequent denial of masturbation and ejaculation mimics what I experienced during this session!
PS Note to all Aneros users: Realize that this session was unique since I have not been practicing Aneros “sessions” for many weeks now. Nevertheless, I experienced a series of Super-O’s. Prostate rewiring is indeed permanent!
Source: https://www.aneros.com/blogs/hands-off-a-meditation-session/