How do you guys trigger involuntary contractions?

I’ve had minor involuntary contractions that lasted a couple seconds a few sessions ago. Feel so damn warm and amazing, but I haven’t been able to do them again in the last 3 sessions. Haven’t even been able to enjoy my toy.

Today I had an hour and a half of a session. I tried doing the “do nothing method”. I literally did nothing at all for the first 45 minutes. I was just in my favorite relaxing position (lying on my stomach). I was also very relaxed and closed my eyes a bit. Tried my best to focus on my rectum to feel whatever sensations I could. Had a few split second feelings, but nothing amazing. Went from completely relaxed and then began doing contraction because I didn’t feel like the do nothing method was working for me. Stopped using it after a while.

How do you guys trigger those contractions? Feel like my body isn’t capable of doing involuntary contractions.



  1. IMO, one cannot induce involuntary contractions. Involuntary contractions occur on their own. Manual contractions begat manual contractions. Ergo, manual contractions will never trigger involuntary contractions.

    Maybe involuntary contractions will not be part of your rewire. Or maybe they will be part of your rewire. At any rate, you will not be able to force the issue. That being said, there is nothing for you to focus on. One must be aware. Yet one must be unaware.

  2. live the moment, make love to yourself, the prostate give you the possibility to feel as much pleasure as a woman , the same way as a woman, allow yourself to feel it, let it happen, ride the wave, be the wave

    and then after some time, if you are aroused enough, the involuntary contractions are going to come

    but it can take some time, there is a learning curve

  3. If the do nothing method is not working, why do you feel manual contractions are the answer? Your self doubt will eventually become a burden for you to bear.

  4. Not sure if it will work for anyone. What I did that manage to trigger involuntary contractions is to manually contract your kegels (am I using the correct word here?) and then slowly relaxing it.

  5. Try a different fit. I used MGX for 3 years without much success in this department. Then after a couple of weeks with a Eupho I found it ?

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