Traces of blood on Aneros Peridise

I’ve been using the Aneros prostate massager for a long time and I haven’t got any issues with it.

Recently I bought an Aneros Peridise (the anal massager) and it was my third time using that product. I never had any experience with the Peridise but I had a great time with it. After two hours, I removed the Peridise to only realise that there are traces of blood smeared across the massager.

Look I’m so worried about this as it’s already midnight and the nearest emergency hospital is 30 minutes away (also I have anxiety so I can’t stop thinking about this).

I wiped my butt twice. The first time there’s blood. Not much but it is thinly spread across the tissue like it’s your third time wiping after pooping. The second wipe doesn’t have any blood on it.

Should I be worried about this? I don’t feel any pain around my anal region at the moment. I never bled before when I used the prostate massager.



  1. Don’t worry if its traces. If it’s more, like dripping blood go to the ER!!!! Immediately!

  2. Probably just some hemmoroids, especially if it is bright red. It would be cause for concern if it is a lot of blood and doesn’t stop, or if it is very dark.

  3. Please let it heal. No play for at least 2 weeks to be safe. Unless you want to visit the hospital next time.

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