Hi all,
I was hoping to get your two cents on an issue I’m having:
After a couple of years spent familiarizing myself with anal play, I thought I had made something of a breakthrough in my quest for a Super-O. Now it seems like I might have plateaued again.
Here is a description of what keeps happening:
1. I locate the prostate with my toy, and begin to feel subtle (but pleasurable) sensations.
2. After continuing to stimulate that spot, I get increasingly aroused.
3. I have a slight urge to urinate, **but then** I get a short-lived erection before ejaculating with a fairly mediocre orgasm.
So far I’ve been able to do this both an Aneros Helix and an Njoy Pure Wand.
Has anyone ran into the same problem before? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/fuol6r/i_think_im_getting_close_advice_pls/
getting close i would say. they could be p waves. the one thing that helped me with my hfo is that i try not to chase the orgasm. let it find you. sometimes it may take longer, but it helped me.
do you get aroused by doing step 2, or do you have to start by mentaly arrousing yourself?