Am I too short to play with aneros?

I recently bought aneros helix syn trident and had around 4 sessions. It was ok, I wouldn’t really describe as “fun” nor pleasurable, am I doing something wrong? I mostly didn’t feel anything so I was wondering if my height was the issue, you see, as an unusually short guy who is only 5’4″. It does feel good and I’ve started to get familiar with feeling my anus but not as fun. IDK man all my sessions I relaxed, breathing deeply and pay attention to small good feeling sensations, it does happen from time to time. Should I give up and try another product instead?



  1. It has nothing to do with your size. You are learning to feel an internal organ, which takes time and practice. Some men only start feeling things after weeks of trial and learning. Keep practicing 🙂

  2. It’s so funny because it’s precisely at my 5th session that I had my first orgasms.

    Practice, practice and practice again… The sessions are getting better and better with sometimes a few missed sessions.

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