Until now, I’ve made some progressions, but I still see the orgasm pretty far away… Somehow I cannot get there hands free. Last time I had to masturbate after two hours of playing with my Aneros, in order to get closer and cum (it was quick tho). I still need the penile stimulation to get there.
Until now, all my sessions I’ve avoided touching my penis, maybe just in the last two minutes after a long session to empty my fluids. But I always avoid masturbating before and during the exercise.
But someone told me here, that it is ok to masturbate while enjoying the Aneros, or even before that. And now I am confused about it… I thought that using my penis would difficult my rewiring, also when I don’t masturbate and I caress my nipples they are really sensitive. However, only when I masturbate my prostate gets sensitive enough that I reach the orgasm.
So… I’m wondering what would happen if I masturbate and edge two or three times without getting to the orgasm, then wait a couple of minutes, and start the prostate play. Do you think it could be a good idea? Maybe tonight I’ll try this.
Thank you.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/gccun6/what_if_i_masturbate_before_a_session_without/
I’ve heard it said that edging pre-session is a good idea as it gets you aroused and such. It’s not really mandatory and anything that works for you is fine. But if you’re looking to reach that ever elusive super o then you might just have to be more patient with it and try to get better and better at using the aneros to get there. Ive been properly trying for a few weeks now and I’ve already improved a bunch!
Good luck on your own journey!
I would advise to try all the same without hands, but to be tired, for example from exercise, push ups,run..
so that you are completely relaxed “from fatigue”))
It can’t hurt to try. I’ve had some good sessions despite feeling only a little arousal. (I’m not getting super o’s yet but I was definitely feeling waves of strong pleasure).
I think overall the best thing is to remain patient and keep low expectations (do it more as a relaxing thing rather than “I want to cum from just the Aneros”)
Good luck!