What do dry orgasms/super Os feel like?

I’m trying to figure out whether I experienced dry orgasms/super Os or just p waves. The past few days I’ve been having multihour sessions with and without the Aneros. The most intense sensations I’ve gotten have felt like a mix of pleasure, a sort of pins and needles/itch feeling, and an “I’m about to ejaculate” feeling, but without the typical release of ejaculation. These sensations slowly pulse on and off with greater strength, and as they peak, my whole body gets a wash of warmth. The intense pleasure is mainly confined to my pelvic area, but the “pins and needles” feelings sometimes run up and down my body like electricity is running through me. After the sensations peak, they die down into a small “buzzing” sensation in my prostate that eventually vanishes. At the end, I still feel super aroused and the pleasurable sensations start again after a random interval where I’m just relaxed.

Is this a typical super O, or are there other sensations people usually have?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/hldmhy/what_do_dry_orgasmssuper_os_feel_like/

1 comment

  1. Yep same sort of experience riding, can sometimes get to the smaller peaks of pleasure without the aneros inside me, but the peaks of pleasure last longer generally with the device in. My understanding is the super O for most people is similar to the peak of the dry Os but more intense, full body and lasting much longer. During longer sessions i tend to get “kicked” a lot, meaning everything has calmed down and then suddenly a massive spike in pleasure feelings that’s super fast and generally confined to my pelvis, spine or even up and down one or both legs. Enjoy it my friend, what I love is that no two rides have ever been the same for me I hope the same for you.

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