Does porn distract me? Where to go from now on?

Greetings everyone,

I bought the aneros helix trident back in august 2018 and have been using it once a week. I also bought the Progasm and my newest purchase the eupho trident. At the beginning of my journey i had mixed results and no orgasm in the first 6 months, so I thought that its because im not aroused for the whole session, just at the start, so I started to browse porn on reddit and sometimes watch longer videos 15 min+ . Because of that I was basically aroused the whole session and had some wet orgasms thanks to the helix and the eupho (progasm is a bit to big for me). Now I can force a wet orgams nearly every session if I want to, but since the holy grail of prostate orgams is the super o or rather a dry orgams im not quite satisfied yet. Of course it feels really good having it inside me and making it move, but i didnt have much progress since that. Last session which was a week ago, i had a suddenly a strong pleasure which was something different. Am I to focused on the porn im browsing? How can i stay aroused even without it? What else can i try? Im thankfull for any help 🙂



  1. I honestly stopped watching porn around like a couple of months ago and i had a very similar arousal issue back then, while not having pornography going. It’s really exactly like you are suspected – the way the content is drawing your attention AWAY from your body towards watching something is what hindered ME from going deeper. Prostate orgasms or super orgasms whatever you wanna call em are so easy to miss when your focus is on something that is not your bodies sensations. Maybe it’s different for some people, as they might be better in splitting the attention but to me it was a limiting factor. Don’t get me wrong, all sessions were and are great but i was not able to go deeper. Once i realized that it’s NOT – orgasm or not orgasm – like in a digital fashion 1 or 0 my progress did a huge leap.

    I also came to the conclusion via another route, because even with the use of porn, i tended to just stop watching it after a certain while during a session. It was like the purpose defeated itself.

  2. I’ve found that porn can be a help or a hinderance depending on the circumstances.

    I’ve been a happy Aneros user for over 10 years. It took time for me to figure out but now, I don’t even need a toy or any physical stimulation for that matter to reach an orgasm… but that’s a story for a different day.

    If I may offer a few suggestions;

    1. I’ve found the being in my HAZ (high arousal zone) before the Aneros goes in was super important for my level of success. This is the zone right before your “point of no return” zone.
    How I got there didn’t matter. I just needed to be there.

    For me, erotica does a better job of this than straight up porn does. The difference being the level of intensity. Think sexy strip tease with licking and sexy whispers vs aggressive pounding, grunting and squealing. Simply stated, there’s a time and place for everything.

    And that takes me to number 2…

    2. For many men, sex or sex related activities are often a goal oriented activity.

    Don’t approach prostate play with a goal in mind. Enjoy the experience and be in moment as much as possible. Forget about time and all other distractions and just “be”. Orgasm will come but in my experience it doesn’t like to be chased. RELAX

    3. For me, I had to first learn my body and that was best accomplished without porn. I would use erotica to get aroused initially and then I would close my eyes and just focus on my body. I had to learn how my body works with the Aneros inserted.

    4. After time following this method, I was able to add erotica into my sessions. Still nothing too fast or aggressive, just enough to keep me visually stimulated while everything else did its job. If at anytime the visuals became a distraction, I would simply close my eyes or turn it off.

    Now, I can watch anything and reach multiple O’s without anything being a distraction. My wife and I have sex while I have the Aneros in and it’s AMAZING to have all of those sensations going on. For her she sees me at my most vulnerable, my most submissive and most aroused state. It turns her on more than anything I’ve experienced with her.

    So make sure your super turned on before you start, limit distractions until you have a better handle on how your body works with the Aneros, take your time, enjoy the ride and forget about the goal. It will happen

  3. I do not find audio as distracting as visual and I can still focus attention with the audio playing. Takes some practice but works for me- try soundgasm or there are several forums here that provide audio content as well. It’s a delicate balance starting a session fully aroused and her relaxed at the same time.

  4. I myself have experimented with a bit of hypnoses erotic audio. There is a ton out there here on Reddit. Smoke some weed, put on your headphones…. hit play, close your eyes while listening…. With the Aneros in, hold it it at about 75% “squeeze” for intensity and hold it for 2 mins, then release and repeat while listening…. Just get into the zone, forget about having an orgasm and enjoy the intensity taking it for whatever comes, be it a super O, wet O or whatever.

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