What helps you guys stay relaxed and aroused at the same time?

I’ve heard multiple times on here that relaxation is key and that you don’t force anything, I’ve also heard that arousal is important too so that the prostate is enlarged somewhat. What I’m sort of struggling with is trying to balance the two, my best sessions have been from me thinking about other random stuff throughout the day, and honestly I’ll sort of just forget about the toy for a while. Even though these are good sessions I feel like it’s a wrong sort of approach

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/mewj1n/what_helps_you_guys_stay_relaxed_and_aroused_at/


  1. Same issues here. Can’t get the right balance. Don’t want to jerk of to stay aroused.

  2. Definitely mindgasm stuff. I use their instrumentals mostly, the audio cues are enough to get me back focussed when I drift off too far again.

  3. If watching porn tips the scale towards arousal, but detracts from relaxation… and silence tips the scale towards relaxation, but detracts from arousal, try listening to audio porn with headphones/earbids while relaxing. That way you can shut your eyes and still have sexy moans/etc in your ear.

    Try that?

  4. If watching porn tips the scale towards arousal, but detracts from relaxation… and silence tips the scale towards relaxation, but detracts from arousal, try listening to audio porn with headphones/earbids while relaxing. That way you can shut your eyes and still have sexy moans/etc in your ear.

    Try that?

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