Preventing Super Os and ejaculation

Hi everyone!

After some early experimentation with great and bad results at the end of 2020 and a few months hiatus, I feel like I’m definitely “rewired” as I’ve been able to have nice sessions twice a week for the last two months. My biggest problem is that I can’t have long sessions.

The first time I got orgasms with an aneros, I really managed to have an hour long session with a lot of successive orgasms and a super one without any ejaculation using the syn helix. A few weeks after that and a lot of duds, I bought the progasm and I quickly reached a super orgasm and started to get ejaculations. I also bought the peridise and I was still having the same problem. Since I restarted having sessions after my hiatus, I’m still faced with short sessions ending with super orgasms with ejaculations, though I’m achieving a 100% success rate, which I’m quite proud of.

I love super Os (traditional orgasms are still nice but not mind shattering like prostate ones) and aneros are the best sex toys I have – all my dildos and anal plugs are now collecting dust. I would like to know if some of you have faced similar issues and if you have some tips to share with me.

I don’t have any health issues, but I’ve always been quick to get orgasms, to the point I have to slow down when I’m having sex to prevent premature ejaculation with my partner (I don’t mind too much, nor does my partner). I used to have nocturnal ejaculations a few years ago when I didn’t ejaculate often enough but the problem is gone these days, perhaps a side-effect of aging (I’m 31 now).


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