Clenching question

This is a question for all the guys who, like me, don’t do the “Do nothing” way, but try and kick-start the Aneros by clenching from the start. Do you follow a set strict pattern e.g. clench on 1 then release 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 every time, or do a few slow ones then a couple of quick ones, or…what? I’m still relatively new to the world of prostate play but find the do nothing does nothing (for me). Yet if I clench I can feel contact between my aneros and my prostate.

Just seeing what everyone else thinks and does.

Cheers in advance



  1. I start a very light clench and try to alternate the PC and the base muscles. After a while I may up the force of the clench, depending on how long I want my session to be. Try mindgasm site so you learn how to differentiate them and contract them independently!

  2. For me I clench on and off and then so reverse kegels to get the pwaves going and then I can play around and do what feels good or do nothing and enjoy.

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