Had my 1st a Prostate Orgasm Yesterday, just had my Second…


the last two days I’ve finally managed to have an Earth shattering prostate orgasm. After trying with the Aneros DeVice the last couple of weeks, I finally found the putting a theragun on the edge makes it a lot easier to get arousal.
I even bought a new theragun. Which at first I was really disappointed with. The vibration was really underwhelming, but what led me to my first prostate orgasm was discovering that if I pushed the theragun into the DeVice the theragun started to push the DeVice into my ass really hard.

I laid on my stomach with my dick pointed straight in between the mattress and my stomach.
I started spacing off as I would just feel out the strong vibrations pulsating through my cock.
I would get so turned on, others who’ve had this prostate vibrated like this can probably attest but it feels like your cock and balls hang on a string on arousal attached to this ball in your ass that’s getting so sensitive. It sends pulsating through your dick and balls and makes it feel like it’s dancing. A lot of the time it’ll make your balls kegel from pleasure, like how they feel when your busting a hot nut, just pulling tugging themselves, this is my favorite sensation in the lead up,
and my favorite part about this position is my dick in between my legs felt like it was filling up with my load. Slowly I would feel warm cum pushing through my balls into my cock just screaming to be released. I had been here before. Then that marvelous feeling would go away, at times I would be overcome by the feeling I had to shit or piss, but that was the sacrifice my ass had to make, i had no clue what was on the other side.
I get my prostate situated again that bumble bees it to hell, making my dick ooze with pleasure, as my prostates sensitive and screaming with a mix of pain and pleasure. Sending enormous waves of pain and tension through my body. I find it so hard to focus on the pleasure as the intense vibration is sending a weak, and frail feeling through my bones .
I started feeling my dick again, it feels amazing, like the fluid milked from my prostate and dancing balls is fully loaded and I’m going to piss it out.

I start to feel the powerful achy pleasure in my prostate that sends sharp waves of the same sensation through my stomach and the rest of my limbs. I start to feel my pleasure with every stronger thrust, I’m panting louder and louder, but at first quietly. I start pushing the theragun as hard as it goes, this spanked my prostate and sent the sharpest pang of wanting to cum I’ve ever felt. My body was shaking uncontrollably, I milk my prostate like this as hard as I can. With each thrust my prostate sends the strongest tickle through my balls up to my cock, as my cock grows bigger in between my legs, I start curling up and fucking myself harder. My dick reaches a fever pitch and is convulsing uncontrollably, dancing, writhing in pleasure.
As my cock is screaming in love, my ass feels insane. Out of nowhere the DeVice goes from tender pleasure , to building up an insane orgasm through my cock and balls, to feeling like the biggest, violent shit ever. My body feels like I’m throwing up or gagging but in pleasure. And I can‘t keep the DeVice in my ass I shoot out a wad of cum and lube fighting the DeVice to stay in my ass, everything it came anywhere near my prostate I would curl up in so much pleasure it hurt.

let me know if you want the details on my second po today

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/srpcd0/had_my_1st_a_prostate_orgasm_yesterday_just_had/


  1. Please share the second one!! I’ve only ever had luck with intense waves, but I’m not sure it was a true super o

  2. You can get a DeVice with a vibrator inside. It’s called a vice. Great fun! They are big though. Hurts going in.

    Also, if you feel pain, I think it’s probably too big for you

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