Need help!

hello everyone
I‘m so frustrated. Since more than 10 years I‘ve been trying and I don‘t get there. The thing is that , as a kid, and long before I discovered my dick for masturbation, I discovered my prostate. It was something natural for me, it felt like magic, I had no idea that it was sexuality. At some point I stopped having super O’s during puberty because feelings had become overwhelming and I was kind of scared of it.

In my mid 20s I started using aneros and basically since then I‘m trying to have this feeling again. Everytime I think that I‘m getting there I‘m starting by zero again and I feel like I‘m just not able to be connected to my body. It‘s so frustrating because I remember the feeling of ecstasy , the pure bliss, feeling “whole“ ,don‘t want to sound dramatic but it feels like a big part of me and my sexuality is missing. I lost it and I‘m afraid that I‘ll never be able to feel it again.

I‘ve been listening to mindgasm on youtube which helped somehow, sometimes I get some shaking in the legs , it feels nice but that‘s it. Don‘t know how to make it bigger. I try to not expect much, try to relax etc… in the end I’m frustrated and sad. btw I‘m using helix trident. I used others in the past , was not any different

Any suggestions? I would appreciate any kind of help and ideas, thank you.



  1. That’s the weird thing about prostate orgasms, there is no one formula to achieve it.

    My only suggestion is to enjoy what each session brings and stay in the moment. I went years without any real results. Lots of great feeling, but it was just within the last year that things really took off.

  2. Seriously have the EXACT same issue, to the point that reading your post, I honestly thought I had stumbled upon an old post I made with a lost account.

    That feeling was insane. I had crazy massive butterflies and quivering muscles, it was bliss and I have not been able to find it since I was going through “the change”. Its really kinda depressing.

    Closest i got was one time with weed and trying to relax my ass to the point of almost feeling like I was super lightly pushing out, and “feathering” my pc muscle… if that makes any sense.

    At least I don’t feel like I’m alone anymore. Nobody understood what I was trying to describe!!!

  3. Don’t forget nipples stimulation. And if weed is legal in your area, use it.

  4. Also don’t try and specifically recreate your childhood sensations. You are restricting what you may potentially feel that way. Go in without expectations.

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