Did I just have several Super O’s?

Just finished an hour long session with my Trident which, from the minute it started was pure pleasure. I had just lay down on the floor on my back with a cushion under my head and foam mat under my butt.

I had been practicing my Kegel exercises in bed last night and this morning and was very horny, so when the family went out, I was ready for some action.

I had what felt like at least 4 dry orgasms (could they have been Super O’s?) with precum leaking out. Each one lasted at least 5-10 secs (I lost count) with me thrusting as each wave hit and had me groaning like a man possessed. The build up each time was so good and pretty quick, it felt like my nipples were wired to my prostrate and I am hoarse from all the moaning I was doing.

I could have stopped without a traditional wet orgasm but I was so elated that I finished with a hand job. The cum shot out and then poured as the Trident continued to pulsate against my prostrate. I can still feel the vibes in my Base muscles pulsing.

I just looked at my Garmin fitness watch readings and for the hour of fun my stress reading was very high – this reflects my heart rate leaping around. My heart rate seems to have peaked at 120 while lying down (versus my resting average of 51), so it definitely got me going – will not have to go to the gym!

I am just so pleased with my progress.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/10w075o/did_i_just_have_several_super_os/


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  2. Congratulations! Sure sounds like Super O to me. Uncontrollable, loud moaning/taking uncontrollably. Only thing that makes me wonder if it was just strong waves, it’s that your asking us. I just finally had my super last week, thought I did before (was just strong waves). After having the Super O, I knew what it was. I was speechless and horny as ever, but completely satisfied and exhausted.

  3. Some people will say a super-o is just the best prostate orgasm you’ve had so far. Others say that when you really have a Super-O, you’ll know without any doubt. I think they’re both probably right.

    Don’t worry to much about classifying it, just enjoy what’s happening. If you start to obsess with having specific types of orgasms, or trying to achieve this or that, it just makes progress harder.

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