A-Less need some help…

So I’ve been exploring mindgasm and A-less for a few weeks now. Around 2 weeks ago i felt like i was making good progress. I had a few moments where i would get p waves and my dick would get hard by using involuntaries, but i never seemed to reach a super o stage

Then i came across this link – https://community.aneros.com/forum/general-discussion/how-to-have-a-less-orgasms-almost-instantly-male-vagus-nerve-orgasms/

I had an amazing experience but i still wasn’t able to reach a super o.

Since that session I’ve been unable to get any pleasurable feelings. No p waves, no involuntaries, nothing.

I haven’t jerked off in a few days now and I’ve been working on meditation but nothing seems to work now. I really can’t get a toy and i don’t have access to weed or THC.

Any advice would be appreciated

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/122uhn5/aless_need_some_help/


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  2. I find that sometimes after a great session I take a step back pleasure wise because I love the feeling so much that in the next session I am trying too hard. You’ll get back to where you were and also advance by managing expectations I think.

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