I can’t anymore. ALWAYS a hands-free wet orgasm. I can do them on command. Please help.

Hello fellow Aneros enjoyers.

I have an Anerox Trident. I’ve been using it for almost two years now (~1.5 to be more precise). I’ve read and read, and read – Aneros forums, reddit, websites. In theory I know what a prostate orgasm is and most importantly that it is not an ejaculatory orgasm. However, whatever I do I ejaculate. Finally I decided to look for help. Here are my experiences. I’ll be as brief as possible. Please help.

I’ve identified two different pleasurable sensations.

One is directly in my prostate. It is always accompanied by an erection. I can clearly push my prostate with a contraction and it always hits the same spot. After a bit of stimulation I ejaculate. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes it happens quickly. I’ve tried the slightest of contractions and they still trigger ejaculations. It is extremely pleasurable. Sometimes I edge it and it’s amazing. But it’s still an ejaculatory orgasm.

The other sensation is more eerie. It’s more expansive and energetic. It is a general feeling in the whole of my pelvis. Sometimes I get it without an Aneros, when I’m usually mentally highly aroused, mostly through thoughts or fantasies and when I haven’t ejaculated for a long time.

Sometimes I’ve gotten this feeling with an Aneros. But as I start to try and find what triggers it I inevitably reach an ejaculatory orgasm. I haven’t found anything that I do that directly correlates with the appearance of that sensation. I haven’t identified a single contraction that when repeated increases the feeling. It flows, in and out, like a wave but I cannot influence it in any way. I think that’s what I’m looking for but I can’t interact with it in any way.

Last time I got comfortable and laid in bed for an hour and a half without doing anything. I waited and waited. I kept feeling the Aneros on my prostate. Nothing. Frustrated again I look on the Internet, found a website with instructions and did exactly what they suggested – hold contractions, tire out my muscles, play, etc. Ejaculation.

What am I doing wrong?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aneros/comments/15q0r2k/i_cant_anymore_always_a_handsfree_wet_orgasm_i/


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  2. Are you circumcised or intact?

    I’m considering a hypothesis: circumcised males feel much less than their intact counterparts in general. If you get an erection during prostate play while being intact, the act of becoming erect stimulates pleasure from the gliding, which leads to ejaculation.

    Circumcised males don’t experience this because their penis feels less in general, and they have no gliding mechanism from erection, hence, their penis is not stimulated at all during prostate play, so they can experience dry orgasms easier.

    Again, just a hypothesis.

  3. Something you may want to consider . Get a chastity device. When I have mine on I will have a better chance at a dry o. I’m not sure if it’s a mental thing or not, but it works for me. This similar question came up a few weeks back

  4. Have you tried to keep going after ejaculation? I can only have a wet O hands on with lots of work even though HFDOs come easily now, but after ejaculating I can keep going and have more HFDOs minutes later.

  5. I had a similar problem and recently tried a tip from another post to put something between your knees when laying on your side. For me this did the trick. It allowed me to relax enough to have HFDO’s and still get a HFWO when I want to finish up my session.

  6. Damn wet orgasms

    I can have wet orgasms literally by touching my nipples and nothing else
    Or if I have a aneros in and I even start to accidently think about orgasms I’ll end up just having a wet one lol
    Even just thinking of stuff or thinking about touching nipples I’ll get 98% to having a wet orgasm

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